The storyline is what I love about the game. Honestly I don't usually play games like KH. I'm more of a Heavenly Sword, Halo, Gears of War person. The boss fights is the only part of the gameplay I actually enjoy.
Siddheartha :sideways:
I love the Sephiroth fights xD
Under the Sea Circle of Life You'll Be in my Heart<3 *starts singing horribly*
Bambi's mother dying, Mufasa's death and when Simba was hugging him right after, Seeing Tarzan's dead parents (a couple tears), && thats all i can think of.
I voted for the Lion King <3 I named my pit bull mufasa - lawl but my fave is The Little Mermaid<33 wasnt on ze poll -__-
this is :spam:
Markattack - Infinite Possibility<3 I didn't have to think about this one at all x]
She is AMAZINGGG but I guess it's just a matter of taste. Which her haters dont have... Did I say that?
Got the link for the US?
I adore horses. They're such loyal, strong, beautiful animals<3
"You're lucky, Sora. Looks like my summer vacation is over" this line from Roxas made me sad, and pretty much started the actual game-playing in KH2.
This is so cool ^.^ I love that book, and the movie looks like it'll be good.
Wrong section. Might wanna try The Code Vault :]
Well he's the leader of the organization. They wouldn't make it that easy to get rid of him.
I really really hate counterattacks. Actually no thats a lie, i hate repetitive counterattacks. Damn I just had a really annoying Dragonball Z Budokai flashback T__T
Guitar Hero<3 && i dont think I've ever played a game without seeing like a preview first. None that I can remember have really sucked.
First time around I just wanted to get into the game so i left at level 5. Now I'm on 17.
My favorite was final form. I'd go to the World that Never Was and just go ballisitic but not in an angry way. I got the most synthesis items with it :]