I like your attitude! :) Please check out the event website (you can find it by clicking on the link in my signature). If you would like to come be a part of this event, then please sign-up. We already have 7 people from across the states (and the nation) committed to attending.
I don't have any posters, but I do have a lot of the action figures. Collecting is one of my hobbies. :)
Wow. Very interesting results. I'm suprised that Luxord and Demyx scored so high and that Zexion and Saix scored so low. Not suprised that Axel made number one, however :) I think that the more partcipants that these Top 10 posts have, the more accurate the results will be as a general representation of the fan community. If you don't already send in your own list, be sure to do so. It's a lot of fun! Take part!
Happy New Year. Wishing you the best of 2013! Thanks for all the good times, KHvids!
It's true that a lot of people don't know what KH is. Otakuland would definately be a good place for Kingdom Hearts, but I'd love to see something put into the Magic KIngdom as well. So much of KH revolves around Disney that it doesn't make sense for the theme parks not to have anything KH-related within them. Plus, I think it would do something to advertise the series there.
This is a fan-created event that will happen at the Magic Kingdom in Florida, October 2013. KH fans will enter the park dressed as characters from the game (or wearing KH shirts and merchandise). We want to let Disney know how much we love Kingdom Hearts and how much we would love to see it come to Disney World. Maybe it will result in some kind of continuous KH presence at the Magic Kingdom. This event is not anything created by Disney. It is created entirely by fans of the series. Disney has not banned anyone from dressing as KH characters (although they don't allow costumes of any kind at the parks if you are over 9 years old--except on special Halloween event nights). Please check out the project website for more information. You can get there by clicking on the link in my signature. :) If you want to attend, please sign up!
Glad to have your support, NemesisPrime. The event is still a long way off in October 2013, so you never know. Maybe you'd be able to make it after all. If you want to keep up with the project's progress, I suggest subscribing to the newfeed on the website and adding it to your favorites. We'll--hopefully--be adding a forum to the website soon, so you'll be able to interact with a lot of participants and others who are interested in the event/movement. :) Me too, Sora the Explorer. Me too. Be sure to check out the event webpage and sign up if you want to attend and help make it a reality. :) We hope that this event will help get Kingdom Hearts into Disney World for good. We need a lot of KH fans to attend the event and help make it a reality, so if you'd like to attend the event make sure you sign up on the project website. Just click on the link in my signature. :) Thanks for your enthusiasm!
I would really like to see some Final Fantasy based worlds, like Midgar for example. I don't know whether or not this would ever happen, but I think it would make for an experience original to the Kingdom Hearts series. And I think Brave would fit in well with Kingdom Hearts as well. I don't think that long-ranged bow attacks would be a problem; it's not really any different than Donald's fire magic, etc. I hope to see at least one KH world based off of a Pixar film in KH3.
I don't really remember, actually... I remember the Cave of Wonders was a little confusing in places though.
I, personally, enjoy the series' complexity. :) One of the central themes in Kingdom Hearts is "being connected"--no matter what distance, death, or distrust separates you. In each title, the main characters usually end up separated from one another but their hearts stay connected. In the end, they are always reunited. I kind of see the complex inter-connectiveness of the characters as a reflection of this theme. I also see it as a way to express that everyone is important, because it takes many individuals to shape a single one. A character like Xion, for example, who is considered less than a Nobody, is actually vital to influencing Roxas and Axel. Her mere existence changes the entire course of the storyline.
If you'd like to be a part of the event, please sign up on the project website! :) We'd love to have you come be a part. I have a link to the website in my signature, as well as above on this forum. ...and I'll be sure to warn any Riku cosplayers at the event to watch out for you :D We have at least one already signed up for the event day.
I'm suprised that both Xehanort and Eraqus were absent from the list, both being Keyblade Masters. I'm also suprised that Mickey surpassed Sora for the #2 slot. Not at all suprised by Riku though. I figured his popularity would carry him to the top of the list. Seeing all that he went through to obtain the title of Keyblade Master, I think he deserves it, too. :)
I think Kairi needs more screentime, and making her playable would give her that chance to shine. She often suffers from character development issues, which is a shame because she actually has a lot of potential. Since Aqua was the first female character to be made playable, I don't think it's a very far stretch to think that Kairi would be made playable in the future... espcially if the secret ending of Dream Drop Distance hinted at anything...
If any of you guys think you can attend the event, please sign up via the Join the Project link. The only way this project will be effective is if we have a lot of participants. So give it some thought and then please sign up if you so desire. The more people listed under the Event Day Guestlist, the more impressive it will be to other KH fans and Disney itself. :)
Hey everyone, long time no see! I'm posting to annouce that the website for PROJECT Magic Kingdom Hearts is at last up and running. If you're interested in attending the event--or are just curious about it--please go check it out! You can access the site by clicking here.
That's perfect. Thanks, Plums! :)
Congratulations to all the winners! :) So many wonderful submissions. I enjoyed reading them. Looking forward to what you write up next time. Do you think you could post the winning entries here so that I could see them all? I'm having a hard time going back and finding some of the entries and I'd like to see the winning submissions. Thanks!
Ah, I see ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those of you who are interested in this project, I recommend watching this thread for a bit. I'll be posting a link to the make-shift website soon. Thanks for your patience!
Glad to have your support. ^^ The event won't happen until October 2013, so who knows, maybe you'd get to come anyway. :) ...You live in a town shaped like a bowl? O.o Awesome! I'd love to see it at the event! :D I'm sure it'll be completed by October 2013. Just be careful you don't trip over those shoes ;) I'm sure that'll take some getting used to. Sora makes it look easy enough, though.
That would be excellent! I'll get a quick prototype site up soon and we'll see what kind of support comes in from KHvids and beyond. I also ran this project by the KH Insider forum. It met with a generally positive response, though there was some speculation about how effective the project would be in getting KH into the Magic Kingdom. I assured them that this was just one small step in a big dream :) Looking forward to seeing where it goes.