Shut up, Jack. BTW, we need AT LEAST two more people to start, and it would be nice if it weren't all guys like some of my other RPs ended up...
NO! I will NEVER be happy, you suave-voiced FIEND!!! (JK, you're in.) (Hey, why not we drag Jack's butt on?)
Yeah, sure, no biggie.
Okay, so, how about this? User name: Xendane Name: Siro Maylin Appearance: Weapons: Shotgun(2 shell), and this knife: Country: Mazar Where are you now: Near the Mazar wastelands Bio: When Mazar fell, Siro was quick to pack light and get as far away from the wreckage as possible. Now he returns to see if there are any survivors to help him enact his revenge. Skills: Combat, Stealth, Survival instinct Other: None, other than his hearing, which is better than most. The End
(Whoops, forgot about that... my bad.)
OOC: Ah, yes. I forgot. My apologies. Wait, I thought you had a day off today?
OOC: If Emmet ever gets off his lazy butt... I have a Karate class to be at in two hours, so I'm not gonna' be on very long.
Jack, I'm only gonna' say this once: YOU. ARE. A. PRICK. Well, since you asked for it... Remember Me? Do you remember me? I used to be your friend, The one who always comforted you When you were down; I used to be your guardian angel, Careful to never let you waste your life; I used to be your mind, Giving you information That you might otherwise not have; It was always me to respond to your questions, It was I who gave you shelter when you were lost, I gave you food when you were hungry; And now look what you've done... You've repaid me by throwing dirt in my face, Smashing my head in the wall, Laughing at my expense; You always blame me for your shortcomings, Never taking responsibility; You made friends, Friends who only like you because you want to fit in; I gave my life for you, And you threw it all away. But I hold no hate towards you, Neither spite, nor vengeance; I only wish the worst to come of you, So that you may learn an important lesson; I will always be your friend, Even if you make my life miserable, Because you don't mean to do this, Yet you need to be set straight; I never wanted this, And you never thought it possible, That your best friend Would one day find you again, With not even recognition in his eyes; The moral of this tragic tale, My dearest, dearest friend, Is that you betrayed me for popularity, And now you've returned to the start once more. "Remember Me?" was written for one of my friends who got his entire life messed up because of bad decisions. I mailed this poem to him to try and show him who else he hurts other than himself. Currently, he's under house arrest. This is the only one I can remember right now, I'll put up another one later. ~~~~~~~ EDIT: I have a Karate class to be at soon, so I'll make this quick. The next poem I'm going to put up wasn't written at such-and-such a time for so-and-so, I made it up and wrote it down just now. But, as I said, I have to go soon, so I can't put it up at the moment. EDIT #2: Okay, the class was canceled because Sensei Mark was sick. So, here's that poem, then: Retreat Retreat, my child, Retreat into your heart; Escape their harmful words, Let them speak their evils, But fear not their spite; Retreat into your soul, Find the place of peace within, And enter there; Let it calm your beating heart, Block the fearful thoughts, Protect your delicate shell; Retreat to my arms, dear child; Let me protect you from harm, As I have done so well before; I will not let them lay their spiteful hands On so pure a youth as yourself, For that is unwise for a person as I; Retreat into yourself, Think of me; Think of all I have done, And all I can still do for you; You know I will be there waiting, Waiting for you, In that place of peace; Retreat to me, And all will be well... "Retreat" was written just a while ago. There was no reason behind it, no story, nothing. It just came into my head. I might give it to Bryce's little sister, Juliana, because when I wrote it, Bryce said it sounded oddly like him. So, hey, why not give her a birthday present? (She's five, now.) Comments? Critique?
Well, I'm sure that'll be fun <.< >.> (*Runs away*)
"Lies" made Emmet cry, too. "Lies" makes EVERYBODY cry, what's going on here?! Well, you asked for more, so here's some more! (OH TEH NOES!) Rebirth Many believe That the passing of a person Is the worst of all fates... But I, and my beliefs, Believe there truly is a second life... A life where all are satisfied, And nobody is left out in the cold; A life full of peace and bliss, Zen and prosperity, Happiness and love, That not even our human evils can enter; There are many names to call this life, Second Life, Heaven, The Rising; But, I think a new name is appropriate For such a wondrous event If death is just another part Of the endless ring of life, I think "Rebirth" is more fitting For those who live again Rebirth for the poor, rebirth for the saddened, Rebirth to the innocent; Rebirth for the youth who had no chance to live, So that they might taste of life's joys; And even Rebirth for the wicked ones, Those with hearts of blackened tar, To serve as a second chance To change their ways before it is too late; Yes, I believe in life After death takes hold; It's not something one likes to think of, Never waking up again "Rebirth" was written during a gathering of the Catholic parish around my part of town; they asked me to read it to them as a special surprise, and I just couldn't say no. Tribute to the Fallen War begins anew, And those with the hearts To fight in what they truly believe in Are marched out to fight; Many may never return... These brave souls throw their lives away To defend us and the innocent, To keep us out of the fire For just a moment longer; That we remember them with the greatest respect Is the only real way to say "thank you" For all they have done Battles scar the minds Of surviving war veterans Who speak their stories to the younger age; "I remember Johnny boy, He was a good man, A wife and kids, But now he'll never see them again." The sorrow and grief with the coming days Make it seem as if there is no tomorrow... Yet, these soldiers fight, Fight for what is right, Fight for our freedom, our lives, For our next generations to live, They fight for you, they fight for me, They fight for justice; To remember them with the highest respect, And to embrace them with open arms, Is the only form of a "thank you" we can possibly give To those who risk it all... And when the time comes For you to stand and fight, Maybe, fighting for the Fallen Can bring you honor and respect as well "Tribute to the Fallen" was written in honor of the war veterans we hold in highest regard, and to those who went in but never came home. My Uncle was one of the lucky ones who got out before it got ugly. His service ended when he lost his leg. On Veteran's day in my end of town, I was asked to read this for a group of Veterans, and I made each and every one of them cry. Wow. Bravery The willingness to stand, To speak out against injustice, To fight for what you think is right, To deliver Justice to those who need it; This is considered Bravery, But to me, there is more; What of the willingness To save those in need? Isn't that bravery? What about the desire To speak to one you love And tell them your true feelings, As though you've known each other for years? What about having the guts To stand up to your peers And reject their false ways, So that you may live your own life? Bravery has many forms Than what we tend to see; Bravery is not just fighting; Bravery is also healing, Helping, Acting out a good decision; Bravery is a mother with her child, Nursing it to health in its first years of life, Instead of abandoning it where it may die, So that they may not have to worry about parenthood; Bravery is a father teaching his son Some of the most important life lessons he'll learn, Instead of letting his son find out the hard way, Because it is too hard to speak of; Bravery, It is also the willingness to speak, Not through violence... ...But through peace. "Bravery" was written in dedication to my deceased younger sister and brother, who never really got a chance to see life in its fullest as I have. It was also dedicated to my deceased Father and Mother, my war veteran Uncle, my older brother who lives a life of secrecy, my older sister who has an abusive boyfriend, and basically everybody I care about. They have to show bravery in the face of the hardest decisions they've ever had to make, and I wanted to write something to commemorate them for it. So, there's three more for you guys. Enjoy. :D And yes, I'll still post more if you want me too. This is actually fun. EDIT: Okay, yeah, I lied again, there's another poem I need to put up before I get to work on tracking down the next set. Here ya go: Fate Do you believe in fate? That it holds our lives on leashes, Guiding us through the cycle of existence, Without ever letting us stray? Do you believe it binds our hands, Shuts our mouths, Chains our feet? That it forces us To live how it wishes us to live? That it gives us little freedom, little choice? Do you believe that it drives us, Mercilessly pushes us, Towards the end it sees fit for us? That it whips our backs, The minute we do something wrong? Are we slaves to fate? I do not think so. I believe that we can choose our lives, And live them as we see fit, Not as others wish; So I will deny Fate it's joy, And walk my own path, Straying whichever direction I wish, Never giving a thought to who is displeased in the process; For this is my life, And this is my name, And these are my hands, My feet, My eyes and ears, My mouth, And I will do what I see fit to do with them, Not what anybody thinks I should do. "Fate" was made after I broke up with my evil(I mean EVIL)ex girlfriend. This was a parting gift to let her know that she doesn't control me(though she tries really hard to get that power these days).
("Emmet"'s note: Oh yeah, we're a REALLY fun group...) (Jason's Note: You're just pissed because you have the cr*ppiest job in the world, Emmet.)
I find it easier to call him Emmet. Even if it does piss him off. I'm not about to call him Bryce, though; Emmet sounds better, in my opinion. ("Emmet"'s note: Yet you call everybody else by their first names...) (Jason's note: Okay, one: Not true, I call Michael by the nickname I made for him. And two: I seriously hope you're joking when I get the idea that you can't log in all of a sudden and are now writing in MY account.) ("Emmet"'s note: Michael? You mean Parora? And yes, my freaking computer is being stupid, so I'm cheating and using your account.)
Makes me glad that I'm finally out of school...
As Axel would say: "It's R3c0Nzi13. R-3-c-0-N-z-i-1-3. Got it memorized?"
Oooooooooh, yeah... I would pull Emmet's butt in here, but he's too lazy to look after his OWN RPs.
No no, weight is a bit too much info in my opinion, heh heh... When I said access to elemental powers, I meant ANY POWER RELATED TO THAT ELEMENT, with the exception of invisibility and invincibility, etc. Your character is perfectly fine.
I'm probably more asleep than you are, I've been up since midnight last night. And that was so I could finish Chapter 9 of one of my stories so my readers on another site I'm a part of could finally read something new. Hey, I can't be doing one thing 24/7. I'm a busy guy. :D
Well, mine are rather detail specific, so... yeah. It's always been a habit of mine to add some details.
Chronicles of Chaos: Recreation Fifteen years since the first Chronicles of Chaos was written by Jack Denizel, A new generation has arisen. A generation of combat far more advanced than before, and with new technology to replace weaponry altogether. It was called the Age of the Bio-Magi. Detailed in the Chronicles of Chaos was a sight of the future where all humans would decline the use of guns and bullets for a more advanced type of warfare called Bio-Magic Tactical Warfare. In the first five years, years, Humans gained a new-found friendship with the Mystriel, Trengaya, and Spirelio races, who helped them develop this "Bio-Magic" further. That was the last thing written before Denizel was killed and the Chronicles of Chaos was lost. Now, ten years later, a treasure hunter by the name of Daisuke Natagashi has found the final resting place of the Chronicles of Chaos, so that more may be found out withing its pages of what the future of mankind is to be... Rules 1. No god modding 2. No powerplaying 3. Try not to overuse the ability to speak out of context 4. Your abilities are limited to what you have listed within the character template 5. No flaming 6. No spamming 7. Keep all content at least PG-13 8. Though weapons can be used, I did say that this was an era of BIO MAGIC, so try and be creative. 9. Character abilities can not, in any way, make them god like(permanent invisibility, for example, or time stopping, or invincibility. Abilities like these must have a time span of at least 10 seconds.) 10. Have fun! :D Races Humans: A generally evened race. Humans are of equal status in most stats, including strength, speed, magic, agility, and endurance. Good at acrobatics and combat. Humans are the most balanced of classes, and are one of the best choices. Mystriel: Mystrielans are generally more magically inclined, and take on the form of a human most of the time. You can tell the difference between the two because Mystrielans are generally faster, stronger, and more intelligent than humans, and one noticeable detail is that they are paler than most humans. Some are even completely white. The Mystrielan race is an unbalanced class, but one of the best choices for reserving energy and solving puzzles. Spirelio: A person of Spirelio birth is more physically inclined than other races. They're stronger, faster, can endure more damage, and can dish out damage more so than either Humans or Mystrielans. Spirelio people can be noticed in one fashion for each gender: Males: Noticeably muscular in the upper body, have a strange spiral tattoo somewhere on their arms, dark skin tone Females: slightly taller than most human males, spiral tattoo somewhere on their arms, dark skin tone A Spirelio person can use magic, but it takes next to all of their energy to do so. Spirelio people can solve puzzles involving extraordinary strength or speed, but are generally about as intelligent as humans, so it takes them a while to figure out the puzzle. But, if in a team including a Mystrielan person, their physical ability combined with the Mystrielan intelligence can solve almost any puzzle. Trengaya: Trengayan people are the engineers and technology masters who helped develop the Bio-Magic warfare. Any puzzles requiring their abilities and intelligence can be easily solved. That said, they also have incredible magic talent, and their physical ability is what evens out their status, making them a sort of advanced human race. Trengayan people tend to have long pointed ears, like an Elf, and light-tan skin, dark enough to discern a difference between them and humans, but light enough to not confuse them with Spirelio people. Trengayan people also have eyes that glow when the room is dark enough, so that they might see. Male Trengayan people typically have short, spiky hair and wear light colored clothing Female Trengayan people wear darker colored clothing and have neck length, curly hair, and tend to be darker toned than the males. The weapon one would most likely catch a Trengayan person using would be anything of their creation, which would also be human weapons, since it was the Trengayans who helped revolutionize humanity's warfare. Special Abilities Each race comes with its own set of specialties. The power you choose is an added ability. Trengayan people have access to elemental powers Humans have more weaponry available, in case they lose their current weapon Mystrielan people can telepathically communicate if needed Spirelio people can lift heavier objects(obviously). Template Username: Name: Age(Human years): Gender: Race: Height: Appearance: Ability: Bio: Username: Xendane Name: Daisuke Natagashi Age(human years): 16 Gender: Male Race: Human Height: 5' 9" Appearance: Ability: Eagle Eyes(allow him to see farther) Bio: Daisuke Natagashi is one of the youngest known treasure hunters. Fifteen years after Jack's death, he went off in search of the lost Chronicles of Chaos, and came upon both the Chronicles, and a strange note written in Trengayan. He hopes to find out what it means. Username: LilBueno Name: Rhon Dyce Age(Human years): 19 Gender: Male Race: Trengayan Height: 5'9" }I've never seen an RP ask for height...{ Appearance: Ability: Fire (can cover his body in flames, control a decent amount of fire, expel heat towards enemies, shoot flames from his feet to jump higher/farther, etc.) His favorite ability is called Blowtorch, his hands completely transform to flames that act as, you guessed it, a blowtorch. Bio: Rhon is a Trengayan who mostly cares about money. He is willing to make any device for the right price, no matter its purpose. Although he doesn't have much experience due to his relatively young age, his devices can usually carry out the job efficiently. His area of specialty: Espionage, his best devices are made to gather information (e.g. Goggles that act as binoculars, earpieces to hear long distances/through walls, etc.) He is currently looking for a high-paying job. Username:R3c0Nzi13 Name: Sireo Maryabasa Age(Human years): 18-ish Gender: Male Race: Spirelio Height: 6' 7" Appearance: Ability: enhanced hearing(Noted by the ears on his head) Bio: Sireo was the ugly duckling of the group, not as muscular as the rest, and having cat ears on his head, but this thought was soon banished when he proved how effective his hearing could be, and that he was indeed just as strong and as fast as the rest. Sireo soon became interested in treasure hunting and went off in search of the fabled Chronicles of Chaos, not knowing who else was after it... Username: 9th Genesis Name: Daryl Juegardos Age(Human years): 18 Gender: Male Race: Mystriel Height: 5' 7" Appearance: Ability: Telepathy Bio: Unlike many other Mystrielan people, Daryl is surprisingly human-skinned with little differences, other than his telepathy, which allows him to talk to anybody without words if he wants. He had read of the fabled "Chronicles of Chaos", and grew a great interest in what it could be useful. So, with great curiosity, he set off in search of it, hitch-hiking on a passing speedboat as he went.
What is this "Lurve"? I've not heard of it... (Probably because I'm an ignorant fool who's half asleep.)