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  1. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov:
    View attachment 43766
    "I came over to apologize, for earlier. I was trying to make you feel better. I somehow messed that up. I was wondering if we are ok now? I know I should have handled it differently. I feel like I just made you feel worse. For that I am sorry. You probably just needed time." He finished preparing himself for her yelling at him. Expected that she didn't want to talk about it, and that somehow she would still be mad at him. He also expected her to take off worried about Zephyr. They seemed close. "You can go see Zephyr if you want..."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Dec 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov:
    View attachment 43763
    He signed as Gauis walked away. He saw Alissa was finally free, her yelling for zephyr to win. He walked over to her. "Can we talk?" He asked her.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Dec 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov: (at unknown time probably before the turnment)
    View attachment 43718
    He been walking around for a while thinking of who to talk to, with Alessia still talking to Zephyr. He walked up to someone. "Gaius right?"
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov: he used quake, he hoped this worked.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov: this was going strange Alisa was strong. He had a chance to win to put all he had into the next attack. "Your pretty good." Jack used binding strike.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov:
    View attachment 43642
    He was taken aback as Alisa attacked him. "What wrong with you? We are all sopost to be friends." He said in a friendly manner, now that he was attacked he could defend himself, as she attacked, he desided to use a new move, he used quake.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Swordsman_John
    Henry's pov:
    View attachment 43630
    "I'll help however I can. Were do you want me? What dangers are there we will face." He stood there waiting until they could leave.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Swordsman_John
    updated stuff:

    buying Heartguard and equipping for it. cost: 550
    jewls left: 395
    new as:
    Aerora, Thundara, Fire Dash, Blizzara, Cure, Esuna, Binding Strike, Magnera, Quake

    (did the chart)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Swordsman_John
    Evan's pov:
    View attachment 43624
    (using this banner for now until I'm ready to use the new one)
    Still wet he need to find a place to sleep. He wandered around until he found a empty house. After he spent almost all day in a forest He locked the doors and fell asleep by a fire.

    Darick's pov:
    View attachment 43625
    He was getting worried about the people that he saw at the orphanage but it appeared that there wasn't any trouble as there was not yelling or danger that he could see. (will people coming to Oxenfurt maybe I can interact with someone there)

    ooc: wasn't sure what else to do other then wait
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Swordsman_John
    Evan pov:
    View attachment 43518
    He wander around until he thought he saw a glow. Was he imaging things? He quickly turned to a strange area. It was amazing. A lake in the middle of no where. That was strange it was drawing him to it. He wanted to jump in it. It looked so nice. He jumped in. It was burning. Why was the water so hot hot. He got out angry and all wet. Desiding no one should experienced the horible hot water. He made trees fall over with strong wind. He made it rain just were the lake used to be when he was done the land looked totally destroyed. He stayed on his knees at he was still wet from the water from the lake, burning still on him. Why he didn't know...
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov:
    View attachment 43517
    "You're best off reporting this incident to the magic council Jack. This sounds like a job for them to deal with. If you have this image of him, then they'll be able to direct their search. However, I think you mistake the danger of this man. If this Nevil really is coming for you, then you will be fine. You weren't in a proper wizard's guild Jack. Guilds don't hire non-wizards and they most certainly don't have villagers. Nevil isn't as powerful as you think." Caliborn had said. "Caliborn you misunderstand, the non-wizards were the villagers. I should have said that I guess. It was a temporary home for them, from the mission we were on. They were there until we could find them a new home. It was a proper guild, just because I didn't know about the other members doesn't meen there were not any. I was always away too. I traveled a lot. I went around to help people with there illness, or problems. I also didn't see the guild untill I was ten. I left shortly after. That was my job. I was alone and only came back just before the stuff with Nevil started. They were probly always away on other missions. I believe he has been reported on. I think the magic council knows, who else would close a guild for no members? If they haven't found him by now after months or years I don't they will, but its still possible." Cal then appered. Talk about rude, there were many other s-classes that could help her. He watched as Caliborn walked away. He looked around to see who he could talk to. Alessia still seemed busy. Maybe someone would come talk to him.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov:
    View attachment 43500
    "Well, clearly I don't know him given that I never knew you before you joined this Guild. As a matter of course, what Guild were you in?" Caliborn had said. "I don't think it had a name, it was far to small to have one or if it did then Varrik never said what it was." He said. "If Varrik is indeed alive as you say, then where is he? And surely, you are no longer relevant. You're not part of that Guild anymore- You left that behind when you joined Sapphire Eclipse. This person, whoever they may be, should leave you alone now. Besides, even if they do come here, we have Evanora, myself and other powerful wizards. They won't be an issue." Caliborn had said. "I never said he was alive or dead. I said I didn't know but felt I would know if Varrik was dead. His name is Nevil. He only going to leave me alone because he doesn't know were I am. Like I said when I fought him he wasn't trying at all. He used the weakest spells possible. He wanted to test me for something. For what I do not know. I didn't leave, it was disbanded because everyone died or they think everyone is dead. (technically he is also a member of that guild) I wouldn't change meeting all of you though. It has been nice. If Varrik is not dead I felt he would have shown up at Evenora guild master meating. He could have been there being a guild master, but it was disbanded so I don't know. (up to Cal/al if he was there, yes he is alive, Jack doesn't know either way though) I also should clarify I only became second in comand because Nevil wasn't fit for it. I wouldn't consider myself second in comand though. It was just giving to me by word by Varrik, nothing offical. If the others were around that I never met I am sure they would have got it instead of me. (Varrik is old too) Varrik saw the Evil in him before I did. Nevil probably killed them all. He could verry well be stronger then anyone we fought so far. It was a private guild I think. I only got in because master found me at the age of three. I was also one of the only three wizards there Varrik, Nevil and myself. If there were more wizards they were either older the Varrik and died or Nevil hunted them down before I met them. So there could have varry well been many but Nevil probably killed them. He didn't fit what the guild was about. I assumed he got kicked out. The rest were either Villagers without homes or non magic people. I do know he killed villagers at the vary lest if he didn't kill the members of the guild. If he didn't kill them they died somehow." He finshed clearly upset. It showing on his face. He showed Caliborn a picture of Nevil. He knew the others were dead he saw a report on it from the people who disbanded the guild.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Swordsman_John
    Darick pov:
    View attachment 43497
    He was sitting around doing nothing perhaps he would open a portal and travel somewhere or go out and talk to then people in town. There seemed to be a lot going on with an orphanage. He could see it down the street from his training hall. There was something going on there what it was he didn't know.

    Kara's pov:
    View attachment 43499
    She keep walking unit she herd a voice (npc, I will change this post if needed) It said keep saying help. She enter the house of the person. Who seemed to be dieing. "Help me" it looked like someone had broke into the poor person house. A minute later the guy stopped breathing. Nothing She could do. But the person was holding a note: "If You are reading this I have died, if you are a doppler please take my image and be save. I believe in the dopplers" She turn into the person and put the body to rest and quickly left the house and ended up some distance away before stopping. (will find an image later)(will edit if needed)

    Evan's pov:
    View attachment 43498
    Evan had a strong sense he need to go somewhere. He started walking. Maybe he would find something interesting. (will do the thing he is met to do after I find a new image for him)
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Nov 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov:
    View attachment 43445
    "I see. So, somebody killed your master then, and you think that they're going to come after you? Honestly Jack, I doubt that this individual that killed Varrik will return to finish you. You said that he was probably holding back before. If he was holding back then, he probably didn't want to bother killing you. He won't be back. Most people tend to get their business sorted there and then. But, eventually, I am sure that you'll be able to find some people to take to deal with this man if you think that you need to." Caliborn had said. "I don't think he killed Varrik. I was told that he did. I think he was testing me when I fought him. For what I'm not sure. You don't know him like I do. I would have helped him if I could long ago. I know he is after me, but why I don't know. If I had a guess I say he wanted conrol of the guild I was part of. Thats why I was probably told he killed Varrik. He was our leader. The others that were there are dead, they were not wizards though. The reason I don't think Varrik is dead is because he was the strongest person I knew. I felt I would have felt something if he had died. I felt nothing. I went on a training mission to be a leader. I didn't even properly lead or anything. I became second in comand but never got the chance to properly lead. When I returned the human villagers we were helping said he died. Varrik and I are the only ones left. I couldn't stand it if I found out he was dead. The Evil guy if he wasn't trying to take over he was after something else. He will need to be delt with who knows what he is doing. I don't want to loss you guys too, after lossing everything else." He was shocked Caliborn didn't ask the Evil guys name. After saying what he said Jack become varry sad.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov:
    View attachment 43437
    "In any case Jack, if you need assistance with something I am happy to help. It sounds as if you've had a lot of trouble in your life." Caliborn had said. "I honestly don't know if you can help. Its a long story and you might be dealing with your own things to help me. I have only told part of it before, to Ren before he left. I want to figure out the answers on my own. I could easily ask the oracle them, but it wont be the same. He stopped for a moment. "I fought this strong guy once and only managed to beat him because he wasn't trying. He was evil, or appeared to be. (There is still more jack can say) People I was with said this guy killed Varrik my master. I'm not sure though. This is probably why i'm so worried about various things. I'm afaird he will attack you, the guild or find me. Even though I know I shouldn't be. He probably a lot strong then the last time I saw him too." He said in a wisper looking around afaird someone had herd him. "You probably have more important things to do then listen to my story or to help me. This is why I want to get to know you and the others in the guid. To make friends and prehaps help me evencally." He then showed Caliborn a picture of Varrik:
    View attachment 43438
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Swordsman_John
    Henry's pov:
    View attachment 43356
    He signed as some girl wanted his help. Someone always wanted something. He quickly helped and cleaned all the dishes. "Dishes are done. I think I need to be at the scout meating but I'll be back latter." The person was going to make him late for the meating. He left quilky making his way to the place he needed to be when there was information about the fae reviled. Someone turning into an animal and some fighting going on. Something about the king wanting them captured and he didn't even do anything. He stood ready to run defend or fight at a moments notice. What did these people all do. Someone wanted everyone to protect this other person. Why?
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Swordsman_John
    Kara's pov:
    View attachment 43355
    She herd someone screeming. Maybe someone was dieing. She quickly looked to the window of the house to see a guy and the girl she saw earlyer. Then she spoted someone else a 3rd person who appeared to be in pain. She quickly left as it appeared that the guy would be able to help. Either way she had two more bodys to turn into. Perhaps she would return later and see if the girl was ok. She ended up somewere else in town. Not sure what to do keep an ear and eye out for other intresting things to happen.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Swordsman_John
    Jack's pov:
    View attachment 43298
    "If there were something to tell you Jack, to be truthful I would not without consulting Evanora and the others first. It is our responsibility to look after this guild, not yours or any of the other new members. That falls to us, and us exclusively." Caliborn had said. "Fair enough". If it was really up to Evenora, he feared the issue would never be dealt with. At lest Caliborn was looking into it that was something. He might have to look into it himself like he thought most likely would happen. Hopefuly it would be delt with and he wouldn't need to do anything. "Probably the biggest mistake I've made, and it is why I am far more diplomatic now, is that at one point early in my days here, I said something to a fellow Guild member. What I said proved to be very hurtful which I hadn't realised at the time, but it caused them a great deal of harm. I was able to reconcile it, but it was a mistake on my part. From that I learned to mind my words and be considerate. After all, a misplaced word may cause more damage than you might expect." Caliborn had said. "I didn't realize you and I had similar problems. I know all to well how one thing can turn out badly. I tried making someone feel better and probably made them feel worse." He stopped before suddenly saying. "One day your being chaced or the only person you ever known, disappears without a trace or both. Afaid they are dead, but never knowing. Everyone has something they are trying to fix. A heart that is broken might not be fully fixed but can heal. You feel you are more broken. Thinking maybe you could have done something to change the brokenness. As much as you wish to help everyone, there always seems to be the one that can't be helped or refuses it. We all have secrets." He stopped suddenly afaid he said to much. Afaid of the questions Caliborn could ask. He seemed sad and to be talking from experance. "Prehaps I can somehow help you and your friend. You helped me it is the lest I could do. It is ok if you rather I not. Or you don't want to talk about it or don't want my help. If I know you they way I think I do, you'll figure something out for your friend you seem to be able to help anyone no matter the problem. Maybe talk to your friend. Or maybe you already helped this friend and I am being silly. I am sorry I shouldn't be giving you advice. You don't need it." He felt horrible, sadness filling him it was probably showing. "Sorry Caliborn quite frankly it is none of my business to know. You don't have to tell me anything. I was trying to get to know you better. I want to get to know others in the guild better."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 18, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Swordsman_John
    Henry's pov:
    View attachment 43279
    It was almost a relief no one notice him. Everyone went on there way doing various things. Everyone mostly done eating. Almost a relief he wouldn't put it past someone to want something from him. The moment was nice. It would end eventually. He would have to go on a mission or do something of importance. Being so high up and hidden from some people was nice for a while. Even though he still wanted to help people.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Swordsman_John
    Darick's pov:
    View attachment 43276
    He was near oxenfurt, wondering around. The wolfs heard at some point seemed to stop. The town of oxenfurt seemed big enough but he didn't know what to do.

    Kara's pov:
    View attachment 43278
    She woundered around Novigrad and at some point saw someone crying (Tatiana)
    But wandered away now she coild turn into the girl if she wanted, she could turn into a random villager if she wanted or a guard even.

    Evan's pov:

    View attachment 43277
    He was in a field between Oxenfurt and Novigrad, trees everywere, he hopped he didn't he lost. The clouds of rain still avove. It still looked like it could rain but it didn't, which was strange. He was becoming more nervous, he didn't like being pushed away.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home