I'd run to my best friends house [lives nearby], do our secret handshake, hug the members of my family, and call my bf to tell him i love him. then i'd grab my paintball gun and shoot the mean cat across the street. and then just uhh idk wait maybe?
*claps* yeah no idea what Burger Jack's is, but I give them an A for effort :noworries:
Goofy is a dog. Haven't you noticed the striking resemblence between him and Pluto?
1,433 which is pathetic because to be honest I don't even listen to half of my music anymore. *sigh* I have to stop buying iTunes gift cards.
Accidently chose Peter Pan instead of Beast in the poll. *slaps mouse* but yeah I think Beast was the best ally. His strength really comes in handy when all you've got is that wooden stick that doesnt even work against Heartless. Of course he does ditch you when he gets that vision, I don't blame him because he loves Belle. But he comes back so its all good :]
I thought KH1 was harder. Playing it the first time, I definitely had to fight a couple people twice. KH2 everyone was defeated on like the first try. Not including Demyx [dang time limits] and Xaldin. I used dodge roll so much..probably got poor Sora dizzy.
I like this question :] but uhh I think the closest I can get to is Aerith. a little darker in skin tone tho. hehe but i'm so not as pretty as tht chick. i mean just look at my pro picture.
I was sad too, but not to that extent. Also did anyone notice that Dobby broke his promise? Harry made him promise he'd never try to save his life again (Chamber of Secrets) He broke the promise :'( Well sadly, I know they will definitely murder the next few movies. It stinks that you read an awesome book to be disapointed by the film. When i went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, my friends were like HELLZ YEA this rocks! I wanted to break the movie theater screen. What they should do is film the ENTIRE BOOK, every little detail, even if its 5 hours. THEN they should edit things out, for the movie theaters, and on the DVD put the bonus footage. that would make me S M I L E hehe haha me too. I wanted their to be some intense head on battle. but i guess ive seen to much dragonball z.:fight: Well that's good that there are two parts cause I always find that they leave so much out of the movies.:sideways:
I'm reading that book too :] It's awesome so far. and I was told not to watch the movie because it stinks in comparison.
I just started Eragon and recently finished The Long Patrol.
^^Didnt even know that was possible. Anyway for me it was Traverse Town 43-89. i had the chicken pox lol *cringes at the thought of the itchyness*
My favorite is Passion (the ending version) but there are other songs that are tied for second :] -Always on my mind -Dearly Beloved (KH2) -Sacred Moon -A Twinkle in the Sky -Lazy Afternoons theres too many too list but theres are the top ones :rockband:
I think it's a tie between Magnega and Thundaga. I use them together in that order and it's a massive attack that I love. If heartless/nobodies could cry, they totally would everytime I use that rad combo.:p
That's hard...i mean together they make one whole person. But i'm going to say Sora<3 Roxas is really skilled when it comes to fighting with his keyblades. Also I liked playing as him until Sora was awakened. He's a great character and I loved when this was said: "I wanted to see Roxas. He...was the only one I liked... He made me feel...like I had a heart." —Axel, during his last moments of existence But Sora is just so plain awesome :] He's matured as the games have progressed and he's the keyblade master because his heart chose light. He's a character I totally respect. Plus he's so cute ^.^ *sigh* i love zem both.
Yeah they're definitey a nuisance, but I try not to dwell on it too much. When Heartless/Nobodies are getting me cranky I go on a rampage and just get on a skateboard somewhere and nail them in the face :woohoo:
I have to say Cloud. but i like him better in KH2. aw looks like no one likes Seifer.
I prefer Sanctuary.:bounce: It also goes really well with the opening of KH2. i like it so much that i even have the Japanese version [[Passion]] memorized. :] i dont speak one bit of Japanese. hehe Simple and Clean is awesome too, dont get me wrong, but I found the full version wayyyy to repetitive. The techno mix is better.
Never =0 I never got to play as King Mickey. well actually not true because my friend was playing on his file and when he died that thing that says keep trying (or something like that) came up i clicked it and had to fight. i was totally lost, so im grateful i never got it.
Roxas "You Make A Good Other" I love Roxas' final scene after battling Sora. Personally I thought it was an awesome fight. Roxas is amazing. Also, remember how angry he was at first after realizing he wasnt whole? He wanted to be his own person and I thought he ended the fight rather pleased that Sora was his other half and it kind of left things resolved in his head. That's why its my favorite :noworries:
Least Fave Character: This would be Maleficent. Her whole plan just infuriates me somehow. And she's kinda of a jerk. haha but i guess she kinda does make the storyline better. Least Fave Weapon: I dont even have to really think about it, Sweet Memories. ___useless but cute. Least Fave Member: Demyx. I have little respect for his character. oh and wasnt the question what are your least favorites? everyone seems to be listing their faves or least favorites and most favorites.