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  1. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:

    View attachment 42028

    Jack's pov: "You wouldn't be wasting my time, and I know I still have things to learn maybe we can learn together. I also need to try and find Caliborn while I wait for Alessia to feel better. See you later Ren". He would look in his room for Caliborn soon he had desided. (I know Caliborn is gone but Jack doesn't know that he is)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall
    View attachment 42025
    Jack's pov: "I didn't learn everything from him. A few things I learned on my own. Let me know if there is something you wish to learn. As for why I don't think he is dead. I can't tell you everything I'm afraid. I fear I will put you in danger if I say to much. The one thing I can tell you is there was no body. If he died of old age I would have known. I went to see him everyday before he disappeared. He was a great Wizard. I was the only one who could beat him. I was the exception." He woundered what Ren would ask next. As much as he liked the guy, he couldn't tell him somethings from his past. He left a huge part of his past unsaid. He didn't lie about what he said he just didn't tell him Everything. "How did you pick up on magic on your travels Ren?"

    Guild hall
    View attachment 42024
    Amanda's pov: After no reponce from Zwei (I am assuming he went in the room) "I'll see you later I have things to think about." She walked away and open her locket. Two people looking back at her. Then she dropped her locket and the picture came out. She picked it up quickly. She the notaced something she didn't ever before. On the back of the picture there was words. The words read: "We will always be there." She put the picture back in her locket and closed it. Putting the necklace back were it was before. "Funny you are not here for me now" she said to herself. She then began to cry. She had to stop her self. She stopped and wiped her eyes maybe no one would notice she had cryed.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 42013
    Jack's pov:
    "Where did you come from, and why did you leave? (Stuff here) Ya, but there's something wonderful about seeing new places, isn't there? For a moment, you feel like there's no worries in the world, and everything is new. Have you ever felt that?” He listened to Ren as he didn't tell him much. "I don't know were I am from I never met my family. This great Wizard tought me magic. I never knew I was one. I took a test and did beter then anyone. I surpassed everyone, even my master. He became my family. His name is Verrik Radagast." He stopped suddenly he didn't like remembering Verrik. He became very sad for a moment. "I don't know what happened to him. People keep telling me he is dead. I left after people said he died to keep his dream of healing and help alive. He left me a book storge that I take were ever I end up. I have read at lest all of them five times. I wish there was no worries. No matter were you go there will be that one person you can't help or heal. Yes, traveling is nice you do get to see nice places. Yes, I have felt it. What about you? Were are you from? Who trained you? Why did you leave? Here is a picture of my master." He pulled a picture out of his pocket and showed it to Ren. He then put the picture back in his pocket.

    View attachment 42015
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 42011
    Jack's pov: He thought about what Ren said for a moment. He still had to talk to Alessia at some point, and Caliborn were ever in the world he went, maybe he would find him in his room at some point. He would also probaly blame himself for a while but would get over it in time. "Thanks Ren. I'm sorry. Tell me about your self. Were did you grow up? What is your dreams, your hopes, your family? As for my self I traveled a lot. See I was healing people in towns that needed it. I read lots of books as I traveled. I also don't mind passing my knowledge onto others."
    (There is more to his backstory if Ren wants to hear it or Silvia if she wants to talk to him again)

    Guild hall:
    View attachment 42010
    Amanda's pov: They finally made it to Zwei room were the cat would stay. "There you go remember to keep him safe. (since we all desided it is male) Oh, I like that name, Grif sounds right. I would like to hear about the cat sometime." (Backstory for her is coming soon)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 42000
    Amanda's pov: "Lead the way to your room Zwei, and how about Mittens?" (totally knows what the cat looks like :p )
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 41999
    Amanda's pov:
    "Do you think you need help sneaking it into your room Zwei. I would like updates on the cat and would like to see it time to time. Give it a good name too." She watched the others. Waitted for answers and stuff. After the cat was safe from harm she could find out if they could have a cat somehow.

    (Breaks 4th wall here amanda: "ren had cherry remember and he could keep that", ren's pet from different dimension/timeline sorry sky fix the 4th wall latter)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Swordsman_John
    guild hall:
    View attachment 41997
    Amanda pov: Stupid rng gods. She pushed Taylor away. "No him... This doesn't change how I feel. I will wait for Zwei answer. No offence but I'm not into that". The guy no. But She can't think about him now. She almost started to cry. Taylor was not going to do that again she was not into that.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Swordsman_John
    guild hall:
    View attachment 41996
    Amanda's pov: "The best option would be to hide it in someone room that was on the mission with us. Also why exactly do you think we need to hide it. It is not in the rules. So there is her room (Taylor) but who else is in there and they might tell. Also we don't really know her. But since you do It might be ok, it up to you to judge on that Zwei. There is Ren/Thomas/Celeb room that three people in there to keep it safe. There is your room with Jack, Ander and Caliborn, and some guy named Malkira. (amusing names are posted somewhere for rooms) There is my room with Sara, Charlotte, Cassandra. Sara is shy like me so I don't think she will say anything. I don't know about Charlotte but I assume it will be ok. Do you have another idea?"
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 41995
    Jack's pov: "Well the fairies invited us to dance for information on were the sugar plumb was and I think the prince" (I don't remember) "See the prince was the nutcracker, this was fairly obvious because they way he referred to the prince when we asked him, although I think only a few of us figured it out. So a few of us didn't want to dance. I tried making a snowman dance around with some spells. It fell apart. Then we had a snowball fight. Thea used fire to protect herself. It caught on trees and the ground. I believe it was the aftermath of the fire that killed them. So indirectly it happened. No one wanted to save them because they want to hurt us." Ren didn't answer his question about friendship. That figured no one wanted to. "Someone should have looked after her. This mission was sopost to be a party, that I think turned to a sleepover that turned to finding a prince that was with us the hole time and the sugar plumb princess that ended up being Evanora friend Clara. I felt everything was partly my fault. Everyone reacted badly to my presence, partly because I was the only guy and probably partly because I didn't explain the options a gave correctly. The prince was everything. Alessia went with him a few times so I believe she would know more about him, or Clara does. As I said everything went wrong. Would you like to go on a mission with me sometime? I mean the next mission that are posted." He asked hopefully.

    Guild hall:
    View attachment 41994
    Amanda's pov: Meow. What was that. Was that the Griffin cat? It was. She fallowed Zewi and Taylor. "If your trying to hind the cat you might need some help. Also I asume the cat is a her considering it was Wenlocks." She found herself in strange situation. She was shy but yet she was going out of her way for a cat.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 41985
    Jack's pov: He seemed more sad now, after Ren herd what happened. "Ren, I did horrible, I should have stepped up, I tried making friends and having fun." He then whispered to Ren. "I am afraid Mizuki going to hurt someone, so be careful, she threated to kill the prince, so I don't know if she will fallow through one day with a threat and end up killing someone. Don't say anything to Mizuki or the s-ranks or even Evanora they won't do anything. They probably don't see a threat in her." He stopped whispering. "Pour Alessia, she like the prince and now he is dead. The mouse king killed him. I feel Alessia, and Silvia are mad at me. So many things went wrong. If there a funeral I want to go. I'll ask the others that were on the mission later. Do you want to be my friend, because I don't think I made any." He seemed very sad after he said this. "Thea accidently killed some fairies, and we fought a mouse that turned us small. I still need to apologize to Alessia. When the group needed a leader there was none. I was a leader before but I didn't step up for it. I think part of the blame was because I was the only guy there, but that is no excuse. Sorry Ren, I shouldn't bother you with my problems. I'm glad things went well for you."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Swordsman_John
    Ezra +3 defense
    Buy/equip inproved mage staff, put other in storage.
    buy/equip hi-potion
    jewls left 215
    as: Aero, Thunder, Fire Dash, Bilzard, Cure, Esuna.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 41979
    Amanda's pov: Back at the guild the other group came back. They seemed beaten, what happened? She really have anything to do or anyone to talk to, maybe someone would talk to her. (I probably decide what to do with her later)

    Guild hall:
    View attachment 41980
    Jack's pov: So Alessia ingnored him. She probably need time a lone. He felt horrible and the other group that was there seemed happy. (Caliborn was busy again so i can't talk to him) He desided to send another book to Silvia, he tokd her he would. He sent it and it arived right to her. (Magical postal idk how this part would work but lets just say she received another book) He saw Ren. He wanted to talk to the guy for a while he seemed nice. He walked over to him. "Looks like your mission went nicely, how was where ever you went?" He seemed sad not because of what he was saying but because of what happened on the mission he was on.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Swordsman_John
    amanda: Erza + 3 defense
    Buy/equip inproved bow and arrows keep original in storage
    Buy/equip omega arts
    Jewls left 155
    As: Blitz, quick biltz, cure, strike rade, sliding dash.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41951
    Jack's pov: How rude Mizuki interupting when he was trying to talk to Alessia. "You should not harm people who done nothing wrong. It is your threats on people. You don't need to do that to people who are helping us or our guild members. I honestly don't care what you do but you can't go around treating people like garbage or theating anyone. You threated him and now he gone. I tired ignoring you. I almost tired being your friend but you don't want any of that. No one has treated you badly or threated you, but you feel it necessary to do that to others. Why? It doesn't matter were your from or how your rased you should be better then that. I would actually expect you to be but you decided to be like this. You desided who you are and what you do no matter what happened in your life. Everyone deserves to be treated like a normal person even you. You could change. I have seen you, the look in your face, the look that you think your the best, you should act like it. If you really want to think of yourself highly like I think you do, then you don't need to be like this. You could be nice if you tired. Give it a try. You don't even need to change much just don't threated people or treat them badly. Thea tired being nice to you, she cared about you. She probably wanted to be your friend and you pushed her away. What do you think she thinks of you now after what you did? I don't understand you and I'm not sure I want to. Forget everything I said. I don't know why I am even trying to convince you to change, or why I bother trying to convince you what your doing is wrong to do to people. Your the one that has to want to change or we could just leave each other alone form now on whatever you want. I leave you be now" He wanted to understand but no one should be treated the way she treated them. He watched her carefully. He turned back to Alessia walking more towards her maybe she say something to Mizuki too. "Sorry, I don't want anyone to get hurt. I care. If you want to talk about him I'm here for you." ooc: friend all the people :)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41948
    Jack's pov: Mizuki was a jerk and he imagine Alessia would yell at her to. "What is wrong with you, you can't talk to people like that, and if you ever even think about hurting someone that we are helping or someone from the guild expecially one of my friends, I'll stop you." (Ren, Alessia, Silvia, Amanda (counts because why not) Jack (himself)(others I can't think of right now here (he protect anyone in the guild from her))) He turned to Alessia. "I know you cared about the prince. I am sorry for everything. I tired fixing everything I could and it backfired. I wouldn't blame you if you hate me. Do you hate me?" He appeared sad at the last sentence. He couldn't take it if someone he considered a friend hated him. Although maybe he could get over it. "I consider you a friend. I should have took more control when things started going badly. I should have talked to the prince when i figured out he was the prince and should have saved him first. I wanted to have fun and make friends on this mission, but neather worked out well." He finished hopping she forgive him.

    View attachment 41947
    Amanda's pov: " What should we do about the griffin um cat? I feel bad for it being under Wenlocks conrol. What about the other pegasus were they people at one point or always pegasus? What stopping this from happening again? Are you ok with ruleing the kingdom now? Will you sneaking away? Will Britta be helping you?" She then cast cure on herself. She couldn't help herself her shyness strangely gone at the moment. These questions had to be answered.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Swordsman_John
    Jack used aero.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Swordsman_John
    Jack used aero
    Amanda is down so...
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41932
    Jack's pov: No one went down ya. He used aero.

    View attachment 41931
    Amanda's pov: Wow pegasus Scarlett. Maybe this was Wenlocks way to tell scarlett should be nicer to people. Or maybe he had a thing for horses. He did have a griffin. She wondered why horses. Maybe this is why he couldn't get with girls. He probably desided that sence no normal girl would go out with him the next best thing would to get with was a girl pegasus. Wenlock has strange taste if he would go for something not human to be with. How would that work? Best not think about that. It also didn't matter at the time. She used blitz.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion

    Jack's pov: Mouse king could one shoot most of the people so they could get in trouble if things went badly. He used cure on Thea.


    Amanda's pov: She used blitz.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Swordsman_John
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    View attachment 41906
    Jack's pov: "Thanks Silvia". He then used cure on himself.

    View attachment 41905
    Amanda's pov: "I have a thought on why the wand is not working Annika. It is called the wand of light of a reason. Your trying to hurt someone so its possible that the wand can only be used for niceness" she finshed shyly. Wenlock was going to be defeated once the battle could be started. Ren was also being strange at the moment with his sock issues. The rainbow was most likely caused by magic. The only thing wenlock would be able to to turn to stone was his brain. Wenlock was going to get locked up, or killed. She also was glad Ferris was not getting anything, because apparently he betrayed them.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home