IE SUCKS @$$!!!! fire fox is way better.... and so is LINUX!!! yay!!!!
OK so hell girl is about this really hot girl that will take anyone to hell if you sign a contract with her......She has black hair and red eyes ........ well I need a hot girl to be hell girl and a bunch of victims that try and run from hell and people who send people to hell.... AND PAY THE PRICE!!!!!!!!!! the girl gets to make up the the penalty/punishment. you can make up your name.... ask to be in the thingy..
and 35049 of those deaths are mine
I wish I could say "bad" things on threads here but luckily I read the rules
gooooooooood kitty.... oh whos a good kitty? oh whos a good kitty? yess you are.... what a kute kitty he gets a heart <3 as long as he keeps craping on your ;~; (bed)
I like it when I dream of "dirty" things....................... dont get this wrong about me please I am very "clean":D
sugar were going down swingin - fall out boy
I like pie thats my secret
*goes over by kikame* *bounces on wall* yay it didn't explode!!!!!!!*bounces again* wall blows up *starts crying* the wall hates me!!!!! reads sign that says * out of order on second bounce(yes that means dont bounce on it twice black oblivion!!!!!!!!!!!!) oh I shouldve read that * reads other sign* all walls besides that one in order* oh ok bounces on all walls around him *they all explode *darn!!!!!!* I hate you wall! reads small text.... sign says in small text : o wait they are all in order in 5 mins....35047
I like to bite my hair....... oh and wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
you can wield a stick!!!! O.o thats wierd
oh okay *jumps against a wall **it explodes* but that one had a soft and spongy part in the shape of a wall!!!! I thought you said they wouldn't blow up *picks up the Mr.potato pieces and puts them in place* 35045
*tries to bounce on wall* *wall explodes* D:< ouch now I need an arm a leg and both my hands (good thing im emo so I enjoy this) 35041
oh wait except for you (back to topic) when I was 7 I kissed my cousin I still dont regret it shes hot plus shes a political cousin so shes not real family
lolsness 35031 yeah I did 100,000,000 thanks kikame :3
my deepest darkest secret is I like all the girls on this forum
lol you didnt know some people thought that? well its true im sorry but at least I know is not true
the thing is i don't try and run away or attack them cause its always the damn hot ones that try and attack you and it makes the pain feel like love.... lawlz.... oh and nice new sig hitna Im having problems with sig dont know why
I see what you mean now you should've just told me yes I am too lazy too go all the way to make desktop open max convert copy and paste the code put in the game ID put the output in armax and clicking convert....... I am also to lazy to put in the code then I also dont have final mix with me right now also I am too lazy to try the code
well the thing is anti weapon his attacks are way too random they would still end up hitting you alot even if not targeted