I voted Xaldin for a same reason.
I updated it.
Mine was, when i was at dark forest at night. I was alone there. Then, the Groke from moomin came from darkest depths of the forest. I was so scared. The Groke scares the **** out of me, and i am 16 years old.
Thanks mama. Name: Peke Age:16 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: Bow and arrows + two medium sized swords History: Ex human hunter, who lived his hometown to find vampires. He wants to turn into a vampire, so he needs to find vampires. Personality: Agressive person, who loves battles. Apearance: Long black hair. He is very long. He has a big scar on his face. He looks like Orlando Bloom.
Can i join? I know, that is little late for that, but i wanna join.
"That is just stupid Marly" Saix says to Marluxia.
"Why is it too late?" Saix askes.
Name: Xirenrew Bio: former soldier Gender: Male Element: Light Weapon: Two elven blades from LOTR (picture) http://www.kultofathena.com/images/thumbs/t_SW652.jpg Age:16 Appearance: Brown hair, long hair. Hero or Villan: Villain Another: Name:Xamtit Bio: former soldier and Xirenrews best friend Gender:Male Element: Nature Weapon: One giant claymore (picture) http://www.scottishsword.com/SwordPics/Claymore1-1.jpg Age:17 Appearance: Blonde hair, short hair. Hero or villain: Villain.
That was completlely luck. That was so funny.
"Why did i play with Luxord?" Xemnas thinks. Xemnas leaves the table and says, "I am going to drink some beer."
"Thanks Marluxia" Saix smiles too.
"Yes, i forced you to join the org, and i regret it. Im sorry Marluxia."
"i have three kings with 2 nines" Xemnas says and slams his cards to the table.
"I am going to lose this" Xemnas thinks.
"I will aswer that" Xemnas puts all in.
"Lets look, what we have" Xemnas says.
"No, Xemnas doesnt know, that you have a heart" Saix says.
Xemnas did have fullhouse, with 3 kings and 2 nines. Xemnas putted 3000 to Luxords bet.
"Xemnas founded out, that i have a heart, and then he attacked me." Saix answered.
"Are you saying, that you really want be a Nobody?"