Yeah all of them have elements, I like Zexion's =]
Here's the thing..I've never beaten Sephiroth in KH1 or KH2 xD nuff said.
Zomg hies XD another random boy coming aboard eh? Hehe well make sure to read the rules and follow them, post lots and have fun! =] Hope to see you around! oh the Roleplay Arena XD! ~Misa-Chan~ =]
OMG Romeo and Juliet has a very tragic ending.. Also Sweeney Todd has a very sad ending..D=
Uhm..well I think everyone said it..Sora is the main character..and besides he was the one who was gonna open the Door to the Light.
I agree, I didn't even notice either, but as said I guess it's Sunset Hill (I don't think I'm right) besides there's also Beast's Castle which is always night there, same goes for Halloween Town (I think..I don't know if I'm right x___x)
Wow I'm first to say hi for the 1st time XD Anyways HI! and welcome to kh-vids! remember to read the rules and follow them, post lots and have fun! =D Hope to see you around!
I agree Maleficent helped Sora even if wanted revenge with him, and besides she also wanted Org XIII castle C:
Hi and welcome to kh-vids! Remember to read the rules and follow them..and have fun! 8D
I wanna see that movie so bad..but anyways what the heck I am gonna see it this Wednesday 8D =]
Uhm..these facts are like..vero old..sorry
Hello and welcome to kh-vids!! =] Read the rules Don't spam (do it only in the spamzone) Post lots Have fun! =]
Yeah I am new =]
Definetly Riku ^--^
Hi everyone! =]
I forgot to mention the Underworld but I would only go cause of the cups.
Aww =( well come back soon okay? We'll be waiting! =D
Yay! -hugs back- ^w^ omygawd..I LOVE Code Geass especially Zero *---* lulz x3 I'm gonna watch it at 1:00-1:30 on CartoonNetwork x3
Hey! =) wut's up?
omygawdhiguise =3