I'm not really sure if I am excited or stunned. I like Family Guy, but I'm not typically a fan of these spin-offs. I'll wait until it airs before I judge it
But usually for something as popular as Dissidia, PSN will wait to release a demo until 11 EST for shits and gigs to mess around with fans Edit: To my surprise it is available now. Going to download shortly.
I kind of have to go with Advent Children, only because the rest are horrible. The new Prince of Persia movie looks like it could be legit, though.
Bartz may very well be my main hero. http://psp.gamespy.com/dor/objects/...videos/dissidia_spy_exdeathprofile_72309.html Exdeath montage is epic as well
The Tempest by Pendulum
The Mariner's Revenge Song by The Decemberists
I can take about 2 or 3 loops until I want to kill someone... I'm on the second at the moment
thead is win
I'm not much of a cat person. Granted I'm allergic, which would explain that
aka you would listen to Dream Theater? I would probably just chill on my roof. It may sound weird, but it is my place of comfort and tranquility, overlooking the woods.
Well, that's unfortunate. But next time try it on the beach. During the afternoon. When everyone is on the beach. Good times/
Lycanthrope by +44
The Past Should Stay Dead by Emarosa
I just finished masticating. Got a little messy though. Had to clean up
Be Still and Breathe by Ivoryline
I am not fond of Nickelback whatsoever. I personally find their songs to be crap.
Growing Old is Getting Old by Silversun Pickups
Serpents in Disguise by 3 You are awesome
I've been reading Old School by Tobias Wolff for my summer reading lately. Pretty good book I guess.