I really hope that Zack is in the next game (as an older version like you said). He's my favorite Final Fantasy character. Unfortunately, I thought I remembered reading something against that. Something about the fact that Zack was put in BBS specifically because it was a "past game," or one that takes place before the main series (much like Zack is a "past character" from before the main plot of FF7). I really hope he makes it though! Aside from the return of Zack Fair, I really want to see Vincent Valentine (would go perfectly in the Nightmare Before Christmas world) and Laguna. I was really bummed when I learned that Laguna had almost made it into BBS, only to be cut out. I think it'd be cool to have an actual Final Fantasy world in KH3 (like Midgar). I doubt this would happen though, since the FF cast are like "guests" to the KH games.
We would love to have you come be a part of the event, UlquiorraCifer1964! :) Feel free to subscribe to the project newsfeed (at the bottom of the homepage on the website). And make sure that you sign up if you decide to come! Thanks for all your support! The event is definately going to happen. There are several fans already signed up to attend. I can't say for sure that it will get more Kingdom Hearts stuff into the Magic Kingdom, but if nothing else, it will be a step in that direction. Think of this project as an event that may grow into something much bigger. :) Be sure to sign up if you figure out you can come! We'd love to have you be a part! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just as a general project update, we've been getting a lot of sign-ups and subscribers over the last two days! Megacon was a success and we handed out a lot of event information. I'm getting really exciting to see where this is headed!
The mangas are an excellent supplement to the games. They do take some liberties here and there, but mostly to add humor, so in a way they're almost an alternative, funnier plotline. If you've played the games and love 'em, then the mangas are for you too. If you've never played the games, you can still read the mangas and love 'em, but I wouldn't use them as your only source for the series because they do have some (albiet minor) differences. The storyline is basically the same, though. Needless to say, I'm glad to hear this series is continuing. I wish they'd release the rest of them in English though, as I can't read Japanese :/
Just a few off the top of my head: "If you have a dream, don't wait. Act. One of life's little rules. Got it memorized?"--Axel, Kingdom Hearts "The darkness may destroy my body, but it can’t touch my heart! My heart will stay with my friends. It’ll never die!”--Sora, Kingdom Hearts "Get up on the Hydra's back!"--Phil, Kingdom Hearts Lea: I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people's memories, I can live forever. Isa: I know I won't forget you. Believe me, I try all the time. Lea: See, I'm immortal! Isa: You're obnoxious.--Axel and Saix as kids in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep So many more... Many, many more...
Welcome aboard, Ambertastic! Sounds like you're going to fit right in with the rest of us Disney/KH fans! :) Great to have you.
No problem! I'm so glad you like it that much! I only ask that if anybody says "Hey, where'd you get that neat desktop?" that you tell them where it came from and about the Magic Kingdom Hearts project/event at the Magic Kingdom. ;)
Most certainly! Looks like Zelda beat me to posting it though :) Glad you like it. Please sign up if you'd like to attend the event. We'd love to have you! I'm so glad you guys are coming! Just so you know, I don't believe I've received the sign-up forms from your friends yet. Be sure to let them know to sign up soon so I know they're coming! And thanks for posting that image for me :)
Thanks for your support of the project! :) Even if you can't physically come to the event, you can follow its progress on the website (which will be getting forums soon). Those are some great cosplay characters, for sure. Wish you could come to the event, but being all the way over in Asia I can see where that's a problem O.o Thanks for all your support though. Feel free to follow the progress of the project on the event website (link in my sig).[DOUBLEPOST=1362452645][/DOUBLEPOST] Do you have a picture that you could send me of these Keyblades? I would love to add them to the website, if you do. Thanks for the tip! I'd love to see KH come to BOTH theme parks. Because I live nearer to the Magic Kingdom, however, I'm having the event there. If you'd like to head up a similar event in Disney Land, that'd be awesome. Then we could have two event days simultaneously, and perhaps Disney would take more notice. And I love your sig. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are among my absolute favorite video games. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1362452800][/DOUBLEPOST] Thank you for all 125% of your support! If you'd like to actually attend the event, be sure to sign up on the website. If you can't, then feel free to sign up for project updates or tell your friends about it.
It's looking very nice. Can't wait to see it all in action! Really excited about the 358/2 Days movie! :)
Welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay, make some friends, have fun! :)
Great to have you back. I hope you enjoy your stay ...Maybe you should write down your username and password somewhere safe where you won't forget it :)
DDD is very important to the plot, as it reverses a lot of plot points, introduces some important info, and generally leads up to KH3. Think of DDD as being to KH3 what Chain of Memories was to KH2. It's not vital that you play through it or watch it, but you're going to be a little confused and empty otherwise when you pick up the sequel. Personally, I believe DDD should be--at least--watched by anyone seriously concerned about the storyline. Riku and Sora both get some beautiful character development and are challenged in ways that haven't been touched on previously. Without spoiling anything, I'll just say that there's a couple big plot twists that tie into the previous games, as well as the re-introduction of some rather important characters. Fans of a certain fiery red-head will be in for some suprises...
This is a topic I've always wondered about as well. Since Sora's parents really aren't mentioned after the original game (and briefly in BBS), my theories are: 1. Sora's parents disappeared along with the rest of the world and may tie into the plot later. 2. Perhaps the developers originally intended to have his parents be a part of the story, but then changed their mind and went with something different. In this case, they have no intention of bringing them back into the story again. The existence of parents in the KH universe seems to be, at best, vague. When you look at the characters, none of them have families, just very close friends. Sora and Riku mention their parents in the first game and in BBS, but we never see them. We hear Sora's mom at one point, but that's about it. Perhaps they will tie into the plot later, but I kinda doubt this, since we've never even seen them.
Wow. So cool. I love that Riku figure, and I certainly wouldn't mind picking up that Sora either. I wish they'd go back and make a Deep Dive Riku figurine from KH2. He totally got left out of the KH2 figure line (which, as popular as he is, really suprised me; I mean, even Kairi got a figure!). That Way to Dawn Keyblade is looking might fine too. Definately buying these! :)
That would be awesome! You are fantastic :) Thanks for all your support.
Really excited for the localization! The remastered 358/2 Days cutscenes has got me tingly with anticipation--almost 3 hours long! They might as well turn it into a movie! Loving the cover art too, and I can't help but noticed the wink at Game of Thrones. Very stylish and attractive over-all, and I really like the playful touches as well. It's not--by any means--a dark cover, which I think captures the spirit of the games appropriately.
Very interesting results. I'm glad to see that Vincent scored so high (he was my #1 pick). I can just imagine him emerging from a coffin in the Nightmare Before Christmas world :) And Laguna made it too. Hooray! I wish he hadn't been cut from Birth by Sleep. He's laid back enough that I think he'd fit in well with Sora and the rest, while still being a powerful team player. I like the rest of the line-up too, though I'm rather unfamiliar with FFXIII. I hope to see more Final Fantasy characters included in KH 3--both as companions and NPCs. Having a Final Fantasy world become a part of the game would be incredible. I'd love to play through Midgar or some other Final Fantasy world in a future KH game (though I know that might jar the Disney-only, world system).
Ah, I see. Well, feel free to follow the project's progress if you'd like :) We have some guests currently signed up both state-and-nation wide, so you never know what could happen in the future. Thanks for all of your interest! The project website will be getting its own forum soon, if you would like to become a part of the community.
Really looking forward to the results! Make sure you send in your choices, everybody!
Awww, bummer :/ The event itself doesn't start until 4:00, though, as it's happening on one of Disney's Halloween event nights. The date may possibly change, though I think it's pretty set. Thanks for your support! Please consider coming to the event! We'd love to see you there. Click the banner in my signature to check out the website and sign up if you'd like to attend.