Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42440 Amanda's pov: "You mentioned copy magic what does it do exactly? We could all dress up as guards and sense Zewi looks like the prince we can say we captured him. We can go to the person who did this. We can win. We just need guard uniforms. Zwei are you up for being the pretend prince? We also need the gurds that attacked us to lead the way to there boss."
Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42438 Amanda's pov: "You know, I love how quick you are to assume brainwashing, Amanda. I mean, for one thing we live in an era of magic, and for another people are still human. Corruption in law isn't amazingly uncommon, there are quite a few ways they could do it" Skadi said. "The problem is they should have had some responce when I talked to them, but they had none. I offer them double whatever there boss was giving them and they had no response. It has to be brain washing. They would have had some reaction if they were not brian washed something, any reponce at all. They are probably being magical conroled or there brain is or hypnotized to do so. But they are definitely not doing it of there free will."
Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42437 Amanda's pov: "Tell me, why are the guards after you?" Sara had said. "Sara brings up a good point whoever is conroling your guards wants something out if you if they don't want you there. Do you have any idea who would want to do this to you and your guards or what they would want from you? She said. "So, why did the guards attack us? You mentioned them being controlled but made it sound like it has happened before, can you tell me more about that?" Skadi said. "We know there being controled but how is the question. I don't think the gold is all of it. Who ever is doing it has to be doing something to there minds. They are brain wached other wise I would have got some short of reaction when I talked to them. They probably have a trigger, something that makes them do what they do. Any clues on what it is?" She asked the prince adding on to what Sara and Skadi had said.
Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42429 Amanda's pov: "Why wont you help. We can give you more then your boss. The prince probably will even reward you if you turn your boss in" She lied. She used strike raid on guard 4.2.
Mission of the Utmost Importance: View attachment 42425 Jack's pov: "A little birdie told me that he left your Guild. Good thing too, because he's on the Riders of the Desert Guild's hit-list... and a few others too. But oh well." The guy said. He laughed a little. "You really think Ren would get killed by a member of Desert Guild unlikely to happen. You don't know who we are do you? We are strong. We will not die. If you really think we are no threat then you shouldn't have a problem telling your name." He got ready to fight if they had one. He couldn't just stand there and do nothing. If it came down to it the guy probably would die. Hopefully this guy wouldn't know he would not attack except to defend himself. Just maybe he would give them answers.
Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42421 Amanda's pov: She woundered how many guards there were. "You don't have to fallow the one bribeing you. You should be helping the prince." She used sideing dash. Mission of the Utmost Importance: View attachment 42420 Jack's pov: "Is it worth sticking around? I know a buddy of yours didn't think so... what is his name... Hot Cakes, Hot Glue... oh right. Hasu." The guy said. "You have no right to juge him. You shouldn't even know about him. He loved the guild." Not that he knew why Ren disappeared either. He had guess he left for whatever reason. Maybe for a mission maybe for something else. This guy tells them Ren left. Part of him didn't want to believe it. The other said it probably happened. Evanora would or should know for sure. (The guy shouldn't even know ren left) There was most definitely going to be a fight. He quickly scanned the guy to see what weapons he had. Who ever he was he wasn't Erigor. "Be careful everyone." He had a feeling things were going to go badly soon.
Mission of the Utmost Importance: View attachment 42404 Jack's pov: A voice somehow knew they missed the stop. It wanted them to give up. His frist thought was that the voice was Erigor, but it was possible that it wasn't. "Friends" he wispered to himself. He knew for sure Alessia was still on the train but he didn't know if the others had stayed. He started making his way towards the part of the train where the voice probably was. Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42405 Amanda's pov: "I knew it." She knew something would happen like this. The battles were a desraction for either the person behind this to steel more gold or them to bribe more of the guards to go forward with whatever plan they had. She used strike raid on guard 4.
Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42318 Amanda's pov: After wipping her eyes in the carriage. She was going to say something to Damian but they arrived at the square. There was Jousting going on. They were here to help not waste time having fun. Maybe the jousting was a desraction that might be how who ever stole the gold did it. "How often do you do the jousting? I also wouldn't mind taking on the prince." She had a totally different reason to fight she wanted to see who was watching and who was trying to sneak away in the jousting. She desided to watch Skadi joust maybe she get information that way and relay it to Johanna.
Mission of the Utmost Importance: View attachment 42241 Jack's pov: So he got ignored that most like ment Cassandra didn't know the answer. "You also don't know were these items are." Then something occurred to him. "If these items are actually in the place we are going this Erigor or the the second guild might be on this train or both might be." He got up looking at everyone in that cart seeing if anyone matched the description of Erigor. They might already have the item. He carefully looked at the items people had to see if they could be used as a weapon or somehow could be the Lullaby. He walked down the train looking at everyone and seeing what they had on them. If the people or item were on the train he hopped he would spot them. If not at lest he know if Erigor was on it. He walk down the train making sure he look at everything as he went. He made sure he was carful enough in his looking at the people that he wouldn't rise suspicion as he passed by. He didn't want Erigor or the other guild know he was looking for them.
Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42237 Amanda's pov: "Let people surfer. Ha, People surffer regardless. Because most people only care about is them self. They care not for others. I rather it not be true, but is how it is. Can't we just give the kingdom money? Help them out that way." Sara had said. "I don't think that will work, sure in the short term it help them out, but long term they probably go through it so fast it wouldn't matter. They probably need a financial advisor to help on the inside. You also have to hold on to hope that someone there is nice enough to do something. I am sure will find someone there that willing to help in some way. There always nice people in the world." She turned to Johanna "Is there anything else you can tell us about this place anything at all to help us on the quest" she finshed. "I mean, if I had the ability to save people by marrying someone I like to think I'd go through with it" Skadi had said. "Your stronger then I am then. I could never do that. I only ever liked someone as a friend." She suddenly stoped after she knew what she said. A tear comming off her face.
Mission of the Utmost Importance: View attachment 42231 Jack's pov: "What do you know about the dark Guilds and these riders?" He also came to the conclusion that Lullaby was sort of sleeping spell. "You said the Lullaby is an item. Any idea what the item is? You also mentioned the riders are looking for a separate item. How are you sure they are not both looking for this Lullaby? I agree with Alessia there is probably some grand plan they have. Is there a way to provent us from being affected by this Lullaby? Is it an actual song or is it something else?" Kingdom of Elamos: View attachment 42230 Amanda's pov: She stayed quite for the most part until she thought about what was said. "I don't understand why they they think it's the guards, it very well be anyone. There is also the possibility that the guards took the gold, but then there the issues of them being controled."
Guild hall: View attachment 42209 Jack's pov: Woundered around the guild hall he spotted Ren. Wasn't he going to sighn up for a mission. It figured he ask Ren were he was going. He then watched as he left his room with his things. He then knew Ren was leaving. This was all Cal and Evenora fult. They let it happen. More so Evenora for letting Cal have that stupid mask. With Evenora on the guild meating he couldn't yell at her. He also couldn't yell at cal yet because of the missions were starting. He did care that Cal needed the mask to live. Evenora could have made the mask harmless with magic. He yell at them all after these missions were done. He was so mad they all get a peace of his mind. He then walked over to were the mission was still angry with the things going on. Then he notaced Alessia oh no. He didn't realize she was on this mission too. Maybe he could make everything up to her. He leave her be for now. Guild hall: View attachment 42208 Amanda's pov: "Sorry we don't have time Lucia." She then left and went to were her mission was.
Jack on 4 Amanda on 2
Guild hall: View attachment 42193 Jack's pov: He was about to ask Caliborn if he wanted to talk about something else. He also desided he wasn't going to look for Alessia. If she wanted to talk she could find him. Then something started to happen and Caliborn took off. He fallowed. Then Charlotte stated talking. "Ra! Would you be so kind as to tell me why you're giving this girl the very same object she had used to attempt and kill us." What was wrong with Evenora letting Cal have something like this. What was wrong with Cal. Under no circumstances should you ever attack your friends. Well with no one to talk to this confersation should be interesting. Occ: Jack is free for anyone to talk to. Guild hall: View attachment 42192 Amanda's pov: This question was going to be difficult to answer. She couldn't tell Lucia about the cat and what happened with Taylor. "Er, I talked to a few people and started to think about someone." She almost started to cry again. Even though these people she was thinking about were just her friends it didn't mean she misses them any less. "Sorry, what about you?" She didn't like thinking about them she was still struggling inside. She desided then that she would tell Lucia if or when ask asked.
Guild hall: View attachment 42184 Jack's pov: "So even you can't fix everything? Thanks for the advice. I was trying to help Alessia get over something and I think it ended badly. I wish everyone one could be helped." Maybe he should go talk to her again but this time not bring up the prince. He thought for a minute. He then decided what he had to do.
Guild hall: View attachment 42183 Jack's pov: "You seem to be able to fix any problem. How do you do it? I always seem to mess up when I try. What is your secret? You seem to be able to understand everyone and help them. What am I doing wrong?" There was something else but he wasn't sure how to say it. He desided to just blurt it out. "You know you would make an awesome guild leader." He wasn't sure how to explain this thought further. "I well... um think your really nice and awesome."
Guild hall: View attachment 42182 Jack's pov: He turned around and saw Caliborn. He went over to talk to him. "How is your friend doing? Did they get help?" (Refering to last mission they were both on) He then thought of something else. "Do you mind if I ask you something personal?"
Guild hall: View attachment 42180 Amanda's pov: Oh no, she totally didn't notice Thomas was right there with the things that were going on in her mind. At least Lucia hadn't noticed she had cryed or that she wasn't fully there in her mind. "Er, should I leave?" Then Lucia destracted Thomas. She had a fealing Lucia didn't want to be left a lone. She felt strangely nervous as part of her wanted to tell Lucia what was bothering her while the other said to say nothing. "Er, whats new?" Her nervousness probably was notable but she didn't care.
Jack's pov: View attachment 42178 "Yes, I want to visit his funeral, but I'll do it alone! I don't need you and your pity!" Alessia snapped. He didn't care what she said he was still going. But before he could say anything she took off. He wasn't going to fallow her she needed time a lone. He felt hurt when all he was trying to do was help and be a friend but no she didn't want it right now. He then saw Caliborn he finally could ask him a question. Then he notaced Dale with him. Well then he desided to wait until Alessia came back, because she might return for some reason or wait until Caliborn was done with whatever he was doing. Amanda's pov: View attachment 42177 She wondered back into the main hall wipeing her eyes maybe no one would notice she had cryed, there was a hope right there. Then She saw Lucia maybe she would talk to her for a while. "Hi."
Guild hall: View attachment 42124 Jack's pov: After going to his room for a while he saw at cat but had other things on his mind to worry about that. So he he returned to the hall to look for Alessia. He finally found Alessia at the bar. "I'm sorry, are you mad at me? I am here for you if you want to talk about him. I wanted to make friends on the mission Alessia, but that didn't happen. I wish I could have done more, I should have done more. I consider you a friend." He felt sorry for Alessia lossing someone she obviously care a lot about. He didn't want to lose a potential friend. He grabbed her hand. "There will always be those that care. Don't stop caring. I care what happened and care what will happen in the future. Do you want to go to his funeral?" He then let go of her hand.