Search Results

  1. OverdriveOblivion
    oh yeah, forgot to ask

    is this spam or truth?
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. OverdriveOblivion
    once upon a hearse?
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. OverdriveOblivion
    do you even know this site? it has KH-vids on it so it's called KH-vids....

    oh, and you just take a newspaper lay it down then wait until they get on it than put a glass (drinking glass) on them then transport them to their cage one by one (if they even have a cage)
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. OverdriveOblivion
    erm... watch some KH-vids and dont worry- or just jump and freak and jump and freak and jump and freak..... ect ect...


    truly i dunno
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. OverdriveOblivion

    It is...

    What's an MFrog granola bar?
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. OverdriveOblivion
    if i HAD to chose one... axel.... he's pure awesomness
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. OverdriveOblivion
    Originally Posted by OverdriveOblivion
    Lots... (not in order)

    bla bla bla
    yeah... kinda imaginative eh^^

    (btw i found a list of my accs thats why i remember)

    he is talking about usernames on KHV o_o


    yh i knew. just had to pour it all out -.- im bored and sick (as in fever or haskanitis)
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. OverdriveOblivion
    Lots... (not in order)

    zaq222 (the very first one)
    SilverDash (new Youtube acc)
    Bloodharbringer(myPS3 acc)
    Waterlemonbythe88specialbox (yeah... that was my burnout account xD)
    Lovemelovemenot (my female friend's idea)
    Theriderofrohan(the age of LOTR)
    RIkuthebesterest (those two were in a joke KH forum)
    Amethystkeyblade(Youtube acc 1)

    cool ideas for accounts~


    yeah... kinda imaginative eh^^

    (btw i found a list of my accs thats why i remember)
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. OverdriveOblivion
    It's really Hollow... not hallow, whatever they say, even the chinese trans says hollow. anyway it's not that big of a deal anyway. ^^

    and something else... is it true that BbS is coming in 2010? daaaaaamn... ah well. i'll be happy enough it the Ds-Kh-bundle pack comes in the E.U. ...
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. OverdriveOblivion
    Only 21 words.

    Axel is cool cos reno is cool cos axel is based on reno and reno is cool so axel is cool.

    +5 more words
    And btw he is awsome
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Jul 19, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. OverdriveOblivion

    omg i was so lolmg like aaah! (xD)

    no serious... i really didn't want that in the KH game whatsoeaver...
    not even with demyx dancing^^

    but still good job killing me with the picture^^ it really Foxed My sox
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. OverdriveOblivion
    Congratz, you got this weirdo thread to 7 pages! (unless mine in in the 8th) but still... the characters aren't even bonded really... so who knows if they are gay? cos the "love" isn't so intense as in some of the FF series?
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. OverdriveOblivion
    most difficult are the ones that are coming... I WANT THEM SOOOO BADLY....

    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Mar 11, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. OverdriveOblivion
    says that a nobody can hear her (see sig)
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Mar 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. OverdriveOblivion
    You know... I like demyx too but then... his attacks arn't really my thing..... hu...
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Mar 8, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. OverdriveOblivion

    -N64(broken, and not broken... it's just old ... =( )
    -GBC(omg it's still ALIVE)
    -PSP(broken [screen])
    -PSP slim & lite
    -Wii(well not really mine, but i play hela lot with it... so it counts!)
    -DS(lost somewhere in holland XD)
    -DS(same as Wii)
    -DS(same as Wii...again)
    -PC(Yes, it's a proffesional gamer Pc, so i'd think it would count)

    So that makes Twelve... no...Six...Well...Six are mine...the other Six are not...

    Games i play on...

    PSP-Sid meier's Pirates!;Monster hunter freedom;guilty gear judgement;Ford LA duel;And some more stuff...
    PS2-SLAI;KH2;KH;Crash of the titans(my neice makes me and I catually enjoy it...)SC3
    PS3-HAZE;RE5demo(XD soo much fun);LBP;SC4
    PC-Emulators..lotsa emulators...;Guild wars;Archlord;^^);geez... cant come up with more of my junk that i enjoy to play-use-whatever...
    N64-yes i try... but I only try LOZ:OOT....
    Wii-Making lotsa weird and misformed miis XD

    That's all I can come up with :locked2:

    cant wait for RE5 to come out (PS3) then i can go and :guns: the :cold:

    with an arsenal of :guns::guns3::guns2: and erm... :poke:

    XD -see u!-
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Mar 8, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  17. OverdriveOblivion
    I read buddha ^^ XD

    don't think it's ****... it's VERY cool.... better than Kh.. well the KH1 manga (it went like SWOOF!!!!!) ... :sly::china:
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Mar 6, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. OverdriveOblivion
    Hey, don't blame me.... I dont hae a japanese Ps2 nor Kh FM.... so ijust go with my intuition ^^
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Mar 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  19. OverdriveOblivion
    Cookies? you say cookies? gimme gimme gim... oh yeah, hello ^^

    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Mar 6, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. OverdriveOblivion

    Why does this Website have no chatroom?

    WHY? WHY?????

    just kidding. but I do htink it is important that it has one.... except if you guys are scared of flooding XD ... okay I'll be right back with some server thingys....

    This is the URL to the chat room most of the forums are using...

    COST:[from 0.00 munny to an-allmost-as-much-as-a-pretzel 400.00 munny]

    Okay. I will edit this here spot when there are more chat basesites are found... now Go mods!
    Post by: OverdriveOblivion, Mar 6, 2009 in forum: Feedback & Assistance