Graceful Assasin is best. Graceful Assasin on paras.
Aire Tam kills you, if you have 9 or more materias equipped. So, Aire Tam makes 1111 damage for 1 materia.
My favourites are Synch blade Explosion Crime and Punishment Form boost Combo plus And all Growth abilities
I believe, that Zexion will be Blue Mage, like in FF series.
Maybe Luxord is technique character. He uses different limits to fight opponents.
Maybe Demyx is supportive character, like Goofy.
Probably Marluxia or Saix, because they are my favourite characters.
My fighting style is pretty simple. First i attack like crazy with different combos and special moves. Anf then, when opponent is attacking, i change my style to completely defencive. So my fighting style is pretty balanced. Not too much attacking, and i am defencive, when i must be.
I have a theory, why member XIV is not in KH2. If i remember right, didnt Xemnas have power to turn organisation members to lesser nobodies? And you remember Twilight Thorn from KH2? So, my theory is, when member XIV betrayed organisation, Xemnas turned her into a Twilight Thorn. And, just before Twilight Thorn battle, you can see character, who is wearing organisation cloath.
I wanna join. Name : Xirenrew Age : 16 Gender : Male Race : Jenoval Witness Element ( Optional ) : Fire and ice, and he can control minor beasts Weapon(s) : Magical staff Job , rank , or place : Black mage, who can cast fire and ice spells Appearance : Long blue hair. He is pretty tall. Red eyes. Sharp teeths, and he has a big scar in his face. (Sorry, that i dont have a picture) Bio : One of the Jenovas "Childrens". He has served Jenova for 16 years.
Best CD of the year is Nightwish-Dark Passion Play.
Yes, it is true. But i believe, that FF VII is popular, because it has exellent plot and it has great ability system, characters are also pretty cool.
Zanarkand is best place to level up.
Well, Xemnas real name wasnt Ansem, he just taked it. What if, Axel did the same thing?
Try to get Flare and then double cast it with Lulu, You should also get Tidus best overdrive Blitz ace. Train also Lulus Magic over 100, then it will be easy as pie. This strategy i used to beat that little sucker. First, cast hastega with Tidus, and doublecast some flares with Lulu. (Teach for some one Cheer ability also) You should do 5 cheers with someone to your party. Once you are close enough to attack Sin with your normal attacks, Tidus Should do now his best overdrive and Auron should do Armour break OR Mental Break. Ps: I hope, that you understand this.
Ill wait KH 358/ 2 days most, because i cant wait to play as Xemnas, Marluxia, Roxas and Axel.
Well, my favourite "sport" is Airsoft, but i dont know, if it counts as a sport. But i also like swim sometimes and volleyball is also fun. But i hate Baseball.
Well, i believe, that Axel is Renos nobody, because they look a like and they act pretty much same way.
This pisses me off!!! Sephiroth is himself, he is not nobody or heartless, he is sephiroth. Voisitte sitten perkele pelata FF VII:ta joskus. Ps: Anteeksi kiroiluni.
OMG, I am Tifa. (If this quiz is right )