Welcome back! :) I left as well and came back too. XD
Oh for some reason I always thought Mary Sue characters were more like: ordinary plain jane girls who are in need of saving and or they can fight...
LAWLZ, that's quite funny. XD...........yeah, I can see how it's disturbing in some ways.
Aw I see. Yup same although I should always have a notebook, so I can write a word I don't get in a book and look it up. XD Thanks, I'm not sure...
If he's not busy and he has the time, I'm sure he'll voice Ven again. I mean if he doesn't have some bigger or other projects going on at the time. I really do hope he voices Ven. I loved his voices and I think he'll probably voice Ven again....hopefully....
Lalalalalaa......oh hey there! XD Why is the internet called the internet?
It's a tie for me. I really like both although Myspace, it has more "your profile" customization feature (you know you get to decide how your profile actually looks) and I'm not really like the new Facebook layout as it takes longer but I do like the applications features on there better although it works for Myspace too but it's better, imo. Otherwise, I like both.
Currently Alana: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce. :P
I'm okay on the graph, depends on the graph. :P I see. Reading as in reading the problems? the graphs? or just plain Reading? XD Yuppers, I...
I hate fractions and long division. It kills me. One minute I'll look at a worksheet and I'll be like ;__; How the heck do I do this again? XD...
Yeah and in college, it's harder. :( That's pretty cool. :D Good luck! I'm sure you'll do okay. Awww..don't cry! I'm sure you can do it. Just...
Yeah...I know what you mean. I was like 'Yes I can wait' except when I went to Math class because I'm not a fan of Math. ^^; Do you have your...
There's this guy that somebody once said, 'Oh are you Nick Jonas' and he's like 'No, where'd you get that idea?' and he's like 'You have his dark curly hair, your face kind of looks like him, and your wearing Converse shoes'. LAWLZ, I laughed but it was at college, a week ago or two. Oh and I had a teacher back in High School, that was confused on the streets for George Clooney , no joke! He even tells us the story of how some women stalk him just to get "his" autograph. XD
I know the feeling....as it was my last year.....last year. lol. I mean especially when the school year goes by so fast! Enjoy it while you can....
College keeps me busy...but I'm procrasinating, which isn't good. XD Okies then, I'll take your word on it. LAWLZ, I see then. XD
I'm great as well. It feels weird since I've been here before but I haven't posted in like 2 years! XD I usually go on another forum, so that...
Your welcome! :) So how are you today?
BLITZBALL!!!!!!! XD Uh can I join? I<3 it. :D
I really like Ariel and Mulan as they can kick butt and they have the strength to fight for themselves. I also like Belle as well as she can see past Beast's appearence and was determined. She was one of my favorite as I loved her and her yellow dress and Paige O'Hara (or however you spell the name) did a good job of voicing her as well as Jodi Benson for Ariel. XD
I saw the entire anime but still haven't finished the manga series although I want to as the anime did disappoint me in some ways. :( I really like Momiji and Kyo. XD