Ooh, I like all of them muchhhh better than in the first game, HalloweenTown and Atlantica were two of my faves I think and Agrabah was nice but I preferred it in the first game. I looove Hollow Bastion in this one actually, getting to see more of the town and Twilight Town was cool but confusing.
I prefer the voice in the second game, it sounds so weird!! Anyone have a link to clips of the japanese voice?
Whoah, I'd love the know how to do that, it's so cool!
My hair color is sorta like Demyx, does that count?
DEMYX!!! As if you couldn't tell by my badly spelt screenie. Roxas is an awesome second though and Axel takes third. :)
That would be really awesome, but I like doing the tournies too. Maybe there's another place they could think of to hold the tournies and they could devote Olympus to Herc's story??
You know it would be sooooo helpful if someone could add a link to the original thread that explains codes in the FIRST POST. ;)
That is seriously fantabulous news, thanks for the update!!
Can someone please get me a picture of this "Terra"??
No way, I totally would loooooveeee to kick Riku's slimy little butt.
Probably in a battle with the Heartless right before he died. Or a Seifer like incident.
Call me crazy but I think that Axel is his Nobody.
Yeah, I totally want to!! He was fun, even though the whole time I kept wanting to play as Sora. :)
Interesting explanation Ben66, that really makes sense and its good. :) Do you happen to have the site link handy??
I don't really support the Yaoi, except for laughs, I mean, it's hilarious to see fanart and stuff of but I don't really support it. I support Larxene x Marluxia though. :D
Yeah, it should. Although I liked the way the first one ended, and the second one, they were both sweet. They should still totally kiss.
I don't think I'd like it very much if they took Sora out of the games completely, because KH is NOT like FF. FF I don't believe was meant to be an ongoing series about a few main characters, each one is self-contained, unlike KH. Show me proof about Aqua, Ven and Terra. And don't quote that BS wiki.
I think it was Xehanort's choice and to mark their transformation from regular human to...Nobody.
Personally, I loved it and not just because TLM is my all time favorite movie. It made a nice change from all the fighting on the other worlds, it was a quick break and gave you something to work towards, be it Magnera or Thundaga or a higher Drive Gauge. It felt really good when I achieved these, I would never have really cared much about any of these things otherwise. Plus, I like the songs. XD
I think its all in the way they're made or their power. Possibly the keychains or the ability to attach a keychain is a sign of a really powerful keyblade.