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  1. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I do believe music can help you in ways of doing better in school in the case of listening to it unless you really need to concentrate on the material you're studying/learning. Like I know classical music helps me do better in Math (but that's just from personal experience) and I also think if you listen to Japanese songs while working on English, that helps because if you think about it, you can still enjoy the music except it won't intefere with English, if looking at an English study guide...or at least that's what my former English teacher said. XD But he was talking about Mexican music.....
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  2. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Really? Same here....although technically not on this forum/site. But another site....anyway, I don't know why I dream about that. I also have weird dreams about KH-Vids (though I don't know about this site) had this page full of videos and it was like looking a virtual library or something. XD If that made sense...
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I have to say Brave New World, that wasn't one of my favorites sure, it was lengthy and it told a story but I don't know, I just didn't like it. It didn't interest me despite the issue the author was conveying/predicting (or as so explained in my English class) but eithier way, I just didn't like it. It was messed up (imo) in some ways. I mean I liked some of the symbolism and the fact it had John read Shakespeare but honestly I could careless and skipped this book and read 1984 instead. :(
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Literature
  4. axelsoraroxasfan103
  5. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I liked most of it but I have to say Mail Delivery. It's fast-paced and fun. I also like Granstander and Poster Duty (the sound of the slapping poster on the wall make me giddy lol). :P It was quite neat and pretty much, cool.
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. axelsoraroxasfan103
    When Vexen laughs in the Japanese version of RE:COM. Gosh, that cracked me up quite a bit.

    When Larxene laughs because it's like "heh heh heh." but still it's funny to hear. XD
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I agree with you on that although there was a time at school where they had this "hypnotist guy" come in and try to hypnotize my classmates onstage. It seemed like it worked but in the end, they were acting and it was a fraud. As for me, depends on the hypnotist and so forth.
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  8. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I like the the theme, it's pretty sweet. You guys did a great job on it. ^_^; So no worries. I like it! XD
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Welcome to KH-Vids Forums!

    I haven't been here in awhile but eh, it's not about me. It's about you!

    Welcome! Have fun, read the rules, and just get along with others and I'm sure you'll do just as fine. ^^;
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Okay, so I had a crush on this boy since the middle of Freshmen year and I didn't not know his name or anything about him until during the middle of first semester. I never really stared at him until then. He went up to my friend once and asked if I was going out with any other guys and if so, who was going with (since Turnabout was coming up). When my friend told him no I wasn't and why. He said he was curious (though he blushed and stuttered a bit). Question is, he never talked to me after that. He still stares at me from time to time. And I'm dying to just go and talk to him but now I'm wondering does he still like me and or has he gotten over me. Here's what's been happening so far:

    -I get the feeling that he stares at me but not as much.
    -It seems like he's not interested in me as much but still stares alot.
    -He still ignores me but looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking.
    -He seemed to be staring at me when I talk to and or talk about other guys including my guy friends.
    -I was walking in the hallway today thinking he left and then I spotted him with his friends and they were all talking. And I pretended to ignore him and when I walked almost closer to pass by (cuz they were standing in the middle of the hallway). I saw that he had looked but then quickly turned his head away.

    I was wondering does he still liked me and has he liked me at all?
    Thread by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Nov 7, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. axelsoraroxasfan103
    For me I love just more then one, I can't really decide!:

    Movie: POTC, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, Beauty and The Beatst, Mulan, Bambi, The Nightmare Before Christmas, anything Mickey Mouse related, and Finding Nemo!

    Character: Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy. Chip and Dale. I also liked Jack Skellington and Sparrow!

    TV show: Hannah Montana, Suite Life of Zack and Cody and I definately loved
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Nov 4, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  12. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Fantasia 2000!!!!!!

    Fantasia 2000 was awesome! I thought the classical music and cartoons were better then the first one! But it was hard to pick...
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Nov 4, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  13. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Hahaha....thanks I'll try to obey the rules and I'll PM any of you when I can, and I'll try to post whenever I have time go online, but right now...busy w/ alot of hw and projects, so maybe I'll be on the weekend and holidays then?
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Hello guys,

    I'm new here to this forum. Obviously. I have joined alot of other forums but I wanted to join this one. Let's see....somethings about me:
    Well, I like meeting new people, I love KH (isn't obvious?), I like anime/manga. Music is good (yeah I like music), I like art but I can't call myself a true artist. I like animals and I love to talk. I hope I get to know you all an one last thing, please don't judge me. And I hope I enjoy my stay here at this forums, seeing how I love the main website itself! Well, hope to meet you all and or at least meet those who are interested in meeting new people as well!

    Thanks for reading and hope to get to know you all (or some of you)!
    Thread by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 21, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures