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  1. axelsoraroxasfan103
  2. axelsoraroxasfan103
  3. axelsoraroxasfan103
  4. axelsoraroxasfan103
    It's rare I even watch a live-action movie based on the anime. :/ Ehhhhhh Luke? Um, just wondering who came up with that name to replace the name...Light? The Producers or the writers?
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I might go back and edit my answer as I have yet to play Days but I guess I really like all of the games and it was hard choosing but eithier Kingdom Hearts 2 or Kingdom Hearts: RE:COM. But I do admit I felt excited when I played the first one. It had this "feeling" to it. So yeah, it's hard to pick just one.
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I cannot wait to see this movie. Brings back the old childhood memory. :D
    I'm excited for when it comes out!
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. axelsoraroxasfan103
    One of my all time favorite movies as it was sad but also a great movie that I had to watch in 8th grade Social Studies class, well I think it was in 8th grade, Glory. XD
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I loved Carah Faye (or however you spell her name) and I was sad when she left. The new singer's okay. In general, I really love their songs especially Don't Cry Out and heard many different versions of it. I also like Le Disko, I Owe You A Love Song, and definately You Are The One and Burning For You. I could list more songs but that's few that I really like!
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: Music
  9. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Seriously? Michael Jackson's version was the best and is always the BEST. I seriously don't think she'll ever sound good as him, heck no way. The original is always the best. The fact that Miley's doing "Thriller", now that ruins it. :( I don't think the re-make is even going to be as fun as the original to be quite honest. Thriller should of been and only Michael Jackson's song.
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: Music
  10. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I hate this or that questions as in terms that I like to do a little both rather then just choose one or another. I'm really entitled to doing both but if I had to pick, I guess living longer and eating healthier although I could be indifferent about it. I mean I know we aren't going to live forever but I guess I would like to be healthier in terms of my goals and such and improve me in ways rather if I chosen a short life for myself. I'm gonna have to get used to it if that's the case.
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  11. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Hey there! Welcome back. :D Although....I don't know you and I just came back myself. XD
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Thanks! Well um, you can just shorten it to ASR Fan. XD But thanks and okies then. No worries, I think I joined before you. I think I only remembered like one person here and I saw like 3 familiar faces here as they were on the same forums elsewhere with me but I won't get into that. :P
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. axelsoraroxasfan103
  14. axelsoraroxasfan103
    I like the manga and read what most people have, any other chapters coming out soon? I'd love to see it. XD And yes, the Twister game looks interesting although who's with Demyx? Zexion? It just doesn't strike me as him though if it was.....
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Seriously Gaston. His ego is enough to make him meet his downfall. XD I also thought Edgar was dumb too as he was like 'I can make money and sell the cats' but in the end, he got owned by the cats. XD
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  16. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Land Before Time (that was my very first animated movie that I loved), Swan Princess (I swear that is not Disney), All Dogs Go To Heaven, and uhhhh there was another one but can't think of it on the top of my head, sadly. :(
    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. axelsoraroxasfan103
    Uh, I'm not sure if I should make a thread on this but seeing how other people did so, I decided to join in. Anyway, I was gone for about 2 years or something like that since I was addicted to another site and plus I had alot going on there (even though I left that site for 2 years too lol) but wow, I remember just yesterday I had an account here and decided to come idea why really, just curious about this forum and that I wanted to start fresh again but anyway, um, yeah, I decided to come back and just familarize myself with this place. I hope I'll get used to it in no time. Oh and sorry for blabbing by the way. That is all.
    Thread by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 7, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. axelsoraroxasfan103
  19. axelsoraroxasfan103
  20. axelsoraroxasfan103

    Hai guyz!

    Welcome back! OMG we have somethings in common as well, this is great! :DDDDD
    I love Axel and Demyx as well. :3 OMG Xaldin is not my favorite as well! YAYYYY........ XD

    Oh and I came back but welcome back!

    Can we be friends? :D

    Post by: axelsoraroxasfan103, Oct 7, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures