I loved when they gave me my NinjaWoodStick at hallow bastion the one you have to use on Destiny Islands (: i was like yeaa you can't touch this =P
If it were based on strength it would totally be Goofy. he's always levelin up before I do and fights like a beast sometimes. but then Donald has his wand and can just heal himself, so he'd wear Goof out till he lost.
If it were the older Sora vs Roxas it would be a stand off. they're the same person and evenly matched. kinda but if we're talkin little Sora vs Roxas, I'd give Sora 6 mins before he's K.O. btw isnt Sora like 15 in KH2?
Hi everyone :] If i had seen this sooner i wouldve totally posted here first but i didnt know noobs had this. hehe well im Gabriela. I obviously love Kingdom Hearts, and now that I've found this site i'll probably be on it a lot ^_^
Sora has always been RED for me. Riku is blue Kairi is pink or purple Namine is white Roxas is orange Donald is yellow and Goofy is green.
Deff. when sora finally realizes kairi's heart had been with him all along and he stabs himself with the keyblade. i had been standing and that part brought me to my knees. but Kairi hugging Sora in cute little heartless form and bringing him back made it all better. ^_^
those dang cutscenes. sure they're the shizz when you're all excited and playing for the first time. second time even. after awhile you pretty much wanna blow them up.
He wasn't that bad, but here's why I say he was hard: I could never really get away from him fast enuff when he pretty much self combusted >_< Also he was scary which makes it harder for me to focus. ha
I thought Atlantica was pretty awesome :] even thou its sucha disappointment in KH2. I also loved Traverse Town<3 but overall Hallow Bastion.
Gosh darn. That's hard because I love Namine so i'd wanna be her, but i wouldn't wanna be Kairi's nobody... hmm..
I think the hardest world was Hallow Bastion. That last Riku fight was intense, and getting around was vexing.:bangbang: