Welcome! ;D
Hey there ;D
In Gears of War the first beserker always scares me, even though its so dumb.
Hai ;D tiz one hawt pic of Jesse yoo gots there *wipes drool*
I wasn't a big fan. Took me awhile in the beginning to realize using sleights makes you lose the first card in the combo... T__T I'd be left with one card and wondering why. But anyway the fighting wasn't that bad. More running room woulda been nice seeing as the fattie bandits take up basically the whole screen.
This topic has left me pretty scarred. Axel...Riku? or Sora...Roxas? :nonono: Sora and Namine on the other hand would look cute :3
I'd say I'm pretty agile. x] i come out of nowhere and attack. but going nuts comes in a close second.
This should be interesting... well galbxiera gelraxbia lragixbea and it just gets worse..
Hai :] hows it going?
welcome! ;D
I loved fighting Riku all those times =] nothing really bugged me that much so I just picked the last option. Also, his taunts always cracked me up. But when he kicked me off the island it was on T__T
yeahh ^_^ when i saw my second gem i was like =0 =0 =0 fo meh? 8DD but im still so noobish.
Welcome! *glomps*
I think we have friends because we find someone that is nice company and little by little as trust builds you want them to be around more and a friendship forms. I think we have friends because humans are just tend to be naturally social. As for enemies I really wouldn't know, but someone's opinions and traits would probably make you dislike them.
Heyy 8DD and yeah I did have fun seeing my friendsz at skool. but I had spent most of my summer chillaxin wiff dem n e way So do yoo know how...
My favorite storyline was that of KHI. It was so well established, and even though you basically go around looking for Riku & Kairi I still loved it<3
weapons: the sword (power warrior) the shield (power guardian) the staff (power mystic) Questions/answers: what do you want outta life? to see rare sights to broaden my horizons to be strong what are you so afraid of? getting old being different being indecisive what's most important to you? being number one friendship my prize possessions