I believe, that you have watched BBS leaked trailer with subs. You remember last part of the trailer, when Terra says he no longer dont want to be a master, but he will use his powers for his friends. So my theory is, that Maleficent (If i remember right, Terra and Maleficent worked for same reason at some point during BBS) promised Terra, that she will turn Terra into Master of the keyblade, if Terra helps him in search of seven princesses of hearts (Maybe). So Terra ends up doing evil things. I have also another theory about Ven and his cutscene with Master Xehanort on Olympus colliseum. When MX says, that Ven is starting to lose it (I dont what). Perhaps Master Xehanort wants Ven to be his apprentice, because Terra isnt intrested being his apprentice and Aqua is probably completely good person. And in the end of leaked trailer, Ven wants that Aqua (Probably) will erase him, because he regrets his actions when he was apprentice of Master Xehanort.
Im disapointed, that they didnt give Roxas new combos, because KH1 attacks are kinda boring.
Im amazed. I didnt know, that DS can handle high-quality graphics.
Heartless will be main enemies. But when Roxas betrays Organisation XIII, they will send some Nobodies to kill him.
There should be more secret bosses, which are really strong. Original KH2 had only Sephiroth and he wasnt so tough. There also should be more moves, keyblades and magic.
From keyblades i would pick Bond of Flame, because it looks so cool. But if i could choose from all weapons from KH universe, i would pick Axels Chakrams or Marluxias Scythe.
You mean Garland? My favourite FF villain is Kuja, because FF IX was first FF i played, and Kuja is much cooler than Sephiroth.
If they are gonna release RE:COM in North America, they should also release it in Europe.
Crisis Core is amazing game. It is one of the best FF games for a while. But i have a question, what exactly is gift of the Goddes? Because at one point Jenova and S cells are gift of the goddes and then Genesis says that gift of the goddes is that giant red "orb" in Banora (At the end of the game)
Thanks for posting this new trailer.
Sephiroth isnt Nobody, so he cant join Organasation XIII. And i also believe, that Sephy isnt intrested to help Orr XIII.
More boss fights, more keyblades, little longer story (More cutscenes) and more magic.
Destiny islands 1-19 lv. Traverse Town 20-32 lv.
They should put Genesis in BBS.
I was fighting Xigbar when i obtained Final Form first time. I was just about to die, when i tried to drive in Wisdom form, but i got Final Form instead.
If i remeber right, wasnt Jack Sparrow drunk in one scene?
I think, that BBS leveling system is similiar to KH2 Bonus levels (You will level up, when you have completed some kind of event).
It is hard to say yet, but Xehanorts apprentice seems cool.
I think older Sora is cooler, because younger one looks like a 12 years old.
Here is another youtube link for same trailer http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=odnSgvi9e7M