LOL! I just went and looked in agrabah and sure enough, there it was, lol i cant believe i never saw it before. Well now that i completed poohs book i was able to make the ultima weapon so now i have every keyblade!! (yes including Fenrir) Thanks
When KH3 is going to be released?? im dying to play it and none of my friends know a date so if anyone does know, please tell me, thanks!
lol, what is this post even about??
wired, mine always glowed green when there was somthing unfinished in it but ive done everything, so i guess i will go back through the world when the fith page is supposed to be and see if mabey i overlooked somthing
I think that when we start out we are somthing inferior like a bug or somthing. And as we keep dying we grow into more intelligent beings until we are human. Then once we die as a human you keep re-incarnating into a human over and over again until you lead a perfect life without mistakes or error.
Gameboy = 75$ or so Game = lol, like 10$
Ok, ive gone to all the places that my strategy guide told me to go to get all the pages, and i did, and its shows that i have all 5 and the book is always glowing green but for some reason the last part of the book isnt there, ive beaten everything in the book before it but it shows i dont have the last page so if anyone could help me out with that because i need the orichalum+ you get from it to make my ultima weapon, so if anyone could help me out it would be appreciated. Thanks.
Riku, very mature, you see no trace of himself from KH1, unlike everyone else where there are still kinda the same person. All in all, Riku Grew the most eventhough everyone grew at least a little bit in KH2
I would have to agree, you hear them talking, then the camera is buried and then...nothing, its over. I thought it was a great movie all the way up until the ending. Because to tell you the truth, i think ANY ending would have been better then the one they had for cloverfield. But enough bashing the ending, it was a great movie, lots of twists you would never see coming, sorta original but not as original as i thought it would be, and the action scenes we're done really well so all in all. 3/5 (ending blew)
defenatly Roxas, seems more mature, kicks some serious ass, and as many people said before me, he could easily beat Sora
lol, the title is a trap for mabey one of the most random threads ive ever seen
lol, first post