Have fun on your vacations! see ya when you get back =]
Omg! yay for you! =D have fun on your two week trip!
KH: Throwing boxes at Goofy is fun C: KHII: Hmm..don't really remember
Have fun on your vacations! =D take care!
Xemnas would definetly win..
Well do what you gotta do, besides taking a break is kinda nice once in a while, anyways take care see you soon *waves* =]
I think I'm more Twilight..yeah definetly Twilight
KHI Sephiroth is way much harder than KHII Sephy..
Well..Maleficent still is annoying as much as in KHI but I'm glad I didn't got to fight her again..
Hi and welcome to kh-vids =] Read the rules and follow then, post lots and have fun =]
Hello and welcome to kh-vids!. Remember to read the rules, post lots and have fun =] Hope to see you around!
I'm afraid of the dark..dying..and mostly I get really scared at horror movies..but I always watch them xD
Well bye hope everything works out for ya! =]
Heeeeeellllooooo =D and weeeelcoooome XD to the site! Read the rules, post lots and have fun! Hope to see ya around! <3
Wootz!! I like your namez =] Lols anyways welcome! =] read the rules and follow them, don't spam, post lots and have fun!
Hello and welcome to the site! I guess I have nothing to say..since the others have already said it..read the rules, don't spam, post lots and have fun =] Enjoy your stay!
Hello and welcome to the site =]
KH1: Hollow Bastion..OMG..it was a friggin difficult part for me..since I cound't find my way to the top and I always fell again and again..it really pissed me off Also Atlantica was way difficult for me to swin and also fight Ursula..also pissed me off
Omg..O.o...-comes out of corner-..
O.o....-hides in corner- TwT