Yeah and you also hide under their beds and pretend to be the Boogeyman DX
I dunno you tell me DX
Lolz well that's nice :3 .....I'm bored DX
Lolz XD well practice! Lol sorry I didn't know XD I said before..watching videos..being bored to death...eating..oh and did I mention bored to DEATH?
XD LOL that happens to me alot too Though I can't complain cuz I've been going for a long time and now I'm really good at skating..but my older brother..he's the dumbass at skating XD
Lmao! were you ice-skating?
Lolz what "sit" XD?
XD Lol I'm watching some videos.. Wow..I haven't ben on Gaia for a shitload of time..
Oh relle? well I have..uh..CHOCOLATE! >:3
XD Oh God XD haha I'm fine and you guys!?
Ello everyone!! =D!!
Rebirthing - Skillet
I think Larxene is a not an exactly serious character, she is kinda strong and loves to make people mad (in my opinion..I don't know if I'm right)
Aww thanks :3 wii x3
Yay! thanks =] so who do I ask for uhm..permission to be in the family?
Hello can I join this family? =]
Me either! and yeah Heath Ledger was such a good actor too bad he died =(..
I was gonna see the movie today..but then I found out that the movie comes out at July 23!! this is so unfair! T__T I wanted to go so badly...But then again I still am gonna go xP lolz Dark Knight rules!!
Yeah I agree. But the sketch is pretty awsome! I like it =]
Awww we'll miss you! and our green-ish writting too T___T well..good-bye and I hope everything will work out for you.