Mine is Cindellera. I watched several times in childhood(when I was about 3-4) But my favourite Disney is Beauty and the Beast and The Hunchback of Notre Dam
Listening to the classical music may be able to help you.. or watching funny shows on TV. In my opinion listen to hard music such as rock probably cause your stress and pressure of somethin' increase. A thing I always want to do when I'm stressed is punch or throw, destroy the stuff but I don't dare..
Lilo and Stitch - When those two aliens're gonna catch Stitch while he's playing surfboard with Lilo and her sister. Those two ruin happy time of them and brought the trouble to Lilo and her sis. Stitch decided to leave from her house with the book 'Ugly Duck'. And he opening a page of book. A duck which in it crying and say 'I'm lost'. Then Stitch says 'lost, I'm lost' Waaah! I cried in the cinema. That moment I think no one loved Stitch and he was alone.. U__U Monster inc. - When James P. Sulivan can see Boo again at the end. Finding Nemo - I cried when.. 1. Marlin got wrong that Nemo is gone and he's soooo sad and disappointed 2. when Marlin's gonna leave Doly behind and back to his home.
I never cried while reading books till I read 'The Prince's Tale' in HP7. I cried 2 times and also did that one more when I thought of Snape T_T
Thanks for your suggestion, I'll try. *and gets some cookies from amberdslovick* Thanks ^_^ ps. My bro's PS2 was broken for ages :p
I prefer Sora in KH2 as he in KH1 looks cartoony and young. He was like 10 years old than 14. He looks more major in KH2 and the graphics is nicer. His voice is also cooler indeed. Silly me that I didn't notice his skin looks tan till I saw him in CoM :P
Jack Sparrow since he made me wanna be a pirate. *dreams of travel by ship and fight with sword*
I've been reading it. Now I reach the half of the book XD.
Woah I never thought of that before o_O. I've been thinking what worlds should be added in the game. Besides Treasure Planet. An idea just popped up in my head. Maybe Atlantis the Lost Empire would be cool as well. And what if Cars is there? LOL XDD I wanna see how Sora, Donald and Gooffy look like if they had to be the cars :P
Mine is diamond
Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, V for Vendetta, Ratatouille(<<My newest obsession XD), KH amvs and parodies at Youtube.
Hello~ I'm new here, just registered yesterday and took long time to make signature and avatar :p I admit I don't play the game(I suck) But I love the story!! XDD I'm Roxas fangirl because he's emo kid and cool :) Nice to meet you all :)
KH1 Malificent, Xehanort CoM Marluxia(I hate his pinky hair and rose petals flies around him) KH2 Malficent, Demyx
Of course It'll be good idea XD I used to think of it. I wandered why he wasn't in the game because he's cool.