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  1. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:

    Jack's pov: He used aero to land softly on the ground before almost everyone started running after Egior to fight him. Maybe he should have tryed to land on Egior's head. Cas still looked tired and he hopped they wouldn't really need her for the fight.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Aug 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:
    View attachment 42739
    Jack's pov:
    "Zephyr is right you don't look like you can go farther. I also agree with Ander. Kage could be lieing. For one thing he might be trying to devide us. Then there the fact that we don't really know if Erigor stabed him or not. We don't even know how strong Erigor is. He could very well be stronger then two s-classes and in your condition cas I don't think it is wise for you to go. I suggest we all go that way we are together and even if Kage is lieing we together can win. I don't want to see any of you hurt. Together we can be strong, together we won't get hurt and together we will win. If you want Cas I could cast cure on you." While he knew cas didn't appear to be physically hurt he knew she could be. Although it was more likely that she was just tired. He felt it was better to ask if she wanted a cure spell on her, even if she appeared not to need it physically. He woundered if there was a spell that could cure tiredness and emotional pain both of these could be useful if they were real. Prehaps he would ask Caliborn or somehow find out for himself.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:
    View attachment 42734
    Jack's pov: He watched as Ander gave Aoki a spoon. He woundered why not a shovel, a shovel would be more useful then a spoon. Maybe Ander had a sick sence of humor it would take years for Aoki to dig anything sizeable with a spoon. Before he could comment on what was going on a hole appered from the lady that came from they key. Celestial spirt magic was mentioned brefly. After all was done he entered the hole and everyone came up with it was a trap.
    "Cas what should we do next? We need to stop what there doing. Lullaby needs to be stopped before it starts. We need to do something soon."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Swordsman_John
    Mission of the Utmost Importance:
    View attachment 42675
    Jack's pov: He saw three people running back towards him and the others. He only cought some of the words they were saying such as trap. His first thought was Lullaby, why was it that cas never answered how they could advoid being effected by it. How were they sopost to leave. Hopefully some sort of strange magic would save them. That was very hopefull thinking on his part. The few things he rembered about high winds was to get into cover and stay away from windows, that and find a structurely sound place, as the three of the people came closer he desided to yell. "What exactly do you suggest we do?" He turned to start running towords the rest of everyone else. At the very lest they could all be together now. He then started to think. "We needs to try to help people that could still be stuck as well as try and find a way to stop whatever there planning. I assume it has something to do with the Lullaby."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Swordsman_John
    Mission of the Utmost Importance:
    View attachment 42655
    Jack's pov: Kage didn't answer him, that figured it was possible that he was afraid of them, it was also possible that they were the strongest in the guild. He laughed a little on the inside on what team king would think about that when they thought they were the best. "See what your doing Kage." This also confirmed kage was a cowered as he previously mentioned that kage should be fighting them if he didn't want he members getting hurt, but it was to late for kage to react now. He also noticed Cas put some people in charge, was cas that worried that they couldn't handle them selfs. When it was clear they were kicking butt. Jack used fire dash.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Swordsman_John
    Mission of the Utmost Importance:
    View attachment 42646
    Jack's pov: "Do you still think we are weak now?" He used Fire Surge on Dark Guild mimic.

    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42645
    Amanda's pov: No matter what she did next the rper realized he had a very unlikely chance to win (not imposable just unlikely) She used Strike Raid.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Swordsman_John
    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42604
    Amanda's pov: She decided to attack because cal was going to knock her anyways next turn with minx. She used Strike Raid, ( or use potion if needed on sara instead if cal allows)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:
    View attachment 42593
    Jack's pov: "If you really think your better then us prove it. If you didn't want them to get hurt why let them fight. You could have just fought us by your self." He learned one thing from the confersation with Kage. He was a cowered. He wanted to blame others for his actions, but never blame himself, it was kind of sad really. He used Fire Dash on dark guild warlock.

    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42594
    Amanda's pov: "Your wasing you time you dont want to fight us. We wanted to leave. You could have be rewarded by your boss for capturing us or even leting us join you but you didn't want that." She used strike raid.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:
    View attachment 42569
    Jack's pov: "Ander is right. You are probably happy some of them are dead. You made this happen. You don't care what happens to them at all. You let this happen. You dark guilds are all the same. Blaming us for your misfortune. It is always our fault for anything that happens to you and you make it our fault for when our friends get hurt. It is never your fault is it?" He used cure on Aoki.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Swordsman_John
    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42567
    Amanda's pov: "No, we don't need to save her." In all honesty Samantha could take care of herself but Minx didn't need to know that. "How would you like two more wizards on your side? All we need is to know were that carriage went." She pointed the way the duchess went. This could work out well if Minx said yes. She could lead them not only to Samantha but the duchess and the prince too.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Swordsman_John
    Mission of the Utmost Importance:
    View attachment 42565
    Jack's pov: Hopefully everyone would get the clues to attack the healers of the dark guild first. As far as he was concerned they were the best. "It ends now Kage". He used fire dash on dark healer 2.

    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42564
    Amanda's pov: Sara stole her plan (last time I tell Garrett what I'm doing) "We are not interested. We are trying to leave." Maybe they could follow the duchess. It also seemed a bit convenient that these two showed up to help the duchess excape. She had an idea depent on what this girl said next.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jul 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:

    View attachment 42532

    Jack's pov: He watched as Alissa left the room to get the others. She quickly returned from trying to find the others. He then took off his hood and steeped out of the shadow he was in the room. "We can't let this go farther. We will stop you here and now." They should have stopped him on the train but who could have saw him running out the window. Something also told him that Kage didn't have that weapon he had on the train. It seemed important so Erigor probably had it now. He then got ready for battle.

    Kingdom of Elamos:

    View attachment 42531

    Amanda's pov: Samantha told her they should follow the duchess. She had planned doing so anyways. "Yes, lets go." Without a second thought she left the room quickly. She soon found her self behind the duchess. She had to be careful. She didn't want the duchess to know she was following her. Staying to the shadows as she followed the duchess. Even if the duchess turned around the duchess wouldn't see her. Hopefully the others would be as careful.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Swordsman_John
    Kingdom of Elamos:

    View attachment 42517

    Amanda's pov: "What do you suggest I do then? She has to be staying somewere. I could look in the town for her house or something. Someone must know were she stays." She asked while Samantha tryed turning Zwei into a prince. She didn't care at the time that he was slowly turning into the prince. She found it amusing the Samantha was trying to change Zwei into something he wasn't. She cared more about finding the duchess at the moment. She didn't care at the moment about if Zwei could pull off being a prince or not. While she wished him luck she dumpt this would work for long. "Remember we need proof the duchess is behind this. I don't think the king will take our word for it." (Rng for finding the duchess in the castle so i can fallow her or Johanna could suggest something for amanda to do or both could happen)

    Mission of upmost importance:

    View attachment 42518

    Jack's pov: "Alessia is right we really don't have time to look at the whole building. Ander is right about the time we have. We don't have much." He then remembered what waiting did in the last mission he was on. It didn't help at all. He would find a way in the room some way. Expecally if they had Ren. Ren had to be saved. He couldn't let others get hurt. Staying together was there best best. While he knew the main entrance was most likely a trap it might be the only way in. If there was a separate way in he would find it quickly and go in that way. If there wasn't a different way in they would have no choice but go in the way cas did. He then put on his hood so he would not to be notaced. (Rng for finding a separate entrance to the room cas whent in. If rng fails Jack will try and sneak in the main entrance or if there is no separate entrance he will try to go in main entrance unnoticed. So he would be unnoticed entering the room either way. Unless its impossible to sneak in the main entrance in which case I guess Jack will be in the room)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Swordsman_John
    Mission of the Utmost Importance:
    View attachment 42505
    Jack's pov: Aoki had said exactly what he was thinking. "There has to be a back door or a window somewhere. We can use that." He started scanning the building from were he stood. Waitting for the others to deside what do do. Maybe they would deside something soon. He didn't understand why Caleb would take something from hurt people something was wrong with that. There wasn't time to worry about what Caleb did though they had to find a different way in the building.

    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42504
    Amanda's pov:
    "The king must know were she stays. I could tell him I want to help with the wedding and ask were her room is. Or I could just randomly look in every room in the castle. What do you think Johanna?"
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Swordsman_John
    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42481
    Amanda's pov:
    "Finally going with my idea Samantha. Personality I want to see the Duchess squirm. I also believe we need proof. Samantha is there a way we can get access to her room? We also need proof she wasn't out of the kingdom for three days like she claims. Were are official records keept at? If she really did leave there should be a record of her departure. That is if she already hasn't made up a fake document. I want to stay."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Swordsman_John
    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42467
    Amanda's pov:
    "Don't you think it is strange the Dutchess found the letter? That new guy too. I don't know who is but maybe he trying to cover his tracks by saying we couldn't protect the prince. He could be behind it. I sure one of the have something to do with the prince if not then they most likely have something to do with the missing gold. Remember the Duchess originally didn't want the wedding. She has a motive for both the gold and the prince missing. If I had to guss. I say she wants to over throw the kingdom. She could use the gold to start her own and with the prince gone the king will be busy trying to find him."

    Mission of the Utmost Importance:
    View attachment 42468
    Jack's pov: "Kage he almost dropped something as he was trying to leave. If it was the Lullaby or not I cannot say. It was obviously important for him not the leave it behind though. At the very lest what ever it was probably was a weapon. We need to fallow them quickly. They are both dark guild members. We can't let them hurt people." He knew somehow they would stop them both soon. He didn't know how but it was going to happen. He really didn't know what else to say but he knew they had to get moving. Something had been bothering him about Ren. "Cassandra did Ren really leave the guild? Kage said he did. I mean I saw him before the missions. He was leaving with a bag of stuff. I just thought he was going somewhere. I didn't realize he was leaving the guild. I could have tried and stopped him. If they really have Ren we need to leave soon. He was almost a Friend...It is my fault if they have him. He stopped clearly upset. The sadness and guilt showed plainly on his face.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Swordsman_John
    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42452
    Amanda's pov: "Oh! I didn't realize you were with her." The prince had said. "Would you rather us not be here? You remind me of a friend. He was like you. Take the friendship and love you obviously have. You never know how long it will last. The only difference is we desided to be friends in the end. We knew we didn't have feeling like you do. I'll probably never see..." she stopped not able to continue a few tears comming off her face. She couldn't believe she was talking about her friend. A lot of things reminded her of him.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Swordsman_John
    Mission of the Utmost Importance:
    View attachment 42450
    Jack's pov: "If we fight we fight as one, we don't fight alone. We fight together. Alessia I know how you feel. I know why, let me help please." He pleaded. He couldn't let what happened before happen again. He couldn't let them get hurt. He stood by Alessia ready to defend. "Not again it won't happen. Remember don't stop caring." He said to Alessia. "I won't let you hurt them." He couldn't stand by and watch a other friend suffer. "We're good now right? Friends never stop..." he stopped mid sentence. Now wasn't the time for this. "Nevermind that now we have more important things to deal with" he said to Alessia. He turned back to Kage. Determined to not let them get hurt. Determination was in his eyes.

    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42449
    Amanda's pov: "It could be someone with copy magic doing this. Someone you trust could be a copy." She turned to Johanna. "Do you know a way we can test for copy magic and a way for us to test the kingdom for magic users."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Swordsman_John
    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42445
    Amanda's pov: "Track them? I'm afraid you confuse me with someone with Magic. We cannot track them like some of your spells might be able to. We have tried to keep an eye on them, but the selection is random, and they don't seem to go anywhere before being controlled." The king had said. "One of the members of the court, as well as myself and the King." The duchess had said.
    "No offense your kingly ship but I think you need a new adviser for you gold and money. What about Samthia she seems like a good friend of the prince why not use her. I'm afraid of what you said goes with my fears it appears you have someone on the inside doing this to your guards. It is very possible you have a unregistered magic user. You need a way to test everyone in your kingdom for the use of magic. I was also talking about tracking the guards in normal way."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Swordsman_John
    Kingdom of Elamos:
    View attachment 42443
    Amanda's pov: "Have you ever thought of tracking your gards? I meen they have to be going somewhere to be not them selfs." She said. "I'm not against a wedding at all." "Who advises the money and gold?" This girl need to make up her mind, one second she didn't want it now she was all for it.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home