+:Lost Star:+ +:Story of Haru Yurubasa:+ By Jason Haley, Leif Markus, and Ryu Kasakagi +:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:+ Prologue: Humanity has always been seeking power. Whether it be from religions, magics, technological warfare advantages, or even special trinkets, they have always searched for a form of godliness. Less than twenty thousand years ago when technology was turning from its bionic ways back to arcane, humans began to believe that the sky held limitless power, and the higher they went into it, the more they became gods. That is what caused the once peaceful city of Aeorana to be lifted into the sky to become what it is today: a supposed city of gods. This, as one might expect, was not welcomed warmly by many people. Some formed rebellions that went against the idea of power in the sky, but all of them, save for one other rebellion force, were eliminated by the king's soldiers, shortly before the king was assassinated by his own son. It was said that the rebels who escaped the massacre created a rebel faction known as the Star Brigadiers, claiming that they would attack from the stars of night to show humanity the horrid mistake they had made. Soon, the Star Brigadiers began to change. Evolve, if you will. They evolved into an entirely different race. And they named this race Daen. But, further studies proved that the Daen people existed long before then, and became enraged at Humanity's attempt to rule the skies, skies that they, with their power, intelligence, and generosity, helped create. The Daen people, since then, had launched several attacks on the Lost Refuge, and for twenty thousand years, the Aeorana citizens have lived in fear of this enigmatic race. Until that night... One night, under a full moon, a star fell from the darkness of space, landing in the middle of Aeorana. Humans went to investigate this incident and found it wasn't a star at all; rather, it was a Daen boy, and no other knowledge was to be had of his identity, other than the name tattooed around his arm near the shoulder blade. But nobody could read the strange Daen transcript, and were forced to therefore inflict a new name upon the child: Haru Yurubasa. +:~~~~~~~~~:+ Chapter one: Haru Yurubasa Haru's eyes, blissful and unaware, two pools of deep blue, opened as the sun sliced through the slots between the blinds, making strange shapes in the floating dust. A fan above revolved slowly, making strange shapes on the floor, those shapes running up the side of the low-sitting bed and onto his chest, his black shirt turning the golden rays gray. He sat up, despite the fact that his head felt like lead and complained with stinging pains as he lifted it off the pillow and into the air. His feet swung down to the floor from the foot of the bed as he slowly turned upward into a sitting position. He surveyed his dark and cluttered room. Then, with tired slowness, he pushed himself off the bed and onto his feet, then walked to the old oaken door and pushed through it with ease. Haru walked out into the living room. It wasn't very roomy. There was a coffee table, a couch, a small television set sitting on top of an even smaller cabinet, and just behind the couch was a table with two chairs around it. Off in the corner was an antique 15th century sword that had been salvaged through the thousands of years afterwards. It still looked as new as it had when it was forged. He didn't stay long, just long enough to sit down and have a piece of (burnt) toast, then left the house and into the city streets. Aeorana was known as the Floating Kingdom, and it wasn't hard to see how it got its name. The city itself was huge, a megalopolis for trade communities and banking. It was built way before mankind had a natural grasp on magic, and when things turned to the technical age, so did the city. There was a monument that was never touched that Haru enjoyed hanging out by. He had no friends. People didn't even cast a glance his way. That was okay with him, he rather liked things to be quieter, and the time alone gave him a chance to experiment around with magic. Books and notes littered the floor in his room, all of them about Arcane and Metamagic, both of which were too great for man to ever harness, yet Haru seemed to be getting the hang of it. Arcane was simple enough; it was the study of magic in its entirety, without any weapons at all. Sure, it used wands or staffs to channel the energy when needed, but otherwise, Arcane magic was purely the mind's control over the body, its energies, and the strength of those energies to alter the world around the user. It strained Haru's physical energy a bit to cast spells, but no other terrible repercussions ever came from using it. It was Metamagic that had him floored. Metamagic was harder to explain than Arcane. Metamagic stepped outside of Arcanic magic and into a realm where ancient magics and technological advance formed a harmonious symphony of powerful energies that, when combined with the touch of a human, could mean life or death, depending solely on the intent of the user. Metamagic was accessed through any form of weapon made out of the Daen material, Meitsa, which, when translated into English, meant Moon Steel. Moon Steel got its name from a night under the full moon, when a Daen girl died, and because of the moon's effect on Daen people, her body disintegrated, but as her blood struck the earth, it spread out and became a new type of metal that was more abundant than Gold in its earliest days. At least, that was how the legend went. Using Meitsa to channel arcanic magic into the weapon for a more devastating attack was the Daen people's specialty. Anybody who practiced it, however, was arrested on the spot and then assassinated, so Haru had to make sure that he was, in no way, able to be noticed. Hence his likeness towards being alone and hanging out near the monument nobody ever tried to change. Nobody ever went there, and there were no signs of human life ever existing near the area at all, so nature flourished. Given that Aeorana was the Floating Kingdom, obviously, its expansive countryside was lifted up with it, and that was where the monument was. It was thought to be a Daen monument from millions of years ago, but Haru disagreed, since it was thought that the Daen race was made when rebellious humans went into space and evolved into a new race altogether. Yet, history books stated that they existed long before the rebellion... ...That wasn't Haru's problem. He rubbed his eyes as he looked out into the world, the sun casting a painful glare in the early morning. It was rather chilly yet, and Haru could feel it running through his arms like a cool shot of lightning that made him cringe and step back. The crisp air felt good, but he never expected the sudden stroke of chill it attacked him with. Again, he stepped out into the cold, but this time didn't recoil. He made his way to his usual spot, not realizing that he had forgotten his sword. He had his backpack, which held his hunting knife, however, and that would suffice for his practice with Metamagic. What he didn't know was that he was being pursued... ~End of chapter 1~ +:Lost Star:+ is book three in the +~Hero~+ series, the first book, +~Hero~+, written by Jack Darren Reginald, Jr. I wrote many of the others, including +:Lost Star:+ and =+Pact of the Brotherhood+=. This one I had some help on, Leif helped me with the prologue and main character introduction, while Ryu did the visual art for it(which I found was really awesome). This is an entire group effort, and therefore, I don't take full credit for it. By the way, this is a story that you may give a critique for, and comments, if you wish. Unlike some of my other stories, this one I feel could actually go somewhere, and I believe I could use some friendly advice.
Oh, whew, I thought "The Night" would be in reference to Disturbed's song "The Night". Now I see what it was meant for, so that's okay.
Ah, my computer's up and going again. Spasibo, Emmet, for keeping the chapters moving. WARNING!!! This chapter contains explicit content such as violence and foul language. If this in any way offends you, please leave. You have been thoroughly warned. 3. I'll admit, it wasn't easy getting to that little neighborhood in the distance. I took one step, and from out of nowhere came this huge f*ckin' windstorm that nearly blew me away, had I not set my feet and slammed the P.U.C.'s blades into the ground. Thank god they made this gun so heavy. As I went to get back up, I saw an oddly shadowed shape cross my vision. It wasn't a shadow, really, it was more of a hooded person with a rifle. Said person stopped in front of me and leveled their rifle right on my nose(but I like my nose!), then started screaming questions at me that I couldn't motherf*ckin' understand, since this guy was from Alciudad, and I didn't speak the Alciudad language(Little history lesson for you kiddies: Alciudad was a citadel under control of a megalomaniacal monarchy who wanted to control the rest of the world, and figured he could achieve this by putting reactors in the ground, taking energy from the earth itself, and using it in the form of an advanced super military. It didn't turn out all that well, and some rebel factions tried to stop him from forcing innocent Alciudad citizens to become soldiers, so a huge operation led by Sgt. Jason Matroya, now Master Chief Petty Officer Jason Matroya, was set in action to try and destroy the reactors and kill the monarchy in charge. It didn't go too well, and Alciudad suffered the wrath of a misfire that set off a bomb inside the active reactor, destroying the citadel and whoever was unfortunate enough to not get away. Matroya has yet to live this horrible memory down, and I doubt he will let it go, since he made a promise to keep that incident in his memory by tattooing it, and every other war accomplishment, on his arm. He now has to use his left arm, since his right arm's got too many accomplishments on it). And obviously, smarty pants with the rifle didn't know that. He just kept screaming away, thinking if he screamed at me enough, he might get an answer. I was about two seconds from blasting this guy to pieces, when a Jump Trooper stepped up next to me and responded, in the Altitude language, which was enough to make rifle guy stop screaming, lower his gun, and leave. Thank god for small favors. I have my entire "list of things to give thanks to on Thanksgiving" made by now. The trooper with the white-blond hair who ran off the rifle dude turned to me with a smug grin on her face. Her? Yes, I said her. What, you didn't think there were female Jump Troopers? Well, there are, they're a part of a special section in the Jump Troopers known as Commandos. It seems that more often than not, female Jump Troopers become Commandos, given how kick-ass they can be in combat. Guys can be Commandos too, but they don't seem to get that to become a Commando, you have to be almost a ninja in combat. Female Jump Troopers are given lighter equipment, since they can make awesome use of the fact that they can bend in a thousand ways that men couldn't ever dream of doing without hurting themselves, and they tend to have powerful, but very light, guns that have the same effect as the P.U.C., but in a more concentrated blast that hurts more. Female Jump Troopers can also self-heal themselves, a neat little ability that them scientific types embedded into the minds of all specialists, which included Female Jump Troopers and Commandos. They're Specialists because of the fact that there aren't a whole lot of them, something that kinda' disappoints me, I would like to see a girl get some spotlight on the radio for some awesome military thing they did. But, back to reality. "Don't mind that guy, he's one of our guards," she said, surprisingly not-as-tough-sounding as I thought Jump Troopers were. Guess I need to do more studying. "...'Our?' " I asked, bewildered. "Yeah, we have our own little community here on Zelpha. Ever since we eradicated all the enemies roaming around, we've been living a rather peaceful life, the only thing bad about it are the windstorms and shortage of weapons. There's still a few of those bugs running around, so we need guns to protect ourselves. I see that won't be a problem for you," she replied, looking both at my rifle(a standard-issue Dragoon-A3 Assault Rifle, with four settings and a Grenade launcher attachment) and P.U.C. I shrugged. It was hard to do with the P.U.C. "I just got dumped here by a trash dumper and found these things lying around." That was a fat-ass lie. I already had the rifle. "You too, huh?" came Ms. Trooper's reply. "Oh yeah, I forgot, a lot of you guys probably got marooned here," I said, careful with my words, trying not to get my ass killed. "Yep. It's funny, I thought Jump Troopers were an important unit, but I guess the Fleet's willing to throw us away," she said with a bitterness edging off her voice. "Same here. I was part of Project Z.O.D.I.A.C." Y'know? I forgot how awkward it is for everything to turn silent as soon as you say something. Before anything else could be said, I saw another windstorm heading our way. I quickly grabbed the Jump Trooper and pulled her behind a stalagmite, myself jumping behind another one right next to it. As soon as those winds hit, I could hear the rocks cracking. Twenty seconds later, it was over. I got to my feet and hefted my P.U.C. back into my hands. "Hold it!" Yeah, I saw this one coming. I turned around to see that Ms. Trooper wasn't in the least happy. At all. Bad news for me, I guess? "Project Z.O.D.I.A.C., what is that?" she demanded, never once taking a step towards me. "Project Z.O.D.I.A.C., a special experiment meant to push the limits of human strength, speed, intelligence, and endurance. To date, there have only been three successes. I was one of many 'failures', where I got hit by a sniper that I never saw. Successes never take a hit. Technological advances at Typherious - X allowed doctors to implant a special device in the heads of all experiments, such as myself, to induce self-healing, as seen in Commandos and female Jump Troopers, such as yourself. This experimental training ground is supposedly the most brutal, and also the most confidential, to the point where not even the highest authority can look into it. It's hidden behind line after line of codes complicated enough to impossibility. Anybody who had ever heard of it never lived to tell the tale if they were found out. There is no way to break into Typherious - X, because of seven levels of security, each one advancing in difficulty. Level Seven clearance is needed to get to the Project Z.O.D.I.A.C. training grounds, and even then, you might not get in." She sighed heavily. "So, in other words, you don't even know where exactly you had been trained?" "Of course not, I was kidnapped from my squad and forced into this," I replied. It was the truth. Shaking her head, Ms. Trooper said, "Alright, I trust you. C'mon, there's gonna' be another storm soon, we need to hurry." And hurry we did. ------------- "You've done well, Montgomery," said the holograph of General Roy Merrif. Montgomery gazed at said holograph with as much emotion as a block of ice and replied, "You said I would be paid for my services. I did my part, I helped you cross-train your little Zodiac troops. Now, you hold up your end of the deal." Merrif nodded, then motioned for one of the guards to approach the table. With a gloved hand, he slapped a thick wad of green into Montgomery's open hand. After counting it, he asked, "Is this all?" "As much as we promised you," Merrif replied. "Good. Now, the next time you call me, it had better be something more serious than training," Brinks said, getting up from his chair. "Yes, I understand. But, Montgomery?" Brinks turned around. "I really must ask; why did you accept our offer?" "That is none of your business," Brinks replied. "Then, I assume this conversation is ov-" Merrif never got to finish his sentence, as Montgomery shot and destroyed the module that generated the holograph. "Yes, it is," he said. He turned and walked out the door, shoving one of the guards out of his way as he went. He didn't bother asking why Merrif was so concerned with why he accepted the offer and who he worked for; those questions inevitably answered themselves, and Montgomery had no intention of giving away Major Realstone in such an ungrateful manner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fun Facts: 1. The windstorms on Zelpha refer to the windstorms on Arcadia in the movie SOLDIER. 2. Commandos are a type of unit seen in Command and Conquer: Tiberium War 3. Roy Merrif was, himself, an experiment, and used to work for a local police force before his android self decided to go for bigger bait. He is also one of R3c0Nzi13's OC(Original Character)s 4. Jason Matroya is one of my OCs. He shows up in a lot of my stories with the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer, and he also seems to have obtained Shields similar to The Halo Series. 5. Alciudad is a city that I made up and was unfortunately destroyed. It is now often used in my stories as a battle zone or a historical landmark. 6. Project Z.O.D.I.A.C. is kind of like Red vs. Blue's Freelancers in a sense. 7. Typherious - X is located around the ruins of Alciudad, for future reference. 8. Major James Realstone appeared in stories such as Mercenary Brinks, Operation Genocide, Battle Vendetta, Operation Valkyrie, Red Morning, Operation Juggernaut, and New Dawn. He was Samuelson's best friend through most of the Grey Samuelson saga, and was a computer whiz in the Battle Vendetta saga and the Operation Valkyrie saga. 9. Holographs were a reference taken from many a sci-fi show or video game, such as The Halo series and Star Wars. 10. The Fleet is a reference to the Fleet Armada from Starship Troopers. 11. Shaun remembers being kidnapped, which happened at the end of Operation Valkyrie, where he was mugged by masked soldiers. 12. Not a whole lot of cussing or violence in this chapter, since I'm saving for the best part of the story(or worst part, to those non-violent types). This story is being written for your enjoyment. You may post what you like about it so far, and what you find interesting, but please note that I still do not wish to receive any critiques or compliments or PM/Profile comments regarding how well the story's being written. Thank you.
I agree with Emmet.
OOC: Emmet, 9th's character jacked the speedboat too. Might want to edit that, I don't want people hanging out on my ride all over the place. *wink*
OOC: Ah, hell with it all. I'm starting. A speed boat quickly traversed the waves of the ocean, making its way towards a lonely island overrun by wildlife and remains of ancient people's works. A young treasure hunter looked on through his binoculars as the boat approached the island. Heh, soon enough, he thought. He was wearing a wetsuit, figuring it would be best not to set on the shore, as there might be some form of trap waiting if he did. These people were tricky ones.
Um... I think this is in the wrong section. This looks like poetry. There's a whole other subsection for poetry. Original works is for stories, I believe, not poetry. Sorry. But it's a good poem, if it is indeed one.
Hey, I write other stuff than this. It's just, violent stories with lots of foul play and bad language pretty much are my forte, mainly because, think about it, what do you hear about most often in the news? Violence, Foul play, and bad language, of course. Where I live, at least. And the reason it seemed so anticlimatic when Shaun got pwned by a blond haired kid with a sour attitude is because that kid is a mercenary/spy/assassin, so he's pretty good at sneaking around, and therefore had a perfect shot at the end. So, while I may not be thoroughly clear on how military combat works, I'm not completely oblivious either. Thanks for reading, and thanks also for not pissing me off by doing exactly OPPOSITE of what the note at the bottom said. That would've just ruined my day...
Siro caught sight of another person wandering through the ruins, and he looked badly hurt. He ran over towards him with his medical kit to try and help.
Er... wait... Spelling errors... Grammatical errors... I got something mixed here...
He did say he was drunk. He has memory loss when he gets drunk. I would know, I was drunk with him. We played a lovely little game of "Smash Bottles On My Head".
WARNING!! This story contains violence, harsh language, and gore. If this in any way offends you, please leave. You have been thoroughly warned. WARNING!! ~~~~~~~~ Z.O.D.I.A.C. (Zulu Oscar Delta India Alpha Charlie) Story of Shaun O'Brian By Jason Haley, a.k.a. Xendane -------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: My name is Shaun "November" O'Brian. I am the Z.O.D.I.A.C. warrior. They trained me to not feel pain. Trained me to not fear death. Even trained me to laugh at my enemies. Before they had fallen. Project "Z.O.D.I.A.C." was a test. A test to see what the limits of the human capabilities and endurance could reach out to be, and at the same time create the ultimate warrior. They said it was a "failure", a "sad day for scientific advance". I say it was a success. If that test had failed, would I be here? It was a live-fire test. I was placed in a room. They told me that I would be up against some of the best fighters they had. What can I say? It didn't go very well for them. The first charged at me and landed a poorly placed punch to my face, then again to my stomach over and over and over again. If you could see the shock in his eyes when he received my minuscule reaction... I took the fool by his hair and slammed him into the floor, then gave him a good head stomp to make sure he was knocked out. I caught the second one pulling a side arm from his waist, so I grabbed my buddy, flat-face, and introduced him to the many uses of a human shield as five shots pelted his torso. He was dead, and no amount of CPR would bring the b*stard back. The second one was stunned at how fast I could move, and went to fire again. Too bad for him that I was fast on my feet. To the left, and a bullet flew by me. I ducked as a second went over my head, and jumped as a third struck where my feet were seconds ago. I was close enough to see the whites of his eyes. He aimed for a pistol whip to my face, but I was a tad too quick for him. I ducked out of the way, grabbed his arm, and snapped it over my knee, forcing the gun out of his hand, then brought that same arm behind his back. I used my upper body strength to throw him over my shoulders and on his face on the floor. I grabbed his side arm and rammed the butt of it into the third guy's gut, causing him to keel over, which allowed me to swing around with an uppercut that sent him flying onto his ass. Before he could blink, I was on his chest, pinning him to the floor, and delivering a sharp chop to his face, pulverizing his skull and fracturing the spinal cord from the force. You can probably guess who won, right? Wrong. I never saw the fourth guy. I turned around, and he was right there, and damn it, he hit hard. One second, I was keeled over, clutching my wrenching gut, and then I see the guy's foot meet my face, sending me head over heels across the floor. I barely had time to get to my feet when he landed another flying kick in my face, sending me into the wall. I took the chance while I was looking unconscious to let the sucker get close... ...And then I pulled his knife from his belt and slashed his kidney with it. Granted, he didn't die immediately. It took about six or seven other shots to finally off him. All of which were face shots. I think I might have carved my name into his face when I was done. All I know is that he had his knife jammed in his eye. And there was blood leaking from all lacerations. His cold, lifeless flesh bag corpse dropped to the floor with a loud thud. What bones I hadn't sliced in two added weight to that big f*cking head. That sh*t deserved what he got, and so did his little sh*t buddies. Anybody I fight gets what they deserve. It's as simple as reloading a pistol. Just slam a fresh clip in the f*cker. The doctors were stupidly evaluating my already clearly successful performance. Nope. They wanted more. They sent me out in the "streets" of a "city" in a state of "warfare", which was really dummies supposed to be my guys, innocent people, and dead people. The real guys were people who needed killing. And damn it all, there were a lot of those *ssholes. They swarmed out from all sides, trying to encircle me, but they forgot something: I'm really good with guns. And I still had that pistol from before. As fast as they could say their names, I turned around and landed two metal f*ckers through the first b*stard's skull, blowing it apart and leaving a nice little splatter on the building behind him. Shots began being fired, but we were too close, so when I ducked, some idiot standing behind me got blown away by his own men. I quickly grabbed his gun and leapt behind cover, taking shots at whatever was stupid enough to move. I almost took all of them out. They weren't too bright. Then came Mr. Flamethrower. I ran from the cover just as it was engulfed by flames that could have melted your skin off your face. This guy could roast me alive just as quick as I could shoot him in the face. But a downside to fire was that it took a while to reach me, and that small amount of time it took to get me could leave me an opening to throw a sharp projectile through his neck. Just as I did now. I grabbed his flamethrower and busted out the troops on the first f*cker who forgot that fire plus skin equals barbecue. He fell into his buddy, who also caught fire. A fitting end for two morons, in my general opinion. The sickly sweet odor of burning flesh went through my nostrils and made me subconsciously smile, something that definitely scared the remaining troops. They all rushed me, thinking that they were tough sh*t. Heh. It's these guys I don't need equipment to kill. I dropped the flamethrower, and then casually took off my protective vest, leaving me in my white tank top, a tattoo exposed to the world: A black tiger's paw with максимальная боль inscribed across it. In case you're not good with languages, that says "Maximum Pain," something I deliver quite well to idiots who need a wake up call. And quite a wake up call it is. The moment their eyes saw my tattoo, faces paled. Running feet stopped in their tracks. Weapons were dropped. Distractions caused, and just long enough for me to deliver one of my favorite killing blows: a kick to the face, followed by me curling my leg around the guy's neck and choking him until he stops breathing and goes limp. The other two gathered their senses and ran at me with a renewed anger, subdued by me as I delivered a step kick that sent one flying into the other, taking both to the ground. As they struggled to their feet, I took their buddy's side arm and shot one in the face, the other in the neck. And then I got a round through my neck. Damn! Where had the sniper been?! Before I blacked out, I got a sight of my attacker: A blond haired kid, pure evil reflected in his eyes, his face totally blank of all other emotion. He didn't look very strong, but he didn't look like somebody I felt like messing with. And he had just shot me in the god damn neck. As I fell over, I heard his voice in my radio: "Well done. You've brought shame to those who made you." Even his voice dripped a poison so strong that I crippled under it. And that is how Project Z.O.D.I.A.C. "failed". ~~~~~~~~~ Fun Facts: 1. Shaun O'Brian was a character used in previous stories, such as Operation Valkyrie, when he was a tad wimpier, and Battle Vendetta, when he was a secondary character who eventually got killed by a stray bullet. 2. The "Blond haired kid" is Montgomery Brinks, an original character made by 9th Genesis, and used in stories such as Gold Storm, where he was a hired mercenary, and Apache, where he was a trained assassin. 3. The only reason I know what those words were in Russian is because I was born in Russia. Otherwise, I looked them up on Babelfish.yahoo.com 4. I had to look up a metric f*ckton of martial arts tricks before I could apply unarmed combat into this story. It was really hard. 5. Z.O.D.I.A.C. takes its name from the Phonetic Alphabet used in the military, and also from my other story, Z Company, which centers around Zodiac Company, and the main character, Major Grey Samuelson, a war hero from previous stories such as New Dawn, Red Morning, Operation Juggernaut, Operation Tango, Cossack, Serpent Sting, and Hell Breaking Loose. 6. Shaun O'Brian used to be Shaun Tanner, but I already had a character named Tanner Mink. ^_^;; 7. Montgomery Brinks takes his appearance from Corporal Jack Taylor of Operation Tango and Red Morning, and Jack Taylor takes his appearance from Staff Sergeant Troy Wills of Operation Valkyrie and Battle Vendetta. 8. I have written more stories than poems. This story is being written for your enjoyment, and nothing more. I do not wish to receive any critiques, ratings, or profile comments concerning how well the story is written. In fact, if I receive any of those, I will either try to find somebody to delete them, or do it myself. Thank you.
Mazar ruins: Siro crouched behind a wall, ever so cautiously looking around the side, making sure there was nobody there. It didn't seem as if there were any survivors to be had other than himself, and for that, he cursed himself. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be. One moment, everything was normal, the next moment, everything was in shambles. What's going on here?!
It's actually pretty good, despite the few spelling errors here and there. I give it four stars. * * * *. There. Four stars.
Oh yeah... I was there with him, I think...
Drinkin' beer and eating Nyquil. What the hell were YOU doing?
My name... ...IS XENDANE!!! (Yeah, I totally stole that from the Matrix.)
I, myself am a song writer, but I never initially write down my songs, since a lot more goes into my works than just writing it and putting a tune on it, but this is actually fairly good.
Yeah, I guess.
Ah. Okay, then.