Okay, wil do.....
A chat room... Okay, I'm gonna feel SO crappy if there is allready one... but if not, Why not? oh, and btw, why am I not putting this on the idea or whateveritscalled forum... well, I'm scared o.O ^^
Most noying things..... well... 1: Sora :I love roxas, gimme roxas! (and riku ^^ ) 2: Xigbar...well, actually Xemnas...:cos the Xigbar fight is like three times as difficult... 3.Axel: WHY DID HE HAVER TO DIE !!!!! :( :( :( 4:Gummi ships: Yeah... It's all fun to make them...wel not really....but the flying takes too long... [THANK YOU TELEPORT] 5: Axel: WHY??? WHY??? 6: Sephiroth: battle was too repetetive 7: Keyblades:... like, More please? 8:Shields: look up ^ 9:Staves: look two times up and look one time up ^ ^ 10: Axel: BLOODY HELL WHY??? 11: Naminé: one-peice suits don't stand her... ^^ 12: Axel: DIE BLOODY NOBODIES!!! :yelling: :guns: :censor2: Ant those are the 12 things that make Kh 2 a lil more stupid.... And yet the game rocks XD on that, I say: 1:TOTALLY disagree 2:I agree 3:the buttonmashing wasn't that bad... and btw, you have to use some grace too, eh?
Okay,here are some random combo pics of the UNBIRTH. [notice the nobody icone is turned 180degrees] I now I'm rubbishing, but hey! (attachments)
Right....how much fun... The KH manga was kind speedup... I hope KH2 doesnt go so fast ^^
Yeah... but I like my Idea better XD (not being a selfner here ^^)
Wow, what a question. he should be Reno's age + time of being a nobody. ^^
Hmm... I hope for keychains. (keyblade change,ya know) and some for The other organisators... and riku as extra playable character would be a rocker ^^ __ YaaaH __
About : AXEL Axel's real name, is infact ALE. why? Axel was to be based on RENO. and what is RENO's favorite drink? -Nomura said it himself- Fvck...it is nomura, right? otherwis I would feel stuuuuuuuuuuupid... O.o
hey, think again, without darkness, can there be light? we allready know how darkness can overrule the light. but then again,without light, there would still be darkness... then wich is strongest, darkness or light? -here we go again...- __ __ hey, that's smart... i didn't think of the eyes like that!
I'd save them all...even xemnas...cos I wanna know who they really were(so do they,probs) and try to find how I could make them human again...then we would go an kill all the heartlees still alive and capture all the nobodys... happy end ^^
Well, At first I would say it is Final form... but then... okay my favorites from top to bottom and their useage. Valor - 40% Final - 30%(damn, so much drive points...) Anti - 20%(this would actually be my favorite,but it's difficult to get) Wisdom - 10% Master - 0% (except when I was trying to get final) As you can see. I HATE Master (and wisdom too,but the sliding is kinda cool) I LOVE final (but it cost too much) so, in the end we have valor as first choice. and I like anti too, but hey! -my opinion-
In my opinion... a true friend is someone who jumps off a cliff to retreive the hat that fell off your head and says : 'see you on the bottom!' no...just kidding... I myself, dont have ANY friends...because I don't know what a TRUE friend must be... I'v got a friend who I can talk to 24/7 and one that i can tell my deepest secrets... but no... no-one I can call a TRUE friend... except for death! he's cool and that's NOT a joke [see you on the bottom!]
Late answer, but I have it. and play it. and rock at it. and stopped with it, and ifyouwanttoplayillstartitupagain with it ^^
With me, I had 4/5 hours on the Xigbar, whilst killing xemnas in one go... so for me - Xigbar was most hard (issat his name maybe?) btw- [cool, xemnas is yoshimitsu in SC ^^] Anyone got SC IV ? (i know it's a side-question, so get lost)
Very dissapointing... VERY I say... VERY...
Hardest mode,play all songs unlock all drives and kill all [ALL] bosses. get all keyblades, (mushroom and ultima too) and play to end of the game. [btw im not sure it's called mushroom keyblade but heck]
You gave up? why? have you no faith in your projects? see, what you do is work for +- 8 hours, then you stop for the day and do something else... err...like play ps3 (in my case) C'mon. don't give up... you can do it!
hmmmmmm...I like cookies...