I love my Cloud card =] but Dumbo comes in a close second.
I never really use it, but its better in KH2
My first actual language was Spanish. I had to learn English on my own as a second language.
Kairi doesnt bug me nor do i love the girl. I like Namine ^_^
I like Decisive Pumpkin =] But fenrir is number 2 cause of the dang negative combo.
I love Roxas' keyblades. Its awesome playing as him with the two of them when you're fighting Axel. Sadly Sora only has two with drives.
I had heard a member of the cast died but had no idea who it was. This is really unfortunate. May he rest in peace. :'(
Dandy >.< They're making us wait extra long for the movie so it better not disappoint like Order of the Phoenix.
I think this was an awesome observation. Demyx might not have been that evil so that might be why he faded into light. But he did start out fading into the darkness a bit. I guess he might not have committed as many wrongs as the other members. Who knows.
I try and send PMs
I liked them both but I'll never get tired of Howl's Moving Castle.
I can't say it's impossible but I think it's so unlikely. Also it depends on what you think is saying something bad. I personally have no probleming with *cussing*I bet even the most innocent little girl says gosh darnit when she spills her OJ all over the floor, and that phrase can easily be replaced by something else. So I wanna say no...but hey some people do it.
It took me like a week. I'd always open a room like 3 times each just get chased by ze heartless xD
I only watched like one minute of that video. I couldn't take it anymore. To sum it up in one sentence, the reason why teens have problems, teenagers want to grow up too fast. I know 4th graders starting to wear make-up. It's so hard to explain that they're only going to get wrinkles in the end. Also, you said your mom would abort you. If you mean disown, then the mom in that blond chick's case can't do that. If that girl were to go out and actually have that baby, well just think about what it's life would be. But back to what I was saying about wanting to grow up too fast, If teens would just act their age with a certain level of maturity they'd be happier and wouldn't regret it all when they're middle aged and unhappy.
I didn't personally know anyone with my name until just recently. Yeah we became friends kinda, and yeah the convo did start with -on her part- "Like OMG my name's Gabriela too!" I find it to be the wierdest thing sharing a name with someone. I think my name is pretty common but I don't know many people that have it. It's annoying to get called and you both turn around.
Well I snack on mucho stuffz when I read lemme tell yoo. We got your: cheezits, frosted flakes, pretzel sticks, GUSHERS, grapes... and iff im lucky raisins.
I played it on a friend's phone. Working the controls is hard, but I didn't get to see the whole story so i can't tell you if it's good or not.
I actually see her laughing and saying good one.
KHI - Finished that game 4 times. lol yeah i love it. KHII - Finished it like 6-8. lol i play fast and i play a lot.
I hated Powerwild for the heartless and Berserkers for the nobodies ...ah dont get me started.