I believe that that believing in god is awkwardly more absurd than it sounds..... seriously so many people believe there is a person in the sky thats almighty and can do whatever he wants to us and we are like his action figures. so I go evolution (mostly cause I don't believe in god. also there is way too much proof of evolution. I'm sorta like a rebel cause my parents are catholic and stuff.... though my grandpa also doesn't believe in god and I think thats where I got my ideas from (even though he died before I turned 1 year old)
at this point I must say that english and "British" would be the same thing. Also British also has its slang and "extra words" no respectable American would say something like "rubbish" unless trying to act British. (sorry I like quotations) :D
I know soooo many people think girls are weak and more primitive and stuff but its not true trust me......... in fact when I was 6 a girl beat me up.... and beat me at everything I did.
sorrry not clar enough for evilman I meant when you put the party AI mod on not just normal oh and tats pretty intresting with sephy but still he attacks you....
35019 cuts I have mad on my body[ yes I am emo] no rlly 1,000,000 - 35,019 ___________ 99964981 wow thats too long to go
When I was like 10 or somethin I had a mega-crush on a girl...... so then I had to move. well umm... on the last day of school I was going to be there I thought hey I should randomly kiss her and run away ends up shes wayyyyyy stronger than she looks [she broke my arm!!!] make sure you never try that it doesnt work!! oh but the bright side is she moved to where I live and now shes my girl friend :lol: never expected it.
hey guys everybody that thinks we can make enemies our allies with the party AI mod from erkz IS WRONG!!! sorry for getting so nagtastic but I tried it out..... well not exactly for that but its proof that characters that do not have a ally moveset cannot be made allies. heres what I did: I used the soras as allies cheat [ they are clones] what happens the soras dont copy you in attacking [in fact they dont attack at all] tho they still copy when you guard and they jump the same and run around the same still. so I believe you cannot make enemies allies
umm.... people that make story lines for games in details like that dont think of it so much here is the answer; oblivion is darkness oathkeeper is light light and dark make twilight and nobodys are twilight and since roxas is the only keyblade wielder and a key character he has light and dark. well thats what I think and its probably right believe me dont think of these things too much just stick to the first thing you think of
lols my friend got to go to jump festa he told me all about it. the game was hard for him [cause he cant speak japanese] it also had insanely good graphics for a ds game . the gameplay felt like kh2 but was a little ackward in controls for lack of joystick
I believe hes had a heart since the start because you have to remember roxas is a special type of nobody so you should read the kh2 ansem reports to uderstand roxas and his being
yeah I believe its a new character....... also I hope a playable character.
it is impossible she is aque because kh BBS takes place 15 YEARS!!!! before kh1 . and if it were her shed be older and she seems pretty young [obviosly younger than xemnas] also I believe she is the leader of organization 13 and xemnas was a secondary leader used to make sora confused in other words I believe kh2 was her master plan after roxas left the organization also part of raxas must be in kairi because if you read the ansem reports youd understand why. SHE IS OBVIOUSLY NOT AQUA!!!!!:D
0/10 for everybody [except ppl that are already mods] I mean can you believe a mod just coming and saying YOUR A MOD NOW YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! well that wont happen so why do you even believe some body can get a 6/10 thats more than half the chance!!!:D :( :)
awwww......... its a kitty who wants to go cherish its cuteness while it destroys are homes and vidiogames:bounce:. *every body raises hand* lol :D
34960: barneys smokin crack :3
Well once I beat this song with an A but then again I have a remote I can plug in to the computer but then again I used the arrow keys oh and my little legs cant move that fast for the ending...... plus id have to use my hands like in in the groove. well Ill post you a challenge of really hard song in an edit of the post
lawlz you didnt know that!!!!! YES YOU CAN USE ALL RAW FORMAT,gameshark, Xploder, codebreaker, AR normal[not MAX], etc. can accept RAW format thats the disadvantage of having AR MAX I only got it so I could get HDloader on my mem card cause it was easier [this was so I could play the final mix of kh2]:D
YAY!! it worked, now its almost like playing like riku just that I look like a stupid overgrown mouse that somehow became thee first mouse king:D
thanks, lol sorry for getting so tense:)