1). No 2). No 3). No 4). Aint good with firing arms. 5). as long as it has air conditioning and i can tie down and torture Seifer everytime hes up to no good. Dead Seifer walking. 6). ...No. 7). Nah, take his sword at some point and stab him in the place where it hurts the most. 8). I dont earn that much. 9). I refuse to. 10). No, I'd find a better way to resolve the crisis. 11). I refuse to do either... 12). I rather make a new world out of Cow droppings THEN destroy it. 13). No. 14). Destiny Isle. I love a nice vacation. 15). Nu- uh. 16). Roxas would care less or try something at the last moment that relates to death. Therefore: No 17). ... Same as Kiari. 18). ... ... ... I would rather have him and i get stuck in a class room, as soon as he so much as glance at me, i will skirmish amoung the other students and pelt Ansem with rocks, then i will bend his spines in ways that woulndt seem right and tear his Hair from his head, Then i would throw his body off a building, then put his head on a staff, to show the world... ... ... but thats not the point since i was talking about Ansem heartless. What im trying to say is: No. The Question really is if Sora could go a day without swinging his keyblade around in a Mad man with skill-fashion?
...I agree, Sometimes i wish you could also: Customize your cloths. Can go beyond the Lv.99-100 Lv Limit. Customizable Keyblades. No limits to Gummi ship building. Next to glide, you could fly. and Maybe more... *looks into sky* But that might add buttloads of more data. All i wish for is if they had KH2:FM come out for America by now.
...*nods* Thanks Mr.Xendane
...Is it me or the Dual keyblade weilding and color patterns of final form remind me of Xemnas, only your still human? ...hm...*looks into sky* What do you think? Personally, I love it. Still it has some resemblance to Mister Nothingness?
This maybe be dissappointing on how this can't be explained. Perhaps it maybe to some of your folks but to get us started instead of getting off topic.... ahem: How does the Memory-Manifested Nobody not only become manifested by darkness, but how they recieve there frightening and terrible powers, that everyone must be vigilant? After a Discussion in "The Nobody" Do you every wonder, and theorize how the Organization XIII and the Lesser Nobodies recieved there powers? Perhaps from the Heartless? Or to some event where they Died and lost there heart, they fell to there doom into a certain element?
Hm...Hey ya'll, Just glancing through... And if a Debate on "how Nobodies recieved more then darkpowers" is needed, Im setting this up. ...But this is interesting. Very interesting, you could write this in a book about "The Nobody, The Heartless, and The Keyblade." I could read this over and over for months.
Hey Repliku- Sweet sanctified mother of crud! ... Howdy ya'll *chuckles* and I thought this topic would be dead, or people just been bored lately *smiles* Feel free to post here to your leisure. Im enjoying the Inner intellect of everyone.
*Twitches his ear, gazes into sky* Thank you again. He who has the power of the Corner stone. Thank you ever so.
...Yes Mr.Soku. Thank you. What is there full name? erm...So I can know.
...Hm. Excuse ME Moderators, by chance you pass by. It seems i can't change my title. I didnt know it had to be KH realted. I Need it changed to "The Omega Lycan from the Realm of Light" I hope it doesnt exceed the limit. ...I hope this is the right place to post it.
True... If the rebelious to realize his nature- Nobody even wanted to fool himself into thinking hes still human, hes destined to return to darkness. a Animal with no soul. Hm.. I Dont Know He who looks like Ansem... erm, Mr. Peace-and War. The Nobodies can choose there plans, where Heartless go blindingly and rentlessly after a heart, even if they could notice the dangers, they sacrifice themselves, even through the realm of light, just to get a heart that even has so much as a little amount of Darkness in it, However, the Nobodies know better. So far the Orgnization. XIII Dont seem to get along well, there like two face cheating illiterates. ..erm, IF i spelt that right, after almost 3 years of no Education, your heart opens more, but you become a bit short in attention spand and knowledge of everyday history and easy to know wisedom. Its true, Perhaps I know now How Nobodies exist, when, by Gods plan he doesnt allow this, The Heartless is what birthed them, after the Heartless themselves came out of the womb of this plot. Hope im not saying offensive. You see, I hope your all with me and i know some of you are. But your right, Ansem... Erm Xehanort, Tinkered with something he didnt know when it was easy to know what it was at the start, perhaps the heart he experimented with perhaps had sins of pass humans/beings who had them before during there life period, recorded in there Spirit [oR Heart], and Darkness, the very sin, took the chance and formed the innocent looking yet relentless and powerful beasts we all call the heartless. The Darkness with in our hearts. If Ansems apprentice DIDNT continue the experiment, We would of lived life normally and poor yet Ultimately powerful worriar of light Sora, wouldnt have to go through this, Light would reign supreme, but Darkness would only be the sins in our hearts, we would die and our nobody would not live to see another day. But your right, This does form a Body, soul, and Spirit. ... Reminds me of something biblically, but knowing the rules here, i wont get into it. And Thank you Mr.Peace-and-War. I maybe a 9 foot lycan with powers next to Alpha...but im a loyal and kind friend once you know me. But perhaps im getting off topic. So far i like the both of you as well, Mr.Peace-and-War, and Mr. Repliku. *gazes into the sky watching the stars.* Anyone else have theories? Perhaps ones that may suggest the humans who became the Nobodies you see now. and perhaps there part and jobs in studying the heart before Sin manifested into the Heartless? Edit: Someone changed my title, guess theres one thing to do...
We kinda do *chuckles* Lets just say were in our prime VIA intellect.
..Sheesh. I know its a game, but i was hoping both intellectual conversation, and something for thought. First it was interesting, then i guess no one cared... Oh well, so much for first impression *laughs* Well, The Body makes up as the Body, soul and spirit. Your spirit is who makes you really, all your wrong and rights in memory are kept here, where Things of light or dark [if you let darkness into you] events takes place in it. the soul perhaps is the spirit in one way but it houses the spirit. The body, is nothing more then the flesh that houses and allows our spirit to become mobile and walk to earth. Some tend to take the body too seriously. Perhaps studying his spirit, when its obvious his heart which his very spirit, led him to opening his heart, falling into darkness, and ending up dead in the end, Ansem heartless that is. I wish to explain more, but i must be boring you *chuckles* or i might cause some trouble. Oh thank you Sir ^_^. Thanks for moving it, sorry i had it in the wrong area ^_^;
Hm? Oh, Sorry Mr.Evilman. How can this be moved and/ortaken there then?
Yes, He who is the manipulator of water, "Melodious Nocturne". Ill shall stand firms with those rules, and know them by heart.
For he whos a Replica of Riku, you sound like you have a mighty heart to figure this out quickly. Still, im astounded. I wonder what other youthful/wise minds have a say in this? And i know whatcha mean, your not the only one of having a brain thats like a wild beasts, once a subject comes up, it never silences and keeps on roaring xD
*stares at Repliku, then gazes into the sky. Twitching ear* I see. Those are very good answers. I thank you for the answers, it raises some questions and leaves a few ones unanswered. But that keeps my mind occupied. Anyone else? OR thats it? Thanks Mr.Repliku for your share of hard earn thought in the theory and matter.
I hope this is in the right area... *ahem* What makes the Nobody as it is after its heart is taken, and its Human self is casted aside? As Explained, The Nobody is the discarded soul and flesh after the Heart leaves the Human Body and dies. How does the Nobody form? Where does it do so? If it doesnt exist, how does it not exist in what way? How does it claim its power? Supposedly the heart is the spirit, The very thing that makes us...Well us, Is what both the Nobody seeks to be whole again, while the mindless and lack of the ability to think Heartless, Only seeks it cause it must. Does a Nobody retain its Organs after going under extreme transformation? What is even the thought of living as long as humans do [Except for being a threat (maybe)] without Emotion? Or the Heart? The Mystery of the Nobody is like the Heartless, yet they share no relation.
*Stares into sky* Yes Ms.Hitna.
... *Glances into the Night sky* Yes Ms.Hitna3510. It is a Pleasure to meet you. And yes should I hit a dead end, Ill seek you.