If Kingdom Hearts ever becomes a movie, it would probably only be successful as a CGI film, and NOT a live action movie. I don't think that most movie-goers would buy a live-action anime-kid-with-spiky-hair meets Donald Duck and Sephiroth, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'd still go see it in theaters, but I doubt the majority of movie-goers would share my opinnion xD That being said, CGI would be perfect for a KH film, and Square has more than proven their abilities with Advent Children already (at least, in their animation department; storywise might be a bit of a different issue). I think that a new in-between story would be a good idea, as fans wouldn't be able to say that "the game did it better." This would also ensure that the movie was not simply a re-telling of one of the many Kingdom Hearts stories and that it would have appeal to all kinds of fans looking for something new. It would be a good excuse for Square to dig deeper into the characters and bring out some "untold plotpoints." Even then, I wouldn't mind seeing a direct adaptaion of one of the games, much as 358/2 Days has just been done. I'm super excited to see it in English. ^^ Would I want to see a Kingdom Hearts movie? Sure. I wouldn't mind. I'd actually really enjoy a "movie-like" take on the franchise. But if it meant damaging or harming the series' reputation, I'd have to say "no."
Wow. Where to begin? To spare you all a ton of words here, I'll just put a link to an article I wrote about this topic. xD You can find it on KHInsider here. To put it in a few short words though, KH has given me a lot to think about. Funny how a bunch of characters in a video game can teach you so much.
Very interesting theory. It's true that some of the 13 Darknesses have not been revealed so this could be possible. I remember one scene in RE: Chain of Memories, right after Riku defeats Lexaeus by transforming into his dark form. Lexaeus says to Riku, "You are the Superior's--" and then cuts it off with "Forgive me, Zexion." You can watch it here. Do you think this could have anything to do with your theory? I could never quite figure out the context of that line... Of course, I could just be overthinking it, but still...
You are welcome to stay as late as you want and leave as early as you want :) The event is intentionally open-ended, so that individual attendees can basically do whatever they want. If you want to make the most of your ticket, you'll probably want to stay for awhile, but you certainly don't have to be there the whole time. Hope that was helpful :)
No worries ^^. I don't mind answering your questions. :) It does cost money, as it's the price for a regular Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween event ticket. Last year these tickets cost about $64.00. You can probably find answers to other questions you may have on our FAQ page.
The event isn't until October, so you have plenty of time to sign up. I would try to sign up at least a few weeks in advance to ensure that you can get your tickets and all :)
That would be perfect timing! I hope that you can join us :) ...Just don't give your mom any grief, OK? ^^
That's a tough one. Traverse Town is my favorite world, though I think I'd enjoy it more as a travel location than a homeland. I think that the dark, nightlife setting would get a bit... I don't know... gloomy, after a while. Same with Twilight Town. It's a beautiful area, but I think it might make me sad after awhile. I'd love to travel there and visit every other day, but I think living there might depress me for some reason. I guess because it's always sunset--never quite night, never quite dawn. I think if I had to live somewhere, it would be Hollow Bastion. It's kind of like a village, but it's homey and has a lot of things to do. To be honest though, I don't know if I'd ever settle down in any one place. I'd just like to keep traveling wherever the wind took me--resting here one night, traveling there the next. That would be the life :D[DOUBLEPOST=1367027473][/DOUBLEPOST] Great minds think alike ;) I said the same thing, scrolled up, and realized that you thought the same. *high-five*
So glad you approve :D This is just a one-night event, happening on October 25th during one of Disney's Halloween nights. You're more than welcome to join us then, though! If the event is sucessful, who knows? We may just have to do it again sometime... Hope to see you there! We're getting close to 50 attendees now! Be sure to check out our website (click my signature!)
At least once for sure. I do like collecting all of the trophies, though, so I'd probably go for all that too. ...But first I've got to get a PS3 O.o As soon as they announce Kingdom Hearts 3, I plan on playing through the entire series leading up to its release (either chronologically or based on release-date).
The original Kingdom Hearts ending is hard to beat. It's a bit sad, but filled with hope at the same time. You know that it's only the beginning of the adventure. The feelings that summed up that ending are truly powerful though--something that few video games manage to achive: joy, loss, promise, hope, sorrow, nostalgia, redemption, forgiveness, sacrifice, even humor... it's all there, in a wonderful, beautiful combo that somehow works wonders. Kingdom Hearts 2... Seeing the character finally come together gave me such a feeling of overflowing joy. Sora's simple, "We're back," is enough to bring a tear to your eye. Seriously. Birth By Sleep's secret ending was fantastic. The exchange between Terra and Xehanort has become one of my favorite scenes in the series. But wrapping the ending up with all of the characters looking towards the same hope and seeking the same dreams--all within Sora--really brought a hopeful promise of things to come. All the games have incredible endings--though I haven't seen all of Coded yet, so I can't speak for it. Kingdom Hearts knows how to end a game and end it well :) I can't wait to see what they do with KH3!
Somebody really should make a massive Kingdom Hearts personality test! O.o Anyway! From Kingdom Hearts: I am probably most like Aqua. She's mature, calm, leader-like, and follows the rules, even when it isn't popular. She's sacrificial for her friends, but at the same time isn't afraid to tell them when they've strayed off the right path. She also has a small core of close friends so I believe she's somewhat of an introvert. From Disney: Goofy. Klutzy and sometimes frightened, but loyal to the end. Also has a very thick skull, apparently. I've also been hit with a rather large rock on the head and came away unscathed xD From Final Fantasy: I am probably most like Zack or Tifa. Tifa because she is persistent and determined to help her friends, but she's also tough and not afraid to take risks for her friends. Zack because he's got big dreams ahead of him and he actively pursues them. He's also a good sport and does everything he can to make another person comfortable by complimenting them and treating them like he'd want to be. I'm certainly not as hyper or bold as Zack is though :) This is a lot of fun! Looking forward to everyone else's answers.
Agreed. And it very well could be a translation/continuity error. Or perhaps Mickey learned about Terra's existance through someone else? Like Minnie, perhaps? I don't recall if Minne ever met Terra in person (haven't seen BBS in awhile), though I believe she mentions him when she says there are "three winners." Mickey likely decided that a friend of Minnie's was a friend of his. Or perhaps Yen Sid informed Mickey about Terra? He seems to know quite a bit about the worlds and their inhabitants.
Glad you like the idea so much! :) And I agree. Disney owes Kingdom Hearts for recruiting a lot of fresh fans, myself included. A lot of fans have expressed their desire to be part of the event, even though they can't physically attend. Several of them are hosting mini parties at their homes with friends and wearing their favorite Kingdom Hearts cosplay/costume or T-shirt in order to celebrate along with us on October 25th. They'll be sending in photos from their own mini-events to the website. Be creative! We'd love to see what you can come up with. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Also, important update! Magic KIngdom Hearts is now on Tumblr, Deviantart, and Facebook! ****** Please go check them out and "like," "subscribe," or "follow" if you want. We can use as many "likes" and "followers" as we can get. ****** A lot of new attendees are finding out about this event through these social networks. Each page offers its own exclusive content, so consider following each of them and "share" with others. The links to these pages are below: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Project-Magic-Kingdom-Hearts/351463924964961?ref=hl Special content focuses on Kingdom Hearts fanart, as well as general updates. You can even send in your favorite piece of fanart to be featured on the page! Deviantart: http://cutsceneaddict.deviantart.com/ Special content focuses on photos from our convention appearances, as well as photos from our first trip to Disney while cosplaying--the trip that started the Magic Kingdom Hearts movement. If we ran into you at a con, you may just find a photo of yourself here! General updates are also posted here, along with special wallpapers and other MKH content. Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/magickingdomhearts Special content includes fun facts from Kingdom Hearts, along with character quotations, videos, and more. General updates are posted as well. As a sidenote, subscribe to our pages with confidence, knowing that we keep things as clean and friendly as the games themselves are. :)
SUPER excited! I never thought we'd get an english translation of these mangas. If you've never read them, make sure you pick them up! Very well drawn and written (and with a lot more comedy based on the games and characters themselves). I shall look forward to November. Hoping for news on the rest of the KH2 manga release as well! They left us hanging at Vol. 2!
Ever since I got into Kingdom Hearts, I'd had this gut feeling that Riku was going to die at the end. He's just that type--courageous, self-sacrificing, and seeking a path of redemption. As he's my favorite character, I'd hate to see him go, but in a way, I think it would be satisfying, as you said. *Not to mention it'd probably get him even MORE fans* :) It would lend a lot of weight to Riku as a character, and KH3 as the conclusion of the series. In all honesty though, I can't see Square killing off Riku (if they kill off anybody to begin with). At the end of Kingdom Hearts 2, Riku nearly does die in order to protect Sora from Xemnas (taking a severe injury to the leg). To me, that seemed to be Square's way of fulfilling my exceptations without ridding the series of one of its most popular characters. Riku has continually sacrificed himself throughout the series, which on one hand makes an "ultimate sacrifice" on his part very believable, but on the other hand would perhaps seem too redundant to be do-able. Up until KH2 and Dream Drop Distance, I was convinced that Riku was going to kick the bucket in some sacrificial way. Now that focus has shifted primarily to Sora for me. Nowaki makes some pretty intresting observations here. I realize that Sora has, in a sense, already died in KH1, but that was a long time ago, considering the whole of the series. I think the time is about ripe for him to make another big sacrifice instead of letting Riku pull all the sacrificial weight. I can easily see Sora "dying" at the end of KH3, prompting Riku to pull the others through to an uncertain victory, only to have Sora ressurected at the last second and save the day. I know it sounds cliche, but Square has a way of making those cliches work in the Kingdom Hearts series. Yen Sid seems to be a popular choice for the death candidate of KH3. I have a hard time believing that Disney will kill off a Disney character who does not otherwise die in the Disney films. All the same, Yen Sid is a famed Keyblade Master (who we have yet to see actually weild a Keyblade). Perhaps a grand climax between Yen Sid and Xehanort is in order? I've heard a similar theory with Terra and Eraqus. As Eraqus is now essentially a part of Terra, it would be absolute poetic justice to have a showdown between Terraqus and Xehanort. Pretty epic if you ask me. Kingdom Hearts games don't always end happily, but there's usually a "feel good" feeling there all the same. Consider Birth by Sleep and 358/2 Days. Both had pretty sad endings, but they are handled in a way that promises hope will follow. Kingdom Hearts 2, on the other hand, ends very positively. I don't think that KH3 needs to end all happy-and-cheery so long as it ends with a promise of hope in store. Even if Sora is the main character of the next KH saga, it's still possible that he could die... and be brought back to life before the end of the game. But, as you said, this IS Kingdom Hearts and Disney isn't likely to let many good-guys die before its all over. The closest we've come to that in the past is Axel in KH2 and Eraqus in Birth By Sleep. Even then though, there's some kind of assurance that the characters aren't entirely gone. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I really like reading all of your theories. Keep them coming. I know that this is very likely just a "theorizing thread" and that perhaps nobody will die in KH3, but, like others have said, it's fun to think about and discuss. And who knows, some of you might be right O.o
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It's great to know that Disney is giving Kingdom Hearts some recognition, even if it is ALL the way over in Japan. I'm going to look more into this and make a post on the Magic Kingdom Hearts news page about it. This is big news and it ties somewhat into the MKH event at the Magic Kingdom (as it has to do with both Disney and KH). Interestingly, both of these events are scheduled for October... Do you have a link to the website where you gained this information? I would like to puruse it. :) Thanks!
You are just fantastic. Seriously, I'm so thrilled you guys are going to celebrate along with us, even if you can't physically be there. This made my day :) Please send a picture of the six of you in your KH stuff to the website if you'd like. I'd love to post it/put it in a promotional video/etc. I think that's a really powerful statement you 6 are making. In fact, if anybody here can't actually come to the event, feel free to wear your KH stuff that day and send in pictures of it to the website. I would love to post it.
Very cool! Welcome aboard, Bill! Can't wait to see your talents in action! :)
Alright, I know what you're thinking: death in the KH universe is kind of impossible because of all the connections between characters and ability to bring characters back. All the same, with KH3 looming around the corner, so is the end of an epic saga 10 years in the making. I can't help but think that someone is going to kick the bucket in order to make that ending big and memorable. I originally saw this topic on another website forum and thought it would be interesting to discuss here. Here's my thoughts on the matter: ***BEWARE OF DREAM DROP DISTANCE/BIRTH BY SLEEP/ETC. SPOILERS**** Terra seems extremely likely. If he is one of the 13 Xehanort's, I'd say those odds go up considerably. I can picture him making the ultimate sacrifice to destroy Xehanort and save the world (or alternatively request to be destroyed in the process). Isa is definately likely, as Lea seems set on redeeming him. I can see Isa ending up as the tragic, unredeemed character-type who dies in the end. Or perhaps changes his tune at the last minute and dies saving Lea (etc.etc.etc). Xigbar also falls in this category to an extent, though I can see him going down as a bad guy and proud of it. I think that Sora may very well die. Not permanently, of course, but it seems that a lot of series climax with the main character dying and then being brought back to life. I can see the same being held true for Riku, but because Riku has already made so many sacrifices in the past, it seems to me that Sora is the more likely candidate. If they aren't a villain of some kind, I have a hard time believing that any of the KH characters would "die" permanently, though. I've got to admit, it would raise the maturity bar for the series quite a bit. As KH3 will be the conclusion of a story 10-years in the making, a permanent death may be just what the series needs for a big climax. So what are your thoughts everyone? This could get very insightful and interesting!