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  1. Xendane
    "I say, I'm fi- OOPS!" Ragnarok said as he slipped from the Rogues' grips and hit his face on the ground, hard.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xendane
    "Oh nonsense! I'm fi-WOAH!" Ragnarok said, falling after his first step.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xendane
    Start any time.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xendane
    OOC: Since I'm not too good with computer animating, I can't brag here. Max made it for me.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xendane
    OOC: Heh heh, Halo 2 King of Combat: Xendane the Pistol-whipping OMGodley awesome.

    BIC: Ragnarok blinked, looked up, then nodded his head from side to side as if to say "Meh, okay". Giving him the gauntlet, Ragnarok said "This had better work."
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xendane
    NOTE: To anybody reading, HSAKS basically stands for Head Shot And Killing Spree. This name is my team's name in Halo 2 when I feel like playing capture the flag with like, a million other people. We consider ourselves a Stand Alone Complex because we never help each other out and we just kill freaking EVERYTHING in sight.

    This takes place in the city of Middletown. At this time, there are two warring groups: The first is the Hell Rising, the second is Hell Bringer. In the midst of the madness, a small police force group, if you want to call it that, formed called Override Omega, basically a SAC, or Stand Alone Complex made up entirely of untrained civilians pressed into the combat because of the shortage of officers. We don't know how they continuously do it, but these people somehow enact the best techniques of fighting seen. It still isn't enough to get rid of them though. At least, we don't think so. But, then again, our forces are trained pros who died after merely a strike to the head. These people are unpredictable, inexperienced, almost heedless to advanced orders. We believe the first word is what leads them to victory so much.

    As of now, our once peaceful city has become a total wreck, and has fallen into chaos. Those who aren't warring gangs are blood thirsty angered civilians, Override Omega, or thieves. We hope our newest installment of Override Omega members can help ward off the danger in this town. Right now, we probably need it.


    1. You may have two characters
    2. You may only have weapons like those of Denva and Dunkhov, plus one more gun if you wish.
    3. No god modding
    4. No power playing
    5. There are no laser swords, so that does not count as a weapon
    6. The template listed in the RP below is meant for both O.O. and either of the warring groups, if you wish to be one.

    7. You must give your characters special code names. Mine are Spartan 380 and Spartan 270. Think of anything you want here, just not God or something like that.

    8. Be sure your characters can fight and don't have to be put in intensive care as soon as they get attacked. That's just plain annoying, and front liners don't immediately get put into I.C. after one hit. Come on, be serious. -_-''

    RP(start any time)

    "Woah, hey, watch it!"
    "DUCK! Grenade incoming!"
    "Gah! They have Cocktail bombs!
    "Don't just stand there, SHOOT!"

    These were common shouts along the field of battle.

    Name: Denva Rostovich
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Native Tongue: Russian
    Weapon: Assault Rifle, Pistol, SMG machine gun(x2)

    Appearance: White vest over sky blue short sleeved shirt, blue jeans with tons of pockets, black steel toed boots, black fingerless gloves, bar-tanned skin, brown shoulder length hair, black eyes, and about 4.5 feet tall.

    History: Denva and his two year older twin sibling, Dunkhov Rostovich, were just newly pressed into service as of now and are experiencing their first time in front line combat. Since they were originally born in Russia, they have experience from the Martial Art, Sambo. But after the horrible events that destroyed Earth and forced the survivors to move themselves to the recreation of Earth, Earth 3, Denva and Dunkhov have been living in Middletown with no place to use their combat skills. Until now.

    Name: Dunkhov Rostovich
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Native Tongue: Russian
    Weapon: Assault Rifle, Pistol, SMG machine gun(x2)

    Appearance: See Denva's description

    History: His history is basically the same as Denva's. No explanation needed.

    Denva and Dunkhov surveyed the field of battle with their Assault Rifles ready. Denva looked at his brother and nodded, and Dunkhov returned the gesture, and the two of them ran into the madness, shooting wildly and making sure not to hit their own team mates. Denva occasionally got skimmed by a bullet, but he immediately shot down whoever came at him. Dunkhov took close range combat tactics, leaving many of the rogues what he called "Sambo-ed". Meaning they were crumpled up corpses.

    Denva beat down several men with his gun, knocked out a few rogues and rammed his gun into their necks, jump kicked them and brought them down in a headlock using his legs and strangled them and so on. Occasionally, he would take a guy by the arm, pull the poor person towards him, and then kick him in the ribs, killing him slowly. While Denva showed little mercy, Dunkhov showed none.
    Thread by: Xendane, Mar 19, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xendane
    OOC: Before I begin... LOOK AT MY NEW SIGGY!

    BIC: Zephyr walked pass Jasmine without a glance, Abyss close behind.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xendane
    Alright, you're in too.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Xendane
    name: Parora, aka Michael Von Helson
    age: 17
    race: Human
    gender: Male
    weapon: If you look closely, this guy has strange green things going up his arm from his hands. They can make any weapon of choice available in the human realm. That is, the weakest weapons...

    appearance: White shoulder length hair, blue eyes, blue shirt(sleeveless), black jeans, white gloves(to channel energy from hands), red shoes(sneakers). A bit of a British accent.

    personality: Battle-hardened. Calls himself "King of Combat".

    history: He has no memory of his past and can only remember the surgery 4 years ago that implanted the green things in his arms. There was a time and day where he had to fight a Vampire, but when he went to defend himself, a deafening shockwave followed by a green energy bolt shot out of his hand and obliterated the opponent. The other opponent came and a Katana appeared in his hands. Since that day, he has not had control over his hands and arms, and they act as his Ultimate Defense.
    side: Good
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xendane
    Ragnarok let out an audible "uuugh" and said "The Magicians don't HAVE a tracking spell yet!"
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xendane

    The clones

    What, the movie or this thread? Or something else?
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xendane
    I think you're looking for Spam Zone Playground for this thread.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Xendane
    Because they hate you?
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xendane
    Link doesn't work. again. -_-;;

    And the rule about magic I follow is that there are no restrictions to magic. So that means take whatever ability you want... Just make sure it doesn't power play against other characters is the thing.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Xendane
    "Stay where you want, I'm gonna' kill that guy and get Semorashi's sword back. I made an oath to him. He made me keep it. The oath was that if he were to die fighting that I was to protect his sword with my life or my life be forfeit... he always spoke in little riddles like that... and I intend to keep that oath. I'm getting that sword back." Ragnarok pursued the strange man without so much as a glance at the assassin behind him.
    Post by: Xendane, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home