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  1. Cutsceneaddict
    One thing that I absolutely love about Sora is his selflessness. I mean, that kid runs all over the worlds, rescuing people in distress, changing lives, and even sacrificing his own heart for the good of others. To me, the end of Dream Drop Distance illistrated this selflessness really well. Rather than being upset at not being named a Keyblade master, Sora shows excitement for Riku. He's not thinking about his own disappointment because he's too busy thinking about his best friend's feelings. He wants to congratulate Riku in his moment of glory.

    I agree that Dream Drop Distance was mostly about Riku, as well. It was the game where he finally seemed to conquer (or at least subdue) his darkness. The climax leaves me in no doubt that the developers intended for Riku to get the spotlight for this one.

    Furthermore, I believe that Sora knows his own heart, and he doesn't need to pass a "Mark of Mastery" exam in order to believe in himself. He knows that he has the makings of a Keyblade Master, whereas Riku obviously had some serious self-doubts. For this reason, Riku's passing the exam was almost like a self-affirmation for his character.

    I don't believe that Sora has given up striving to be an "official" Keyblade Master. On the contrary, I wouldn't be suprised if that's part of the plot for KH3.
  2. Cutsceneaddict
    I own the mangas for KH, CoM, and KH2. As I've also played these games on the PS2, I can testify to the fact that they follow the basics of the plot closely. The mangas do take liberties here and there--usually to add some well-placed touches of humor. For example, in CoM manga, there's a gag about the Organization's chore list and how Vexen is stuck with all of the undesirable jobs (such as cleaning the bathroom). I remember there being another gag about Squall and Yuffie being paid in riceballs for protecting the citizens of Hollow Bastion.

    I don't know if I would call the mangas "canon" so-to-speak, but they do generally portray an accurate view of the Kingdom Hearts plot. I wouldn't necessarily use them as your only source for keeping up with the story, but they are must-haves for any fan who has played--and enjoyed--the franchise as a whole.
    Post by: Cutsceneaddict, Nov 11, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Cutsceneaddict
    I'm Cutsceneaddict (because I am addicted to cutscenes in video games). I originally signed up for this forum so that I could enter a couple of the 10th anniversary writing contests, but since then I've decided I want to get more involved with the KH community here at Vids.

    I love video games. My favorites are: Kingdom Hearts (of course), Fire Emblem, Zelda, Sonic, Mario, Harvest Moon, Shadow of the Colossus, Starfox, Crisis Core, Sly Cooper, Legend of Spyro, Smash Brothers, and several others.

    My hobbies include: cosplay, writing, reading, video games, piano, going to church, and collecting action figures.

    Last month, I was able to attend Mickey's Not-so-scary Halloween party at Disney World... while dressed as a Kingdom Hearts character. It was a truly amazing experience, especially because I ran into a couple of other KH cosplayers out there.

    Anyhoo, that's a little about me. Looking forward to meeting you all! :)
    Thread by: Cutsceneaddict, Nov 11, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Cutsceneaddict


    Hey Noobles! Welcome to KHvids! It's great that you've just discovered Kingdom Hearts. KH2 is one of the best games in the franchise. Good luck completing them all :)

    Looking forward to seeing you around on the forums!
    Post by: Cutsceneaddict, Nov 11, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Cutsceneaddict


    Nice to meet you, Calxiyn! Glad to meet another member of the Kingdom Hearts community. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is one of my favorite Disney films as well. It's also an excellent novel. I highly recommend it if you love classics (although it's much more tragic than its Disney counterpart).

    Look forward to seeing you around on the forums! :)
    Post by: Cutsceneaddict, Nov 11, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Cutsceneaddict
    You got my "like." Keep up the good work!
    Post by: Cutsceneaddict, Nov 3, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Cutsceneaddict
    Going with 888 this time around. We'll see what happens. Good luck everyone!
    Post by: Cutsceneaddict, Nov 3, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Cutsceneaddict
    Here is my super-late entry. It's about Eraqus and Terra and the father/son relationship that they share. Hope you enjoy!
    I entered this at 11:30p.m. on November 2nd, so I believe it still qualifies for the contest.
    I hope it does, at least.

    Eraqus felt the weight of the world. And yet his heart weighed heavier.

    “What have I done… Master…”

    He could see Terra wading forward through the shimmering fog of his fading vision.

    “I just… wanted to keep Ven safe.”

    Breathing was now a struggle for Eraqus. His world became suddenly so small… and yet so deep.

    Just his labored breaths. Himself. Terra. His heart. And his dark memories.

    Such dark, cruel memories.


    “Are you ready, Terra?”

    The youth bowed, wooden Keyblade held confidently in both hands, “Yes, Master. A Keyblade-wielder is always ready.”

    Eraqus tried to withhold a smile at the sight. So young, and yet his newest pupil already showed such gravity for his training. This was a good sign, indeed, for a student.

    “Well said, Terra. Your skill has far surpassed my expectations. I want you to know that I’m very proud of you.”

    A glowing smile twitched uncertainly on the boy’s serious face, “Th-thank you, Master. I owe it all to you.”

    Spreading both legs in an easy, yet prepared, arch, Eraqus locked both elbows tight and held his own Keyblade out in a battle stance, “I believe it is time that you advanced to the next level of Keyblade training—dueling with a living opponent. While targets are an essential part of your daily practice, they do not a Keyblade Master make.”

    Terra’s wrists trembled as a slowly brought the end of his Keyblade up and level with his teacher’s, “Fight you, Master…? B-but--!”

    Some inner warning flared inside Eraqus’ chest, but he paid in little mind, “Terra, listen to me. There comes a time when every pupil must face his own Master. You must not fear losing. Fear leads to obsession with power, and power beckons the Darkness.”

    Terra’s Keyblade actually lowered an inch, “I understand that, Master, but—“

    “Raise your Keyblade, Terra!”

    The tip shot back up into position again, this time in defense. Eraqus locked his weapon against his student’s own Keyblade, gratified with his pupil’s perfect reflex reaction.

    “Good, Terra. Careful, now. Don’t let your emotions override your concentration.”

    With practiced skill, Eraqus allowed Terra to block and evade his precision strikes. Despite his thick build, the boy moved like fluid between the blows, and yet something troubled Eraqus all-the-same.

    He frowned deeply, pulling his scarred cheek taunt, “Terra, strike back! A Keyblade Master knows the balance between offense and defense and utilizes it. Show me that you have learned this!”

    Terra held up the Keyblade horizontally, nearly cowering behind it, “M-master, please! I-I… I don’t want to…!”

    With a deft flick of his own weapon, Eraqus sent the wooden Keyblade sailing across the green to land solidly on the grassy training ground. Not bothering to watch it make contact, Eraqus lowered his Keyblade to his side and shook his head, “Why do you cower so, boy? Why do you fear?”

    When Terra refused to look him in the eye, the Master knelt to his level and laid a fatherly hand on his broad shoulder, “Look at me, Terra.”

    He didn’t expect to see those young eyes gleaming with unshed tears.

    His scarred jaw softened, “Terra, I am your Master. But more importantly, I am your father, or as close to a father as you will ever have. I took you in as more than just a student. You are like a son to me, and I will not treat you as anything less. I want you to know that.”

    It was then that Eraqus realized Terra had yet to make eye contact. Right now, he wasn’t looking him in the eye, but had instead locked his gaze on the jagged scar along Eraqus’ left cheek.

    The Master tried another approach, softening his tone, “Being a Keyblade Master is a great privilege. Do you know why I’m training you to be one, Terra?”

    With a brave sniffle, the boy shook his head.

    Eraqus slowly rose to his feet, “Because I want you to be prepared when it comes time for you to do battle with the Darkness. Darkness is all around us—in every world… and in many hearts. And yet, if the heart is consumed with light—as only a true Keyblade Master’s should be—then the Darkness will never find it.”

    Terra stared at his feet, digesting the words. He still seemed so troubled… but by what, exactly?

    As Eraqus turned to retrieve the youth’s wooden weapon, he heard a small voice ask:

    “…But what if it’s not consumed with light? What if the Keyblade Master has Darkness in his heart, too?”

    Picking up the practice Keyblade by the handle, Eraqus reversed it, offering the hilt to his student, “Then he is no true Master. Always remember that, Terra. Now, let us try again.”

    Reaching out with a trembling hand, Terra took his weapon and braced himself half-heartedly, “B-but--!”

    Eraqus again took up his stance, “I believe in you. I know that you have the makings of a true Master, Terra.”

    “Master, I--!”

    Eraqus cringed. His facial scars seemed to be inflamed, either by sweat or by something far darker, “No more!”

    He charged his student, and Terra and blocked the ensuing blow.

    “Strike back, Terra! Strike back!”

    Block. Block. Block. Block.

    Eraqus struck, hard.

    “Why do you refuse to do as I say?!”

    Terra’s attack came as a complete surprise. The blow struck Eraqus’ Keyblade like thunder and left his hand tingling.

    Eraqus should have felt satisfaction. Instead, he felt alarm.

    As Terra continued to exchange blows with him, his style grew increasingly aggressive. The Master forced his feet into the turf and held his ground, warding off each power-strike.

    It was time to end this. Terra had clearly proven himself.

    “That’s enough, Terra.”

    The attacks continued.

    Something black and purple—something like icy smoke—seemed to be feathering off of his student’s body. His eyes flickered golden for an instant. The wooden Keyblade burned with a sinister flame that covered, but did not consume it.

    The Darkness!

    “Terra! Stop this at once!”

    But there was no stopping. The Darkness had a complete hold over him.

    With no choice left, Eraqus struck with all the skill of a Master—not as he would against a student, but as he would against an enemy.

    Terra hit the ground like a lead statue, wind completely driven out of his body. The smoky aura of Darkness subsided.

    Eraqus stamped down firmly on the wooden Keyblade, trapping it against the ground. Sending his own Keyblade dissipating into empty air, the Master glared down, unblinking, at his pupil.

    “I am disappointed Terra. You have let fear into your heart, and the Darkness with it. It pains me to say it, but you leave me with no choice but to suspend your training. Until you can master your own heart, you have no right to try and master a Keyblade.”

    Terra cringed and rolled onto his side, “M-master… I tried--!”

    “There is no ‘try’ when it comes to the Darkness! You either fight it, or succumb to it. Taking the middle ground is the worst of all, for it will seep into your heart and reveal itself when you least expect it… as it has today.”

    Terra pulled himself upright, teeth clenched in blind frustration, “I… I…”

    “What is it that you fear so much? What could possibly drive you to such desperation?”

    Lowering his head shamefully, the student fell silent.

    Eraqus nudged the wooden Keyblade with his foot, guiding it toward his pupil, “When you are ready to speak honestly with me, I will consider reviving your training. Until then, I suggest you think hard about why you want to be a Master, Terra.”

    Looking back, Eraqus remembered that day so vividly—like a little ghost of his memory, coming back to replay in his mind’s eye. He had turned and walked back to the training hall, leaving behind a shaken Terra. Somehow, he was now able to recall something he’d forgotten. Something that he thought Terra had whispered to himself. Now he knew. The words had been meant for him.

    “I tried to tell you, Master. I tried.”


    Eraqus gritted against the pain, unable to stop the shake in his voice, “No, you were right. I failed you, Terra. Perhaps I’ve no one to blame but myself for the Darkness inside you.”

    Terra drew closer… so close now that Eraqus could almost see the tears in his eyes. His student had grown so much—had grown from an orphaned boy to a strong young man. And yet, he would forever be that small, orphaned boy in the Master’s eyes.

    “And now, I’ve done worse,” he labored on, struggling to keep his feet, “—raised my Keyblade against you and Ventus.”

    Terra reached through the death mist in his dying eyes… reached for his hand. But Eraqus kept his own palm locked firmly over his chest. He wasn’t worthy to touch his student… not after he’d done him such wrong.

    And then it occurred to him.

    His own fear had led to an obsession with power—power over Terra and Ventus. He had tried to control them. He had even demanded perfection of his own student. Terra had tried to communicate. His pupil had been afraid of one thing only, and it wasn’t losing, as Eraqus had so boldly assumed.

    It was he—Eraqus—that Terra had feared all those years.

    And why shouldn’t his student fear him? He had demanded so much. He had left no room for error or doubt. He hadn’t let Terra question himself, and that lack of knowledge had led to ignorance, suffocation, and fear. And the darkness had come as a result.

    But now—with agony—Eraqus knew from where the Darkness had originated before it seeped into Terra’s soul. It had originated in his own fears—his own sense of unflinching control.

    “My own heart is Darkness!”

    They were the last words Eraqus remembered. His heart broke in that instant—ending his life even before Xehanort’s Keyblade had the chance to enter it.


    Terra drifted on a fog of black nothingness, trapped in the dark confines of Xehanort’s existence. As though from a distance, a voice entered his mind, seemingly from his heart.

    “Terra… Why have you fallen into despair?”

    Opening his eyes, Terra laid a palm against his chest, surprised by its warmth, “M-master Eraqus…?”

    The voice echoed back in his mind, emphasized by heats waves from his heart, “Yes, Terra. I have never left your side, and though you sleep in Darkness for one thousand years, I will always be with you. I will give you the strength that you need to overcome your fear.”


    A dark vortex appeared, allowing Master Xehanort to enter the empty void in front of him. Terra rose to his feet.

    Xehanort smiled coldly, mockingly, “Darkness rules your heart. Muscle and sinew that once obeyed you now rebels against you. How you can remain here at all confounds the mind.”

    Terra met him, eye-to-eye, “It's still my heart. You think you can just come in and take over? I'm
    not gonna sit by and let that happen.”

    “Hmph. Don't even entertain any notions of escaping me, boy. In the end, your heart will be engulfed by mine forever.”

    “Wrong. You're gonna get shown the door, old man.”

    Xehanort leaned forward, “As I recall, you couldn't even handle your own darkness. How, then,
    will you triumph over mine?”

    “You'll find out soon enough.”

    Terra felt a glow fill his heart, envelop his mind, merge with his soul. Hope fluttered in his chest for the first time in a long while.

    Xehanort muttered darkly to himself, “Oh? So that's how it is, is it? Someone else has set foot in your
    heart. Eraqus, you sly fox...”

    Terra spoke every word with conviction, “I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me--even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss--you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it.”

    Xehanort smiled cajolingly, as though trying to reason with an old friend, “Brave words, to be sure. But I'm a patient man. We can take as much time as we need to settle this little property dispute. However, know this--You are just one of many roads that I might choose to take. Trust me. I made
    certain of that.”

    An oval of Darkness feathered out of the ground, swallowing up the evil Master.

    Terra lifted his head and closed his eyes, savoring the silence of this empty ambience.

    “Thank you, Master Eraqus.”
    Post by: Cutsceneaddict, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Archives
  9. Cutsceneaddict
    I choose 368, just because.
    Post by: Cutsceneaddict, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Cutsceneaddict
    5 Lessons that Kingdom Hearts Has Taught Me

    There’s a special something about Kingdom Hearts. For years I’ve tried to put my finger on the definition of this something, but I’ve never come up with a satisfying answer. One thing I know for sure is that—personally—no other video game franchise has been so influential and thought-provoking as this one. A deceptive depth underlies its simplistic, Disney-esque feel. Its characters have grown on me—and almost grown up with me—to the point where I regard them as “old friends.” The lessons I’ve learned from this franchise as a whole can’t all be listed here, but I’d like to highlight some of them, none-the-less. They have touched my life and influenced my convictions, and for that I believe they deserve recognition.

    Lesson 1: Even Nobodys are Somebodys
    I want to highlight Xion in particular for this point. Xion’s story is easily the most heart-breaking in the franchise. She comes into existence as nothing more than a tool to further the Organization’s schemes. In the most literal sense of the word, Xion is a true “nobody”—a being who never really existed at all—just a physical embodiment of Sora’s memories.

    And yet Xion makes an impact on those closest to her—Roxas and Axel. These three form an unbreakable friendship—so strong, in fact, that Xion is willing to sacrifice her existence in order to see it protected.

    One of the most misunderstood scenes in 368/2 Days shows Roxas cradling a dying Xion. Just before her death, Roxas gasps out, “No! Xion… who else will I have icecream with?” Fans often joke about the naivety of this line, not realizing just how powerful it is. Xion has made such an impression on Roxas that, without her, Roxas can see only an empty hole in his life. Those simple memories of sharing icecream together on the clocktower have become more important to Roxas than anything else—his accomplishments, his standing in the Organization, even the truth about his existence, perhaps. After all, it was Xion that encouraged him to find the truth behind his unanswered questions. With her death, that encouragement has also ceased to exist.

    And yet, even whilst dormant in Roxas’ memories, Xion still manages to influence him. During Roxas’ final battle with Riku, Xion telepathically interacts with both combatants, ultimately setting her friend on a path to rejoining Sora and discovering his ultimate purpose. In the end, Xion lives on—in the heart of Roxas, which is truly the heart of Sora. Her influence helps to shape Roxas and grow him as a person. In this way, Xion is far more than a collection of embodied memories. She had more “heart” than most of the Organization. Her memory will forever linger in the mind of the one person that was closest to her.

    All that to say this: I find Xion highly inspirational. She stands out from the cast because she proves a powerful point—that everybody has a purpose… even if it seems that that individual was “never meant to be” or “never should have been.” Without Xion, Roxas would have probably never struck out on his destiny to rejoin Sora, and Axel may have developed in a dramatically different light—one that did not expand his heart and emotions quite so much.

    Lesson 2: Your Past is not Your Future
    From the moment that Riku discovers the Darkness, he sets himself on a shadowy path to redemption. He stumbles between the Light that is his friends and the Darkness that lies buried in his heart. His personal journey is filled with self-regret, anger, and mistakes, and yet Riku never lets himself give up on reestablishing himself as a true friend to Sora and Kairi.

    Looking at the latest installment in the series, Dream Drop Distance, it’s incredible to see Riku’s unwavering dedication to his friends—especially near the end, in which he takes up the Keyblade and goes to Sora’s aid. Looking at Riku’s early years, in which he openly humiliated, and even turned his Keyblade against, Sora, it’s difficult to believe that he’s even the same character.

    It’s obvious that Riku has regrets about tampering with the Darkness, but he accepts his past and moves on. By the end of the Mark of Mastery exam, Riku realizes that his future doesn’t have to reflect his past. Does he still struggle with Darkness? Of course. Xehanort’s Heartless seems to haunt his every step, and yet Riku acknowledges this as his personal demon and grows stronger each time he does battle with it. His heart eventually becomes so powerful that when Xehanort’s Heartless approaches him for the final time, Riku is able to ward him off, simply by raising his Keyblade. In the end, his mistakes and his painful road to redemption give him a quiet strength that even Sora cannot understand, having never gone through the same experiences.

    Riku is my favorite character for this very reason—he is relatable. I’m sure that, like me, a lot of fans look to him as a beacon of hope—that no matter the opposition, it can be overcome; no matter what the past holds, it does not have to dictate the future. Each day is a new opportunity to set things right. Each opportunity is a challenge to grow. Each growing pain makes you stronger as an individual.

    Lesson 3: Trust Until Given Reason to Doubt
    Sora’s name has all but become synonymous with naivety, and yet a closer inspection of his seemingly reckless behavior reveals something much deeper beneath the surface: trust. No matter who Sora encounters—whether it be angsty Neku or imperiled Alice—his automatic response is always either: “Can I help?” or “Let’s be friends!” Sometimes it’s both. In the same mouthful.

    This default trust is shocking, especially when you consider the amount of deception that Sora has encountered in his lifetime. In Kingdom Hearts, Riku—his best friend—betrays and fights against him. In Chain of Memories, Sora learns that Namine has been deceiving him all along, and yet he still chooses to protect her at the risk of his memory being lost. Unlike Roxas, who experienced similar deceptions his entire life, Sora never loses his faith in others. I believe that the answer to this miraculous trust lies in the fact that Sora holds deep-rooted friendships with those that he meets. He stands on a belief that a true friend is someone that you can trust unconditionally—and accept unconditionally. In that light, Sora finds it easy to trust and even easier to forgive a fault.

    It is because of characters like Sora that I’ve begun to give others more trust and more benefit of the doubt. I hold a faith in my friends that says, “I trust you because you’ve never given me reason to doubt.” But, like Sora, I also understand that we are all imperfect human-beings. Forgiveness is a necessary ingredient, and it is certainly the fastest way to mend a broken or strained relationship.

    Lesson 4: Love is the Strongest Weapon of All
    Kingdom Hearts is full of love, although if you’re searching for it in a romantic sense, you’ll be looking in all the wrong places. Let me clear up my definition of love in order to explain this point. By my definition of love, I mean a selfless, unconditional, accepting love—not a boyfriend/girlfriend romancey-kind-of love. In Kingdom Hearts, this kind of love fills the game. When Sora proclaims that, “I don’t need a weapon. My friends are my power!” he’s speaking of this unbreakable bond of love that he shares with them. Sora realizes, long before any other characters does, that the power of love is stronger than the Keyblade itself. Through his concern—his love—for his friends, Sora is able to heal the mental and emotional wounds of many characters, and even aid in the redemption of Axel and Riku. Though a mighty weapon, the Keyblade could never perform such acts.

    The power of love presents itself in the father/son relationship that exists between Terra and Master Eraqus in Birth by Sleep. Although we are told little about either characters’ pasts, it is quite clear that Terra views the Master as his own father, even going so far as to call him such during his final battle with Xehanort. Perhaps Terra was an orphan, brought in—like Ventus—to Eraqus’ care when he was young. Whatever the terms of their first meeting, the results were magnetic.

    Unfortunately, Eraqus suffered from excessive worry and lack of trust, having been betrayed by his friend Xehanort in the past. This fear leads to his strict aversion of Darkness and an almost scrutinizing surveillance of Terra the moment that his pupil shows outer signs of his inner Darkness. Though his love for Terra never comes into question, Eraqus’ fears eventually lead to a severe misunderstanding and a deadly Keyblade battle with Terra, in which Eraqus is mortally wounded. As the Master’s life fades away, a strange phenomenon occurs. Both Terra and Eraqus simultaneously come to terms with each other, recognizing their personal faults and silently asking the others’ forgiveness.

    After Terra’s own demise at the hands of Xehanort, his heart proves stronger than the evil one thought possible. It soon becomes apparent that someone new is residing in the former pupil’s heart—Master Eraqus. Even in death—even in the face of personal failure—Terra and Eraqus never lose the love that they have for each other. It is this act of love that gives Terra the strength to face years of helplessness, imprisoned in the confines of Xehanort’s dark existence.

    “I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me--even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss--you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it.”

    With those words—and only the spirit of his beloved Master to guide him—Terra prepares for the battle ahead. He knows that he can win. The power of love has shown him that.

    I am a strong believer in “overcoming evil with good” through the power of love, and Kingdom Hearts has served to reinforce this theory in my mind. No matter the fault and no matter the wound, love cures and makes right. Even the most wicked evils do not stand a chance in the face of it.

    Lesson 5: We Are All a Part of Each Other
    I thought it would be appropriate to close with this point, as it is one of the strongest underlying themes of the series: we are all a part of each other, and together we form something greater. “The three of us will always be one,” says Aqua, and even when she, Ventus, and Terra, are separated by death, Darkness, and deception, they never lose sight of this belief.

    Sora sums it up in a climatic pre-battle speech with his best friend Riku: “Although my heart may be weak, it’s not alone. It’s grown with each new experience, and it’s found a home with all the friends I’ve made. I’ve become a part of their heart just as they’ve become a part of mine. And if they think of me now and then… If they don’t forget me… Then our hearts will be one.”

    This network of friends—linked through the power of love—leads to one individual sharing hearts with many others. In this way, nobody is an island unto themselves. With each contact made, a piece of one individual forever connects with another—influencing him, healing him, or harming him. When hearts grow strong, they form legacies, and those legacies keep friends and memories eternally alive. Axel Lea had a thing or two to say about this topic in Birth by Sleep, “I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people's memories, I can live forever.”

    This undying legacy creates a sort of immortality for the individual. It gives him purpose and assures him that—even in the most trying of times—he or she is never alone. The minds and hearts of his friends are ever with him, and, because of that, he has nothing to fear. In almost every Kingdom Hearts game, the main characters become separated from each other—forcefully or otherwise—for an extended period of time. Yet, throughout this separation, they never forget that they are together in spirit. Sora first realizes this after his reunion with Kairi, “I looked everywhere for you, but you were with me all along,” he says.

    For me, this has served as a reminder to influence carefully. With each contact I make, I am—in some way—shaping each person I meet, and I want to shape them (or become a part of them) in only a positive way. Understanding this concept brings a huge responsibility into focus. I can say with certainty that Kingdom Hearts has given me a lot to chew on in this particular area.

    More importantly though, I have been reminded that I’m never truly alone. I have people and friends who I have impressed and been impressed upon… People who care about me and want the best for me. People that I can open my heart to, or simply sit on a clocktower and eat some Seasalt icecream alongside. It’s a good feeling, and it’s truly comforting to know that you’ve made a difference in someone’s life, just because you were in it.

    I feel like I could expand this list forever. Kingdom Hearts has been a major part of my inner influence map, and it’s prominence only grows with each new installment to the series. I owe this franchise for a lot of things—expanding my creativity, getting me into Disney, introducing me to an amazing story filled with vibrant characters…

    …But most of all, perhaps, I owe Kingdom Hearts for simply being a part of my life. It’s taught me lessons about friendship, purpose, destiny, and love that I will never forget.
    Post by: Cutsceneaddict, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: Archives