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  1. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 43241
    Jack's pov:
    "Jack do you not need to help with anything because there is nothing to help with. The situation is under control and there is nobody spying on the Guild. It is likely that this 'Kage' tried to assign some value to himself by claiming that there were spies. He would have wanted to keep himself alive and get off lighter by providing information about the spies. Trust me, it's not as bad as you seem to think it is." Caliborn had said. "If what you say is true, then the question on how he knew about the happens in the guild still remain. I agree that there is probably not someone syping on us now. I'm referring to future syping that possibly could happen in the future. No matter how safe we believe the guild could be or is. Even the smallest amount of the unknown could be dangerous. Can you at lest tell me if you find anything dealing with the spys and such?" Even though Caliborn felt there was nothing for him to do. He still felt it was at they very lest to keep an eye out within the guild. The only problem was that he hardly knew anything about anyone in the guild. Although he knew some of them were nice, he didn't know what had brought them here or them personally, or there backstorys. He desided he would try to watch the guild and report anything he found to Caliborn. He also highly doubt Caliborn would tell him anything about any information on spys he found out. It was possible he would need to find out on his own. He would also need to get to know everyone better, mostly likely talking to the ones he felt he wanted as friends first. Who would be first? He would worry about that latter.

    "The one to ask about leadership is Evanora, after all, she leads us all. Do I make mistakes? Sometimes. It is impossible not to make a mistake somewhere down the line. That is the way of life Jack. But, a leader must always be sure in what they are doing and that I am." Caliborn had said.
    Caliborn must be kidding. Evenora was probably the worst person to talk about leadership. She cut there mission short because they were not good enough and to deal with Ezekiel. On the mission she was leading she left them and didn't come back to help even when they were in danger. "I don't see you as someone that could make mistakes. Thats also why I came to you. You seem like a great leader. Even if you don't see it, I do. If you don't mind would you be willing to tell me about one of your mistakes? You don't have to. I couldn't imagine you different then you are now. Were you like this before you were an s-class? Its hard to imagine you as an entry level wizard. If you feel like you don't need to say anything you could leave. I know your an important person and don't want to hold you up from your s-class job with my unimportant questions."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 43213
    Jack's pov: "Relax, Jack. They won't find it here. We'll make sure of it. It is safe here. I know all the old members here personally and I'm starting to get an idea of the newer members among us now. I have confidence that there are no spies here. Calm yourself. We've been doing this a while. We have this situation under control." Caliborn had said. He was glad he knew Ren was safe. Although Caliborn didn't answer his question on tiredness or emotions is was probably a magic that was best nt talked about. "Prehaps it is someone we don't know. Maybe it is someone who got in secretly. Although I don't think it is. I am more concerned with them watching from the outside. Your right I should relax. If it is truly someone on the inside or outside I want to help make it safe. Let me help please. I'm trying to do the right thing. I don't want something else to go wrong because of a mistake I made. Two missions ago some died, Caliborn it could probably have been prevented if I steped it up like the others did. Everyone is so great, but I don't know what makes me special. What makes me different. One of them in particular I could see as a great s-class. I feel like things go wrong, or I say the wrong things. You give great advice Caliborn. But I don't want anyone to get hurt. If the oracle or even the flute is in danger of being used. We have to provent that. I try so hard to make things right. Do you ever have things go wrong for you? Is this is what it is like to properly lead? You doubt you are doing or saying the right thing? Thank you Caliborn you always seem to make me feel better. I like your advice you are so helpful." He had lead people before, but that was a small part. He woundered if caliborn would notice the properly lead that he had said.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Swordsman_John
    Darick's pov:
    View attachment 43209
    He could here dogs some distance away. They sounded dangerous he hoped who ever was near them would be ok. If he knew people were actually in trouble he would go in help. For now he decided to wait maybe he would get new students to teach soon. or maybe he would go on adventure him self.

    Kara's pov:
    View attachment 43211
    Being sneaky had its ways. Although she taught people in the ways of the ninja. It wasn't fun. She wouldn't teach them everything. No way she would possibly make someone better then her. Maybe she would go out and change into someone for fun.

    Evan's pov:
    View attachment 43210
    He walked around. He was nervous. Maybe the people he ran into wouldn't think the drastic weather chance was his fault. He didn't make it snow on that poor farmers land for weeks and ruin his crops. It was a random weather pattern. He thought of somehow hiding he had the ability to change weather. People always seemed to find out. As began to be getting nervous it started to get cloudy almost like magic. But he wasn't trying to make it cloudy or rain, perhaps this was normal weather for a change.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 43205
    Jack's pov: He walked over to were Caliborn was and sat down in the seat he motioned to. "You seem to know a lot about magic. I mean we are in the same room I have seen you have books. Now I know a few things about magic but I know I could know more. I know you can heal people physically with cure. Is it possible to heal people emotionally or cure tiredness? Something like that seems like it probably is considered dark magic. I mean you don't want to mess with someone emotions. I wouldn't use these myself I was curious if it was possible." He stopped and began to sound and apear more worried as he was about to speak the next part of what he was thinking. "I'm beginning to worry of the safety of the guild. Evenora and Cas seem to think it is safe. In the last mission I was on someone said there guild was spying on us. What is to say a friend of that dark guild knows what this dark guild knows. We found a flute that can kill people, Caliborn. I'm not saying they can break in. I'm saying it is dangerous for any of the dark guilds to know we have it. They could even come for the oracle. I'm trying to say if one can spy on us without us knowing what is stopping others of doing the same?" He began to be getting increasingly worried. "Kage a member of the dark guild said he knew Ren left the guild. Is it true, did he leave? I saw him leave his room with items. I don't want anything bad to happen to him. If knew I might have been able to stop him. If he really did leave I asume he is safe. I just want conformation that he actually left the guild." He stopped the worry slowly lifting off him like a house of bricks. "Thank you"
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Swordsman_John
    Henry pov:
    View attachment 43202
    He enter an area everyone was eating in. Should he stay alone. stay by himself other talk to others. He spent most of his life helping but that didn't mean he was fir to talk to them. It was a good thing this place was hidden or maybe he was start to wonder other things. As the very lest people would probably assume he was some sort of wizard. Maybe he wouldn't get asked to many questions. He then finished the one peace of bread he was eating and looked around. There was a strange assortment of people here. "Hmm"
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Swordsman_John
    Username: Swordsman_John
    Character Name: Darick Brook
    Age: 23
    Gender: male
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: this
    View attachment 43200
    Bio: He traveled a lot. many people found him strange. He soon took up teaching others in the use of earth and wind. He had strange ways of teaching others. He doesn't appear it but he is strong. This throws off other people that fight him. He can be known to say strange things. He isn't straight forward in something's he does or says, although at times he can say exactly what he means.
    Occupation: scout/fighter
    Weapons (Note: for Witchers you will only be able to use a silver and steel sword. The type of sword can vary): mage staff
    Secondary Weapon (Long bow, short bow, or crossbow. Can also be left as N/A):N/a
    Powers (For Mages Only): air, earth
    Air use: can use air in various ways.
    Earth use: can use earth in various ways.
    Air power flight: can fly for short distances.
    Earth power: can shoot cannon ball like stones can use with or without the aid of air power.
    Earth power metal/sand: can use earth like object for various use. As long as the item has some short of earth in it he can use it and bend it into new forms. (Metals, sand)
    Earth power: He can put pressure onto earth with or without the aid of air to make rocks heat up burn/or explode.

    Username: Swordsman_John
    Character Name: Kara Raz
    Age: 24
    Gender: female
    Race: Dopper
    Appearance: this
    View attachment 43197
    Bio: She isn't what she appears to be she can be both mean and nice at times. She does what suits her. He practices her cross bow and sword fighting every day. Some say she is a mystery wrapped in an enigma, she likes to keep it that way. She can help other or do things that might not seem the nice. She don't mind taking other people forms although some times she dislikes doing so.
    Occupation: ninja trainer/ (other occupation I will probably think of later here)
    Weapons (Note: for Witchers you will only be able to use a silver and steel sword. The type of sword can vary): iron sword
    Secondary Weapon (Long bow, short bow, or crossbow. Can also be left as N/A): crossbow
    Powers (For Mages Only):n/a

    Username: Swordsman_John
    Character Name: Evan Strom (last name is ironic)
    Age: 5/15
    Gender: male
    Race: mage
    Appearance: this
    View attachment 43201
    Bio: Were ever he goes strange things happen. It sometimes rain or snows in the middle of summer. Although he knows he can control weather he doesn't make these things happen. (he doesn't yet know his emotions can cause weather to happen) He always seems to be an out cast people never seem to want him around. He thinks the bad things that happen is he fault. Other people blame him for it. They say it never happened before he showed up.
    Occupation: to young
    Weapons (Note: for Witchers you will only be able to use a silver and steel sword. The type of sword can vary): mage staff, knife
    Secondary Weapon (Long bow, short bow, or crossbow. Can also be left as N/A):n/a I guess
    Powers (For Mages Only): air, water
    Air use: can use air in various ways.
    Water use: can use water in various ways.
    Air power flight: can fly for a short time.
    Water power heal: can heal small to medium damage done to others and himself. The more damage the harder it is to heal.
    Air/water power: weather: can make it rain/snow windy ect.
    The weather can be effected by his emotions ie if he is sad it can rain. Others emotions can cause different effects. If he is happy it seems to but sunny. (Will remove happyneess/sun if needed) if he is really sad or depressed (maybe some other emotion) it can cause snow. If he get mad it can cause unpredictable things to happen. He can conrol the weather, but his emotions can play an interesting turn on things. If he can make it snow/rain ect if he wants.
    Other: always carrys water with him.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Swordsman_John
    Name: Henry Hall
    Age: 22
    Gender: male
    Race: skin walker
    Appearance: this
    View attachment 43194
    Role in society: fighter/warrior
    Weapon: mage staff, knife, his staff also can double as a spear
    Power: (If you have any) animal forms pmed
    Bio: He grew up in a town and protected them. He fought many things. He mostly kept to himself. He was afraid of what people would do if they found out what things he could turn into. He didn't know if they would chase him away capture him or kill him, but he loved helping them regradless of what he was. He desided to help people and protect them but never chance his form in front of them. He likes to keep his forms to himself.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 43111
    Jack's pov: "If you need me or help I'll be around" he said to Alessia and Tessa as they left. It appard Alessia didn't complty hate him. He ment what he said. She would make a great s-class. "I guess I'll see you later Zephyr I have somethings to talk to Caliborn about" he the walked away from were he was and up to Caliborn. "I wish to ask you something Caliborn. Away from the thing you call the oracle. I don't want to waist my question on it." He walked with caliborn away from the oracle when he was ready.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Swordsman_John
    jack: using my two points in erza magic (+6, I think)
    new as: Aerora, Thundara, Fire Dash, Blizzara, Cure, Esuna, Binding Strike.

    buying Heartguard and equipping for it. cost: 550
    jewls left 945
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 43110
    Jack's pov: "I guess if you wanted to try and learn to control something, you could... I don't know. Like, maybe... Maybe practice with the chair? Try throwing it certain distances by using a certain amount of magic energy? More power, more distance. if you get it...? " Alessis had said. "You could use a chair if you really want, but if you want to start smaller." He stopped and handed Tessa a leaf. "You could use that. Chairs are a solid choice, although I am not sure how the other members of the guild would feel about flying chairs, pehaps they woud like it." "You know, never mind, I'm not a very good wizard to be honest. I'm more of an up close and personal person." Alessia had said. "Don't be silly Alessia, your a great Wizard, you steeped it up on the missions, you knew what to do were maybe others did not. I wish I could say the same about myself, but I cannot. You can protect people with barrier surge. I cannot. You took control when others couldn't. If I didn't know you, I would say you were already an s-class. You deserve to be one, I can't say I do." He turned to Tessa "There is Caliborn if you need to talk to him, if not I will talk to him shortly." He then pointed to Caliborn.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 43061

    Jack's pov: "Zephyr is right, just say what exactly kind of magic your having trouble with. What type of magic, fire, healing, air. For example if you need help lets say with fire. You would try not burning something such as a leaf or peace of paper but the leaf or paper should be on fire. Your goal would be to try to keep in from burning as long as possible. Now lets say you need help with healing. I say you would first want to talk to Silvia. You would want to trying healing something like a paper cut. I'm generalizing examples." He didn't have anything else to add, so desided not to say anything more.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Swordsman_John
    ∞ Name: Roy Cross
    ∞ Gender: Male
    ∞ Age (Min of 14, Max 84): 24
    ∞ Appearance: This guy
    View attachment 43064
    ∞ Personality: kind, friendly, Smart, (quite at times)(can be conpentive)
    ∞ Goals/Dreams: Do what he loves for a long time.
    ∞ Weakness: Not the strongest person, (is still strong tho)
    ∞ Fears: Acrophobia (not flying though, just hights)
    ∞ Strengths: Fast, Smart, Creative.
    ∞ Blood Type: AB-
    ∞ Star Sign: Leo
    ∞ Hobbies: Video games, reading, running, parcore
    ∞ Career: Video game creater/ secret (also works secretly as a hacker in the same company)
    ∞ Bio: He spend most of his life alone. He didn't mind being alone. He learned he was very good with code, and codeing different things. He found he could easily hack into various things. He soon came up with his own special code protection program, to provent himself getting hacked or getting his work stolen. He found out that through his life he enjoyed vido games. He could replcate its code but couln't make any games. He made his frist video game. He put it online the next day it disspeared. He took it down as after one day it had over a million play time on it. He soon took up shooting as practice for trying to make a shooting video game for his job. Shooters being varry popluar he found he had to keep researching it. Earlyer in his career he had to research platforming, thats how he got into parcore. He had to practice running, parcore and shooting a lot for his job. They used it to make games more relistic for players, and used it for upcoming research. After getting a job at this company, his name was always missed in the credits as he isn't the main creater for the games. His job is think of good ideas, and make some of the code. He could make the models but prefers not to. The other part of his job is to pretend to be a student at schools to see what games the children and teens are interested in and report them back to the company. Being the idea person and seeker of what others are interested in has been an interesting job. His appearance helps him blend into high schools and colleges. Although he doesn't get grades, or they find ways for it not in inpact him while he is a pretend student. He can't be a lone the research for the games has him interacting with others in find there intress. By others talking about what there ideas are he modifies them latter to better fit a game the company is trying to make. Because he has to belend in as a student and to practice for research he doesn't have to were a suit for his job.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 43002
    Jack's pov: "While most of your reasoning is sound, there is a single error you made. Sure I can be wrong here, but I don't think she meant to ask us to tell her what to do with every single thing in her life. Merely asking for pointers to help her with her magic" Conrad had said. "I am Jack by the way" he said to them. "I wasn't trying to imply that at all." He said somewhat confused on how to exactly reply. "It is fine taking advice to deside what you want to do. Just not to do things to make someone happy or do what they want you to do. If you really need pointers on magic Tessa, any of the people with magic ability should be able to help you. It is different with a guild, your role on a mission, what you think is right, and what you should do in a situation. Fallow your leader, the s-ranks, they know whats best. Tessa perhaps you should talk to Evenora. You can trust the guild, they will help you. We all help each other, even if we aren't sure we need help others offer." He stopped it was difficult saying what he ment. "Friendship and knowledge are your best tools. Do you want me to leave?" He asked everyone. He seemed sad for a second. It seemed no one wanted his advice or help. Whenever he tried it always seemed to turn upside down. The last mission he was on went the best, while the one before that was the worst.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Swordsman_John
    Guild hall:
    View attachment 42994
    Jack's pov: He couldn't help over hear the confersation with Alessia, Conrad, Zephyr, and Tessa. He stood up and walked over. "Sorry, maybe I can help. I'm waiting to talk to Caliborn also." "I....I need help. I need someone to tell me what to do. I think I'm looking for the Dragon Slayer who has Sky Magic. I need someone to teach me how to control myself." The girl said. Worry appered on his face, quickly to disappear, as he knew only one other person there that knew what he did, that was Alessia. Oh not another one, maybe she was different then Thea. He then tried to silently tell Alessia not to say anything. No reason to worry this new person and make her think thats what would happen to her.
    "Here is some advice. You don't want people to tell you what to do. Trust me on that. You should be happy with your own choises. Let me say it this way. It like pick your own adventure book. If someone picks all your choises for you, will you be happy with the outcome? Help will come to those that ask for it. Just be happy there your own choises and not those someone forces on to you. As for helping you control yourself, practice what you need conrol with in a safe environment with someone there to help. Try in small amounts and don't over do it. The turtle won the race not the rabbit. Small steps you will see progress, large ones you might just see one and might not see yourself get better. I'm sure Caliborn will be willing to help you."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:
    View attachment 42970
    Jack's pov: As the mission ended they somehow came to the conclusion that Lullaby was safe in the guild hall or somewere near it. It was clear even if all the members of this guild were no more they could always be more spys. In fact he would bet on it if he could. There will always be those that seek power. Where ever Evenora desided to put Lullaby he would know as she said they could fallow if they wished. He would see if it was safe, and if it wasn't safe there be probably nothing he could do.

    Guild hall:
    View attachment 42970
    Jack's pov: When he entered the hall he desided to watch out for when Evenora left to put Lullaby in safe place. He would fallow because she said they could. He wanted to talk to Caliborn again to ask him questions but it seemed that he wasn't back from his mission. As much as he himself knew about magic, Caliborn possibly knew more. Then there was Alessia who either ignored him the hole mission or didn't know he was there. He couldn't blame her as after they had talked before she seemed mad at him. Although he would like to talk to her agin he didn't want to make her mad again, besides she was already talking to someone. The one question he really wanted answered he believed Evanora or one of the S-classes would know the answer to. He didn't want to bother Cas as she needed her rest. The next pick would be Evenora but it looked like Ander took off to talk to her. So he desided to sit down watching until either someone came to talk to him or Evenora, Caliborn, Mikasa or possibly one of the other s-classes showed up that were not on the mission he was on. His one question he wanted the answer to he felt Evanora would most likely know the answer to. As for his not so important question, he liked Caliborn and valued his imput and he seemed very knowledgeable when he talked to him before, besides he had lots of books in that room, he must know the answer to his magic question.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:
    View attachment 42944
    Jack's pov: He wasn't happy with the answers he got. "I want names. How are they spying on us? Were are they spying from? Why are they spying on us? Evenora the guild isn't a save place for the flute." How could she even think of putting it there. Kage just told them there is spys. "Look if we put it in the guild hall somehow the spys will know exactly were it is. There is nothing stopping them from just comming in and grabbing it. How strong is this demon exactly? Couldn't all the s-classes and higher level classes beet it? If nothing else wouldn't love kill it? I am not saying what we do with it until I know more. I do know the guild hall isn't the safest place for it."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:

    View attachment 42881
    Jack's pov: Before he knew it Kage took off with Lullaby. Soon they all ran into Evanora. Then someone asked who they were. "Jack Rincewind" he replied to the guild maters around. He that had a thought wasn't Evanora on some important guild meeting with the magic council or some important people. He wonder if he would be recognized or if he knew someone there. Alessia the started to treated kage. They might have got some information from him but Zephyr had said something to stop Alessia and now it was possible that Kage wouldn't say anything. He would attempt to answer Alessia question with his best guess. "Remember what we were told about lullaby or what we assume it does. Sleep, and now that I think about it, it is very possible that lullaby is some sort of mind control device. If I had to guess I say Kage some how knew about the meeting with Evanora and planned to use it on them or at they very lest use it on the town of people. He somehow knew about Ren so it is very possible he knew of the guild meeting also." Then another thought came to him. How was it Kage got this info. "Kage who told you about the guild. Who informed you of these things". He nodded at Alessia to get the information out of Kage.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Sep 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:

    View attachment 42872
    Jack's pov: The rper was told to heal Quinn and the rper didn't like it, he rather have Jack heal someone else that needed it, but decided to do as he was told. Jack used cure.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Aug 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:
    View attachment 42842
    Jack's pov: "Maybe you should go find a giant fly swatter. It looks like you underestimated us." Then he started to fly around on the key. It did appar to work almost exactly like the key blades. He then used Thunder on Egior.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Swordsman_John
    Mission of upmost importance:
    View attachment 42829
    Jack's pov: So Alessia drove a car and crashed, he saw her fly out the window, didn't she know seat belts are there for a rason without one in a crash death and injurie is more likely. It was a good thing she wasn't drinking or it could be worse. He didn't even know if she drank or not. He barely knew anything about most of the people on the mission. Erigor was going to fight them. Cas had summoned some swords. He woundered if they worked similarly to a key blade. "Its over now." He then jumped on one of the swords and used fire dash on Erigor.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Aug 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home