Blush of doom?
9th: You just want to see me sweat, don't you? Oh well, whatever. Flight This feeling... Our dreams revolve around it. We believe we can touch the blue of the skies, Feel the clouds brush through our hair, The wind whisper across our faces... We dream of birds Flying side by side with us; A pointless fantasy, Yet we still dream it. We dream a dream so sweet, So peaceful, That even our minds must revert To a restful zen... And this dream may yet become reality, What with our planes, helicopters, rockets... Maybe, in the future, We will live our dream To its fullness... Maybe, we can master That fantastic feeling of flight. "Flight" was made when I had that flying dream everybody has when they're younger. Except for R3c0Nzi13, he had a car driving dream as a kid. How odd. Mystical We all believe that magic is a fake, That it would be illogical; Yet, still, masters of this strange technique Linger in our world, Showing us the mystical power Of magic. Illogical, yes, But does that matter? Can't science let Magic alone, And not crush the dreams of children? Far too long, I heard these words: "Stop fantasizing, stay in the present" Well, maybe I should stop daydreaming, But what of those of younger age? Can't they dream? So, I say, Let the Mystics say what they will, Let the youth dream, Let Magic be ever-present In our oh-so-colorful world. We could all use a break From the common scientific truths, We could all use the chance to escape Into our own world of fantasy, Where scientific truths are about as important As brushing your hair on a Saturday morning, When you've nothing to do of any importance. It's our fantasy, Let us dream it. "Mystical" was written back in 2007 when I got bored and felt like writing something, but couldn't be bothered to write a full-on story. This was the next best thing. And if you haven't yet guessed, I'm a free-verse poet. One more for you: Memories I remember those days, When you and I, Without a worry in the world, Would run about the field, Laughing, as though it was the funniest thing; I remember when you said you loved me; It seems so long ago... How I wish I again had those days, As I now sit on this doorstep, Writing this lonely poem On a pad of blank paper, Decorating the border as I go; If you were here, You would fall head over heels for this work; But now you're gone... And I feel nothing but loneliness and boredom In my saddened heart. Oh, those memories, They bring me joy, yes; But nothing, I repeat, nothing, Nothing can replace the true feeling; Not a memory, nor a word, nor a picture. There is nothing that amounts to the real thing, And I wish I knew that sooner. Each day, I see you pass me on the street, Not even a glance my way, As you talk into your cell phone With a fake smile, To your "girlfriend", Who I sincerely doubt to be a true friend. I hold nothing against you and your choices; It's your life, I've no business tampering with it. But... If given a second chance, I myself would change... I would not push you away, Tell you that this friendship cannot be, Sadly give you the last gift I'll ever give, That you still yet wear in your hair; In those delightful days, I would never shy away from a conversation with you; But now I find no strength to speak. I used to be kind, But my heart locked itself away when you left; I used to be the smartest one you'd ever met, But now I stare stupidly at you as you pass me by. Maybe, this poem Will reunite us, Rekindle our friendship, So that my loneliness will fade; Ah, but one can only dream. I know now that it is far too late... So, I will do myself a favor, And live on, Not as a sad man, but a happy man. Just as you, I will make new friends, Find a new love, Live a new life; But, for old time's sake, I'll keep a small locket in my heart With your picture in it. I believe this to be a fair compromise, Because we both know we'd hate to see each other saddened. "Memories" was written in dedication to my best friend, Grace, who now lives in Texas. We still see each other, but it's never that often. Well, that was three more for you, I hope you enjoy reading them. And I'll post even more if you wish. I kinda' like doing this. It's better than sitting around doing nothing, I'll say. :D EDIT: Okay, I lied, I have to put this one up. It's been nagging at me all day long. Feelings Our feelings define us, Shape us, Style us, Make us the people you see; Our feelings send the message Of what we experience; "I am happy, therefore life is good" "I am angry, therefore nothing is right" "I am frustrated, therefore nothing makes sense" Our feelings show our true colors; Red, the color of anger Green, the color of envy Blue, the color of intelligence White, the color of good Black, the color of ill intent; Our feelings are what make us human, Truly human, And not just an empty shell, Pointlessly following orders, Never fighting back, never asking for more; These are not people, They are merely puppets, Puppets controlled by strings; Our feelings let us know That we have a purpose; That we do indeed matter, And that we are important enough To be given such gifts Our feelings bring us together, Friendships forged, Lovers united, Enemies scorned; Our feelings effect us In ways we've no words to explain... Our feelings; Without them, we are nothing. "Feelings" was written for my art class, when we were told to make something related to the colors of emotions. I made this and got an A+ on creative word play, and a note that said, "Very nice, but this project required a picture to go with it." Whoops, heh heh...
Well, they're all similar because that was the theme for the three of them. Except Angelic, I wrote that as a Valentine's gift. And who are you trying to fool? I've seen your poetry! You're better than me, if nothing else. BTW, it seems people are enjoying Angelic more out of the three. Probably because it's a tad more upbeat than Lies and Visions.(Both of which made R3c0Nzi13 cry)
You know what the funny thing about this story is? It's not all my work alone. Me, R3c0Nzi13, 9th Genesis, and Ryu(yeah yeah, laugh it up)all had a say in this story. Ryu, being the artist, did the visual description, I wrote the story, Leif typed it, R3c0Nzi13 did the editing, and 9th Genesis put some style to it. But, not a lot, since we suck at animation. Anyhow, here it is. Turn the Key, And Behold Written by: Xendane,9th Genesis,R3c0Nzi13, and Ryu Kasakagi 1. The "Key", as it was so carelessly called, wasn't actually a key. It was more of a person. A person with a weapon. A weapon shaped strangely like an over sized key. No, the days of Sora had long passed. Now, newer generations gave existence to another... ...Haru. It wasn't any real mystery of how Haru had gotten the Keyblade. It happened just as it had happened so many ages ago for that boy, Sora. Late one night, his home was attacked by Heartless; his best friend turned evil, the girl he knew stolen. In the darkest of his trials, the Keyblade appeared, and a voice whispered to him, "Fear not for your life, for you bear witness to the strongest of all weapons that has ever existed. You are the wielder of the Key to the Light." Well, needless to say, Haru was dumbfounded. He, of all people, wielding the Keyblade? No, there must have been a mistake. A mistake, yes. It wasn't him, it was... ...him. Haru shook his head. No, that wasn't right. It wasn't supposed to be him, it was supposed to be somebody else! Why was he chosen? Why not somebody more deserving? What had he done to deserve this? Alas, poor Haru had little time to contemplate on the matter. A gigantic black... thing... had appeared, and carved out of its torso was the shape of a heart. A rather large heart. A dark hand came crashing down on Haru, but the boy had long since been a master of one crucial ability: Dodging. It was his ability to dodge that led him onto the wrist of the beast, running up its arm, and carving a blinding scar into its head. The light that was emitted from the gaping wound was bright enough to send Haru to his knees. That is, if there were a floor to place his knees on. The stained glass platform he had been standing on gave way, and both he and the beast of darkness plummeted into the dark abyss below... ~End of prologue~ If you guys enjoyed this, please tell me, so that I can put up the other parts we've gotten done so far for you. If you haven't guessed yet, the experience Sora went through is suddenly looping around and taking hold of the unfortunate Haru, who really wants no part in this whole thing whatsoever, but has no choice. Basic summary for you, there. :D
Wow, I don't think I could write something this good. I'm no good with rhymes, so it's not like I'd try, but still!
These are some poems I wrote. I thought you guys might enjoy them, so here you go! Visions... We all wake up, We all witness The coming of day And nothing less. But we never consider... What if day didn't come? What if we were stuck in an endless night, To which there was no awakening? Such thoughts are discarded, Thrown away, forgotten Subjects changed on the spot. We dare not think of the future, And the horrors that may come with it. The mind of humans Will not allow it. It Forbids thoughts of the future, Forbids words of another life, Forbids talk of death. But still, I ask, What would happen, If we all woke up, But never truly awoke? What then, may I ask, Would humans do? Would we sit and cry, Until the tears ceased? Would we fight amongst ourselves, In hopes that somehow, An answer will come? I ask you again, dare we think Of things that bring sorrow? Dare we speak Of painful memories? Dare we acknowledge That the future comes In the most horrifying fashion? What should be said Of these strange thoughts? Be I a crazy man? Be I insane? Or be I a dark prophet? Yes, say what you will, But none can escape The dark truth: Brighter days Do not exist In the dark storm That is The visions, The visions of the future. That poem was written for my poetry class at one point. It's not really supposed to make much sense, since the idea was that it was supposed to be confusing, but at the same time somewhat scary. I think that this was one of my first poems. Lies We all lie to ourselves, We watch the days go by, And we walk around and lie, We cannot trust ourselves. It is a talent humanity never needed, A gift not wanted, An ability not intended to be learned. Why do we lie to ourselves? Why do we do this? Is it because we know That the truth Hurts more than it heals? Or is it because We can do nothing more Than spout lies left and right, Thinking nobody will see through our phony disguise? Yes, we tread these grounds, This "Mother Earth", And our words are those of fools. "We wish to help," "We want to know," This nonsense Can only come From the one being who possesses it: Humanity, And all of its talents. It is a sad, sad truth, The only one we may ever know, That humans lie, And the truth never sees the light. A sad truth, indeed, That I have released unto you, All you liars and fools, All you thieves and criminals, So that you may see... ...See what, you ask? See the words of truth, See a new color Than the darkness of false words, See a bright youth, And not a darkened adulthood And maybe, Just maybe, So you, too, Can see how much easier it is To speak truth, And not lies "Lies" was made during a day when I got hit by the Depression sickness that's been jumping around my side of town. I made R3c0Nzi13 cry, because he was editing it for me, and therefore had to READ IT. I'm not sure if he was crying in agony or if it was tears about how beautiful it was. He never tells me that stuff, so I guess we'll never know. Angelic All our human lives, We know naught but devils, And never see this fabled being, This "Holy Angel", Of whom stories so heartily speak We see only dark, And never once witness The brilliance of Angelic Light, Never see the good, Only the bad. But I, not I! I wish to see the good! To pass the threshold That divides Good from Bad, To witness this Angel So often spoken of! I want to know What Angelic light feels like! I wish to feel What others may never feel, The comforting hands Of a caring Angel... And so, I set off! To see only the good And never the bad, In whatever form possible, Whatever words able to be spoken, Whatever steps needed to be taken, Whatever thoughts need be thought... I know not how long this journey is, Be it a day or a year? Be it a week or a month? A second or and hour? A lifetime or an Eternity? Is there an end, Or does the road continue, Until all roads disappear? One may never know... ...Certainly not I. "Angelic" was written for my girlfriend. It just seems to fit her so well, never seeing anything wrong, always happy, not really caring about the bad stuff, so I just had to do this. Coincidentally, it was Valentine's Day when I gave it to her, but I meant to give it to her on her birthday, which was the day AFTER Valentine's Day. Early gift, then? Tell me what you think of these, and if you want, I'll even put up more for you. I'm open for any critiques, but try not to be mean about it. I gladly accept if I did something wrong, but don't continue to shove it in my face. It's really rude, and I usually get the idea the first time. Enjoy! :D
And while lilbueno's off doing that, I'ma throw in a weapon for the hell of it. Username: Xendane Name: Sam Age: 18 Gender: Male Side: Weapon Power: "Railgun", which is sort of like a kamehameha thing. Appearance: (Yes, I know he's not wearing a shirt. He's just cool like that, leave me alone.) Bio: When Sam was created, he was one of many other experiments who had tried to escape. But, to his misfortune, he was captured and remade into an Omega weapon. Now, he still is planning his next escape, but in the disguise of a weapon who never disobeys orders.
Really, Emmet(R3c0Nzi13), must you constantly quote me? And belittle me at the same time? God, I hate you.
Forgotten Hymn: He quotes everything, it's just one of his many bad habits. I would know, I'm both his friend online and in reality. Heck, I bet he'll quote me as soon as he sees this post! And by the way, Emmet, you're missing something: Normally, in Epics, the hero/heroine is typically shown as a strong-minded being, and not somebody pulled off the streets who suddenly becomes a hero, like many of our stories portray. Take Beowulf, for example: The guy busts in and starts bragging about his skills. Perseus was the son of a god, Achilles was almost immortal, Odyssius was told how to defeat the Trojans by a god, you see where I'm heading with this. It's just typical that heroes/heroins are portrayed as already powerful and well-known beings, not just any old street hoodlum. Minor mistake, no biggie.
Well, you've got the basic idea down, Emmet, but what I think you did wrong was, one: you weren't thinking or studying the subject in and out completely, and two: You didn't know how to put it into writing. If a nuclear exchange did happen, contrary to what Jiku Neon says, it would take a few years for it all to finally end, because one, the governments wouldn't just bomb everything they saw. They neither have the weapons enough nor the insanity to do something that drastic. After a few trade-offs, then they'd stop the nuclear exchange and revert back to normal warfare; we have more men and weapons for that, whereas we only have so many nuclear weapons. So yeah, basic idea's pretty well made, but you didn't know how to write it correctly, and you didn't think it all the way through and research it before you started writing. Better luck next time, Emmet.
You're about to have nostalgia shoved up your nose, Emmet...
Emmet(I refuse to call you by your username): Already covered that. Arch: Ah, the memories... Ambriosa(is that right?): Maybe it was a different person, because I never did get banned. I got into a fight at one point, but all that happened was me getting a warning. The Doktor: I never recalled seeing you around either. We may have been members at different times.
It's come to my attention that when I joined, I never made a "Hi, I'm a newb!" thread. Well, now that the new kids(R3c0Nzi13 and 9th Genesis)managed to drag me back in to this place, I guess I might as well make one for the hell of it all. Hi, I'm Xendane. And I'm sure a lot of people already know me. Oh well. Instead of divulging into all the stuff people like to hear, since I've already been here... a long time, let's call it, I'ma just gonna' say I'm back, both from Russia(my home country) and from not being on. A LOT has changed since I left, and I'm pretty much positive I'm now officially out of the loop with most-to all-subjects, so I'm probably going to spend the bulk of my time in the Original Work section of the Creativity Corner, or I'll be hanging out in the Fantasy/Sci-fi section of the RP Corner or whatever it's called. Feel free to freak out about me finally getting back on, do what you want, but this is about as social as I'm going to be for the remainder of my time here(which is until I leave again). Although, you will be able to check my profile for weekly updates if you wish. ~Jason Haley, aka Xendane
Wow, nice sig, Emmet. You know damn well I never said that. So uh... this feels weird, but welcome to the site, read the rules, make friends(If you don't, I'ma kill you with my Xendane-y wrath!), have fun... ...And thanks for getting me back on. I think I owe you one. Tell 9th I said hi.
Ah, it has been a LONG time... Username: Xendane Name: Mark Age: 17 Gender: Male Side: Experiment Power: Speed Appearance: Bio: Created in May of 2887. Used mainly for quick apprehension. Escaped in June of 2887. Currently at large. Targeted by Weapon: Omega-Alpha 2.
Cr*p. And here I'm not even on that often and I heard about it. Damn shame. (As my dad used to say before he passed on, "That guy must be up there enjoying a good laugh and making use of his favorite hobby.") I can't really say that I'll be able to make it in time, or that I'll even be on, but I'd like to help as well.
M'kay. Um... Pfargtl?
Encrypted message stolen from Jason Haley's secret files by well, himself: {[BEGIN LOG]} Day 1: Current mission: Assassinate Sibrand Status: incomplete Objectives: Find and assassinate Sibrand in whatever fashion possible, remember to remain alive, and then return the blood of Sibrand to the head of the Assassin's Bureau. Current progress: Horrible. Got lost and killed by guards twelve times. Thirty of them will always kill me. Yep, I have Assassin's Creed, and if you didn't have a clue what this RP was about beforehand: Well, you do now. And, to put it simply, you will have to rank up just as Altair did every mission. To those who have not played the game: Well, you're screwed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Story: Mr. Marks, having learned from Lucy that he was currently being held by Templars, freed himself by killing Al Mualim. After that, he decided to take up position as an Assassin. Taking the name Altair, as was the name of his ancestor, Mr. Marks continued where his ancestor left off with the quest of an assassin. Meanwhile, in what once was Masyaf, some friendly assassins have remade their city and have decided to begin training assassins again to continue the fight against the Templars. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short story, yeah, but oh well. It's not like you're gonna see me make the Assassin's Creed symbol. Impossible. OC TEMPLATE: Name: Age: Gender: Assassin rank: (Before it was removed, and current rank.) Weapons: (If you play by the AC rules, this should be no problem, only a few weapons available.) Special abilities: (I know, I know, this seems ridiculous. But hey, what do you call Eagle Vision, huh?) History: (Include: Cause of rank removal, and personal background, and why you were sent to re-obtain the rank you lost) Mine: Name: Xephas Age: 15 Gender: Male Assassin Rank: Before removal, level seven rank. Current rank, student level one. Weapons: As of now, only fists. Will obtain hidden blade soon. Special abilities: He somehow inherited the Eagle Vision History: He was one of the most professional Assassins at such a young age, but his arrogance and refusal to comply by the rules of the creed had that rank removed by the head of the assassins, Hir Fasachif, who took up Al Mualim's place when he was assassinated by Altair. Hir Fasachif's way of relieving Xephas of his rank was by stabbing him in the gut and then reviving him. Xephas didn't know why it was done, but he did recall that the same events had happened to Altair long ago. Xephas has now been sent to find a new traitor in the city and to beat the information out of him so that Hir Fasachif can have his do with him. Rules: 1. Only my character is allowed to follow the exact story of Altair, with some minor differences. Everybody else does their own thing, has their own missions, etc. etc. 2. Nobody except Xephas is allowed to have more than 20 throwing knives. Xephas needs them quite often. 3. Your characters are allowed the following default weapons: 1. Hidden Blade, located on wrist just under palm of hand, used for finishing blows or stealth kills. 2. Sword, used for main combat. 3. Short sword, used for defeating multiple enemies. 4. Throwing knives, for stealth kills. 5. Fists, for snot beating out of. All other weapons are to be custom. But please, no alien technology like summoning or crap like that. You guys aren't in the freaking Animus, so there's no need. -_-;; 4. Every time you assassinate somebody, you don't necessarily need the hour long chat in the subconscious, but you can have it happen if you want. 5. No matter how much you'd like to think so, Leap of Faith is an ability only to be used to make enemies believe you've commit suicide, or it's only used to make the scene of you assassinating somebody more dramatic. Think action here, people. *Wink* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Encrypted message from Jason Haley's files, stolen by Jason Haley: {[ BEGIN LOG]} Day 2: Current mission: Assassinate Sibrand Status: Incomplete Objectives: Assassinate Sibrand Current progress: OH MY GOD, HOW DO I GET AWAY FROM THESE DAMN TEMPLARS?!
Define "Hurt". Because I think "OMG, MY LIMBS ARE ON FIRE! AH! I CAN'T REMEMBER MY OWN NAME- OMG, THAT GUY'S EYE POPPED OUT OF HIS HEAD!" pain. The guy who's eye popped out of his head nearly died. He's permanently blind in the left eye now. Anyhow, you're in.
France... LITERALLY kicked my ASS. I got into a wreck that nearly killed me. I now suffer from back pains, recovering broken limbs, and Amnesia that happens every 30 seconds. I was lucky. I can't say the same for two of my friends who were with me. I don't want to go into detail about how bad it was for them. One had my injuries plus loss of peripheral vision. The other... well, he would've died if not for me. But, enough of my explanations about what happened while I was gone, on to the RP.(This RP was thought of after the crash.) S~~~T~~~O~~~R~~~Y There was once a point in time where the Light was the greatest of all forces. One thought nothing could destroy it. But, as depicted in the Prophecy of Lucifer, the evil king, the Light fell to Shadow. Chaos erupted from the pits of hell. The Light was nearly destroyed. Countless died. Many more went into hiding... One such person was Crimson, a young boy half taken by the Dark, half taken by the Light. He was the flaw of the Prophecy of Lucifer. Though he did not know it, Lucifer's prophecy stated this: Behind the Light, the shadow will become the nightmare of the living. One who is half consumed by both forces will rise to stop this force and succeed, or fail, if the circumstances are too great to handle. Though neither Crimson nor Lucifer noticed this flaw, Crimson began to feel a sudden surge of power as he progressed. I was then he knew of the Prophecy's full meaning. Now he intends to take down Lucifer at all costs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You don't honestly expect a kid who has 30 second Amnesia to come up with any especially GOOD stories, do you? Besides, I was put on bed rest and don't completely remember the story. This is where the phrase "BLANK SPACE" comes into play. Anyhow, here's the template: OC FORM Name: Age: Gender: Side: (Light/Dark) Weapon(s): Appearance: Other: When I remember what my guy's profile is, I'll edit.