View attachment 48450 Shawn walked into the guild hall after being gone for a few days. Latter he saw a post about cakes he wanted to go to. He went to his room to check it quickly. He then went out into the hall. He then saw a group of people, Lakoda, Thea, Conrad, Zephyr were all sitting by a grand piano. With nothing else to do he walked into the next room grabbing a random book off a shelf, sat down listing to the music in the next room, putting the book on a table next to him. Already have eaten a small bit of toast, wondering why he did that as sitting there made him hungry. He missed sitting down. He wondered if Conrad would like the book he had left on the table next to him. Perhaps he would ask him in a bit, although he didn't look at the cover the book he hoped it was interesting. A few minutes later he got up grabbing the book walked back into the room handing the random book to Conrad, he knew he liked them. "here you go".
Username: Swordsman_John Name: Shawn Galewind Age: 18 Spoiler: Appearance View attachment 48441 Personality: Protective, caring, Kind-hearted, friendly, rational, knowledgeable. Brief History: (more than a paragraph? Place it in spoilers please) When he was the age of five he started weapon training. He trained with a trainer, because magic was feared, and years before the village was attacked. Fires everywhere, people feared they would come back one day. The trainer saw something in Shawn, he seemed to have a natural knowledge of any weapon even not well-known ones. Spoiler: more history A years later the town was attacked again, he didn’t have any weapons with him. Out of the main part of town he was corned by the attackers down an ally way. He then caused a mini sandstorm, knocking the attackers down, they ran away in fear. Later his trainer told him, not to use magic in front of the towns people. Telling him its not well understood. (trainer saw him use sandstorm) He continued training for years until he mastered weapons, (he trained in secret for his magic although not that much) Later his trainer gave him a sword, telling him it belonged to his family, also explaining after Shawn touched it how it is bound to him now magically. He traveled around soon hearing about the guild. He set out finding to find it. He later became better at his magic, traveled around for a bit taking odd jobs. Away from guild helping a small town. Magic Type Used: (name of it, what is it) Earth magic Main Spells/Abilities for Said Magic: (4 Max) Earth wall (cover): Cast an earth wall like Shield that a can protect (more like cover) can be tall enough for people to be stand behind it. Sandstorm: Can trip, daze, blind things, once something is tripped/blind/dazed the more damage thing takes. Earth Make (weapons): Can Make a variety of weapons, (can choose to give to others) (swords, mace, spear ect) Bolder bash: Shoots rocks/earth at things. Taboos/Weakness for Said Magic: (must have 2-4. All Magic takes a toll big or small) Earth wall (cover) Can cover up to 3 people max, wall can be attacked making it fall apart. More it is used smaller the wall. Sandstorm: More effective at mid to long range combat. Also, the bigger the thing is the less effective it is for tripping. Earth make (weapons): They can brake over time. Less useful when given to others, loses power/strength. Bolder bash: rocks are for short in mid-range combat. Also, is better for short fights as the more it is used the less effective it is. Magic Item(s)?: (2 max, just something extra to help out in some fights or as a last resort. Or can be used as main fighting tool, like Lucy’s keys or that one guy’s paintbrush and pallet) Obsidian sword that is magically bound to him (fun fact obsidian is 1000 sharper/stronger then steel) (others can’t take it without permission, he knows were it is at all times) makes it useful when he his unable to make weapons. Other: guild mark located on his left forarm
@Aelin FireHeart would like to join KHV_Unicornis Id:2490200
Would like to join Anguis @Explode Id:2490200
Would like to join Leapardos @Scarred Nobody Id:2490200
Would like to join Vulpeus @Fearless Id:2490200 Name: John
I Woild like to join Ursus @tamale Id:2490200 Name: John
The Fairy Curse of Laverna: Magic Meadow Jack's pov: He used aerora.
Henry's pov: View attachment 44338 The last two years were pretty uneventful. He wonder if people had gotten over the fear of fae's, skinwalker, or if people turning into animals was a wrong thing like before he had to find one of the people from two years ago and ask them. People would always fight things they didn't understand. Who should he ask, he still didn't trust that someone had no idea how the king died, flame after all these years should know who to trust and who not to after what happened to him, her being a queen for two years had to teach her something.
Darick's pov: View attachment 44336 The sounds of outside seemed to reducing, and perhaps the fighting outside had finished, but he didn't know for sure. He had finally found someone to look over the place while he was gone but had no reason to leave right now. Evan's pov: View attachment 44337 He started walking in a random direction, perhaps he would find a town or something soon. The place he had found had nothing and so he had to find adventure somewhere else.
The Fairy Curse of Laverna: Magic Meadow View attachment 44335 Jack's pov: with no answer to his question he keep fighting, he used Binding Strike on bee 8.
Ready for time skip
The Fairy Curse of Laverna: Magic Meadow View attachment 44248 Jack's pov: Horologium had magically disappeared when they got to the bottom. He quickly found out it was guarded by bee's hopefully no one was allergic to them Horogium possibly could help with that. "No one is allergic to bee's are they? Anyone know if they are killer bee's? When this is all over maybe we can all bring back some honey for everyone at the guild. with that he used Aerial (mp enhance)
Darick pov: View attachment 44245 He had herd some commotion outside something about dopplers, it was that he didn't want to help the villagers of Oxenfurt, he had a lot on his mind a couldn't just leave the new people that had randomly showed up, he had to now appoint a person to help run the magic school, but after what happed with Annabell and the evil mage he didn't know what to do. At lest he knew a rough idea on were to find Annabell if he had to. The there was that other mage that decided to take Annabell to be a princess or something for now he decided to lay low, maybe soon he would help with the doppler problem. Evan's pov: View attachment 44246 He woke up after a while it was morning, he didn't expect to sleep that long. He went down the stairs still surprised on how exactly he had got taller. He unlocked the door to the random house he had found in middle of no-were. He walked outside ready for adventure. He was unsure on were to go, or who to see him being in between Oxenfurt and Novigrad (maybe a random villager made by al, it is up to him) Kara's pov: (as random person) View attachment 44247 Novigrad was quite, now almost to quite. Maybe that would change sooner or later. perhaps she would change that. There was a king somewhere it would be interesting to see what he would do, interestingly news got around fast that he appointed some girl to be his replacement or something like that. She knew that the castle both stayed in was in or near Novigrad.
Henry's pov: View attachment 44243 They were all fighting titans people randomly getting each others back. It was all a blur. He coved for someone quickly to lose sight of them as he turn around. everything was moving so fast, hitting a few titans here and there unsure of what was happening in the blur that was the battle. (and because john irl had been busy he decided to make the post as generic as possible) it was over almost as soon as it began the whole in the wall filled or it appeared to be. "Is that it? What is next? what do we do now" he asked no one in particular in whatever place they had mange to be (because I don't know were we are he is also asking the questions after the time skip if necessary)
Darick's pov: he walked back to were his school for teaching was. He found a few (not important npc mages) people in there with nothing else to do, he waited around, maybe something else interesting would happen. (My other characters will be doing nothing for now until i can think of what to do with them)
Henry's pov: He fallowed who ever he was sopost to. They were sopost to kill titans and help the city protect themselves. He was ready for whatever happened next.
Darick's pov: View attachment 44071 As soon as the girl said she knew earth magic, he knew what he had to do. The other guy ask her to come with him, and had asked him too. She had she would like that. "Are you sure about that? After what happened I would think you wouldn't want to get into more trouble. As for myself, I cannot go. I have a school for magic users to look after, that is if anyone ever shows up. Annabelle I could teach you to use your magic for better use. You wont ever have to worry about people like yana again. You could easily defend yourself if you knew how. Fire can be something that destroys or something that makes life, earth is protection or a weapon. There are two ways to every magic. I can teach you to defend yourself. You probably could have defeated yana with your earth magic. As you could have blocked any fire yana used with your earth magic. Earth is everywere, just like water, and air, where fire is not" he stoped. "Were is this place you want to take her anyways".
Darick will probably show up.
The Fairy Curse of Laverna: Magic Meadow: View attachment 44057 Jack's pov: Lucia had got herself off of him and was acting weird. She then jumped down the hole, saying her thanks before she jumped. He desided to fly down the hole using his pegasus wings. When he reached the floor of the area he made his wings dispear.