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  1. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48969
    "We only have a glen or something to go through if I remember before we get to the manor. Merry Glen?" Lakoda had said. "That's right, some place called merry glen. Do you know what exactly we will be doing once we get there? Besides asking them some questions."
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48936
    "Does anyone have the map? We need to plan out our route from here" Yukyo had said. "I do". He pulled out a folded paper and handed it to Lakoda. "Destroy it if those people come back, the last thing we need is them knowing were we are going." He kept looking around keeping eye out for any other unexpected things to happen.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, May 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48901

    "Do think it is possible she didn't even know whatever these people want is in there? wait didn't she say look for the power within? As for putting up walls I don't want to slow down this wagon more then we need to" he finished. "If there is something in here, maybe she didn't want to tell us so we wouldn't give it away by accident." Lakoda had said. "Maybe she did, she didn't want the cakes ruined and then theirs the look for the power within she had told us".
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Apr 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48843
    He was about ready to throw the box when he noticed there were not following them. Yukyo somewhere behind them running, he wasn't going to chance casting sandstorm as he planned as it would hit Yukyo. He put his sword away feeling the rush of battle starting to go away. Holding on the box for safety. "Bluff, rocks in there" he whispered. Just in case for whatever reason they could here him. "Any clue what that was about? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if there was a secret in these boxes besides not wanting to trust a dark guild. You handled your self well, I was worried about you. I didn't want a repeat of the past". More now talking to himself then her. "Why do you think madam Madeleine didn't say anything about this if it is true." He continued to keep an eye out for any more unexpected people or things to attack them. As soon as Yukyo was on the wagon he planned on somehow blocking there path so it was less likey they would be followed. Grabbing the knife from the side of the wagon. "Traceable? Probably." He then threw it far off the road hopefully it would be lost forever.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48842
    With these people distracted he disappeared into the wagon, so that the people would not see what he was doing. He grabbed an empty box fill it with some rocks in the wagon and tied it with a ribbon like madam madeleine had done, then he came out with the box. "Now I don't what exactly it is you're looking for but I can assure it's not with us."Yukyo had said. "Its this box see how its highly decorated, now if you guys want it i suggest you let us go or I'll destroy it", pointing the edge of his sword towards the box, as soon as both Yukyo and Lakoda were on the wagon he throw the box into the river and send a sandstorm behind them. ( assume this is done (if we need to)as soon as you guys are on the wagon and wagon is moving) He wasn't surprised a powerful dark guild, wanted some sort of artifact, he also wouldn't be surprised if an artifact was in one of the boxes but there had to be a reason for all of this. The mission was to weird from the beginning just to be about delivering cakes. He watched as both Yukyo and Lakoda were running towards the wagon.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48830
    Shawn watched as the spear had no effect on the wall the chicken thing made a wall. The spear disappeared from the wall. This person clearly wanted something, most likey one of the two that was following them from before. "What do you want, what guild do you belong to, and were is your friend that was with you from before?" It was clear this person was some sort of mage probably working with the chicken thing. Perhaps at some point he could trick them. He wasn't going to surrender yet, but he also wasn't going to put Lakoda in more danger. He wondered what Midarah would do. No matter what nothing was worth losing someone. He also really didn't expect an answer from this person. He really couldn't risk anything right now, really wishing he could make stone cover appear around Lakoda.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48709

    "Do you see anything?" Lakoda called out. "Ya some sort of bird thing". He now wondered if the people that were following them were trying to warn them, to late now he thought. With the sand around them perhaps it would make it harder for the bird thing to hit them. He quickly cleaned his sword of orange stuff and with a wave of his hand he just made the sand ahead of them move so they could see but hopefully the bird couldn't. The walls he made way gone by now somewhere far down the road. Making a spear he threw it at the bird (weapon make) making sure even if it missed it would harmlessly fall into the lake below. Still holding his sword ready hopefully for something good to happen. Curious he thought of how the eggs were actually cake ingredients he wondered what would be next, were they secretly playing candy land or rather cake ingredient land.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Mar 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48624

    The oranges that were spilled out were suddenly picked up by snake looking things that were black, yet flat and gliding along the ground like a shadow. Oranges were suddenly chucked at the boys, trying to hit them back BEHIND the wagon... since walls were preventing them from going on the sides. Thanks Yukyo he thought this was just perfect. "Yukyo, what do you think about turning to a horse or something perhaps making us go faster. I could used sandstorm and send it behind us, what do you think Lakoda? Another option is that we could stop and fight them, any ideas Lakoda?" He stood there blocking the cakes from the oranges, blocking them in whatever way he could. Time to play baseball he thought pulling out his sword using it to knock oranges away perfectly slicing a few in the process. Holding the sword tightly ready for what came next.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Feb 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48552
    Yukyo had said "Sharing secrets without me now are we? And throwing rocks into forests? You're an odd one Shawn." He signed again it was clear Yukyo didn't understand. "Strategy not secrets, odd maybe but being different can change your view on many things, it can make horrible things happen and wonderful things happen." Not wanting to talk any more he looked back into the forest while Yukyo and Lakoda talked. He then noticed shadows moved above them in the trees. What was that. "Something is following us, Yukyo help me, Lakoda get us out of here" He thought for a moment on what to do. Sandstorm, or something else, closing his eyes for a moment focusing on what he wanted to happen, opening them again. Sandstorm could ruin the cakes and Madam Madeleine did say to keep them safe, even though he still believed there was more to it, he didn't want to chance it. What was it Madam Madeleine said: to look for the power within, did that mean the baby or something else, no time to dell on that now as he made Earth wall on either side of the wagon hopping whatever hit it, as soon as they were far enough away he would make a sandstorm so they could lose whoever this was, and cast it behind them so not to ruin the cakes, but he have to wait a few moments to see if the wall worked.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Feb 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48541
    He noticed the way Lakoda was looking it the forest. "Your worried someone is watching or following us" he said in a hushed voice. "Sometimes things just happen we can't control, or someone will just not understand" he said with a sigh, looking towards were he kept his sword. He guessed there must be something that happened in her past, perhaps how her whole voice thing happened. "Maybe you know what its like" he finished in a hushed voice. He then came up with a good idea this only would work so far. If they were indeed being followed or watched the people most likely wouldn't know sign language. He began and sighed just a few random words and letters. "They can't read this" he said in a wiper. He then picked up a rock that somehow got into the wagon and threw it into the forest, if someone was watching perhaps it would hit them. He also wondered if he could track someone using his magic, if they were being followed if he could pick up on the vibrations they would make by moving ever so slightly. He would try but at the vary lest he would probably just get distracted by the movement of the wagon.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Feb 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Swordsman_John
    @Jin I hope you have an idea because I don't.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Feb 1, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  12. Swordsman_John
    Sign me up, random interesting thing, who knows with these rounds.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 25, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48516

    The old lady had said "Deary, the only dangerous things on this journey will be the little rocks that will bump the horse and cart, and the occasional small mosquitoes." She patted Shawn on the head with a giggle. This lady reminded him a bit of his weapon master trainer even though his master is male.
    For a moment he flashed back to a bit younger version of himself in his mind his sword he got was sitting along the wall. His master walked in to see Shawn holding a wooden sword. Right then the test dummy fell into parts on the floor bits of wood and rocks from magic and weapons training all over it. ""What am I going to tell the dummy maker this time Shawn? This is the third one this week."" his mater finished ""Tell him you accidentally dropped and dragged it or something, as long as he doesn't know about my magic we will be fine, he knows you are the top trainer of weapons around, perhaps in the world, even though I'm your only student. Or you could find out what happen to my parents even though you told me before you don't know, and not go to the dummy maker for a few days"". His master then walked over and patted and ruffled Shawn's hair with a laugh ""we will see"" his mater said. He then found himself back in the shop a bit sad for a moment missing his master. Even though his master was alive and well.
    Then the lady had said "But I will give you a compass if you so desire and a rope. The roads are well kept, and the signs will lead the way if you happen to stray off the road for some odd happenstance. There has been some rumors of some ruffians about on the roads, causing some merchants trouble here and there... Though I am not sure what happened to them or if they are still there. But hopefully they shouldn't cause you problems." That wasn't good. If these ruffians as she put it knew of the family then they were no better then the bandits that attacked his village back then. He only ask because who knew what would or could happen in this forest. Then latter she said "Which is the last thing I want for her since she has already been through so much." what did that mean? This old lady didn't even answer if there was another way to get to this place o-well. "No more questions from me".
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48511

    The old lady said "This family has a long line of powerful mages, yet neither the father or mother has been blessed with these gifts. But I sense something is special with this child. Call it a grandmother's intuition." He knew it, if this child was indeed magic then there would be trouble, from what he learned from his past is that someone will not understand it. He drew a carbon copy of the map on a piece of paper folded it and put it in his pocket. Still looking at the map on the table he had to ask some questions. " Garriot Forest, and Wyseful Bridge near the Renifel River, is there things there, dangers perhaps that we should know of, also do you have some rope and a compass, and is this the only way to this Manor?" He had a thought that if this bridge was in disrepair they would need the rope, as for the compass, that was more or less to make sure they didn't get lost.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48496

    He had rested in his room for a while, and then they were on there way. They found the cake shop with a older women in there. "No thanks", he replied to offer of cookies. Then the older lady said she throw in something special. He wondered what that could be. He also wondered why this lady and the job board both stated to deliver these cakes in one peace, why did she have reason to believe they would be damaged. "Out of curiosity is she magic, her or her daughter?" He was still trying to put this together. This lady could have asked anyone to deliver these cakes why was the guild asked, he very much doubt that everyone in town was old, so there had to be a reason. "Can we see this map?" Perhaps this map could give them clues on wear bumps in the road would be.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48493

    Lakoda looked at him and said, "When I can't play piano or guitar, I like to draw. But that'll have to come later." Hm interesting he wondered what she drew. He then saw her talking to Yukyo saying "Nothing today. I was going to sketch, but then this quest came up. I'll go tell Shawn that we're ready, and we'll head out in a few moments? Is that alright?" So Yukyo wondered what she drew also, then some time passed and Lakoda said "Yukyo is going to go with us as well. Should we head out soon? If we get started, we can be done in no time." He figured it could be quick. "Sure we should head out, but I'm wondering why have us a guild deliver a simple cake? I mean it can't be that simple if we are really needed for it right? It must be some special cake if it was up on the request board. Perhaps I'm just over thinking this." He had written down the details of the job, before Yukyo had returned from were ever he had disappeared to, more curious now what this job would turn out to be.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48475

    He watched as Yukyo walked up to the mission board and latter said "Cake Delivery huh? Sounds interesting." He saw him turned into a cat and jump on Everette and Sam head. "wait" he started to say but it was to late Yukyo was gone so he couldn't say anything about the cake delivery mission. He then herd Thea say "Hey everyone! Who wants to go on this mission with me?" Seeing her waving around a paper. He then herd Gaven say "You want to take Thea on a mission where Children have gone missing?" oh no, he thought, not the flute mission. He then noticed Lakoda had come back asking "Is anyone else going to go on this Cake Delivery job with us?" While she was holding a sketchbook. "Yukyo said something about cake delivery but he disappeared, what do you think of that" he said nodding his head over to Thea. "Apparently she wants to go on the flute mission with the missing children, also what is with the sketchbook.?" he asked out of curiosity. "Thanks for coming with me".
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48471

    Lakoda looked at him and said.Sign language looks easy, but it’s hard to learn, There’s a lot of memorizing and lots of practice involved. I can teach you a little bit though. This is ‘Breakfast Time’.” She made her fingers squish together with her thumb on her right hand as if she was grabbing something to eat and then brought it to her lips. She then lowered her hand and placed her left hand on her right forearm, just below the elbow, bringing it up once more before dropping it and pointing to her right wrist like there was an invisible watch there.Breakfast time.then said "If you need someone to go on a quest with you, let me know if I can help. I'm pretty easy going. You can either find me in my room, or back here in a bit." That was nice of her. "it would be nice to go on a mission with you, and I do want to learn sign language, perhaps it will make us closer friends, and I'll practice between missions. he said with a smile. He watched as she left. He then got up thinking maybe he ask Thea or Yukyo if they want to go on the mission with him, he saw them standing together and decided to walk over to them. Thinking about the mission he wondered if there was more to it then a simple cake delivery.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48467

    He fished his toast as things around him happened. Then Thea was now done with music. "I have yet to look at the board, although I intended to do so after breakfast, I have been neglecting the rent a little bit and hoped to rectify that today, nothing has caught my eye yet though. Want to come with?" Conrad had said. "I think everyone will want to help the sick people, and I think I'll stick with my first choice." he replied. He saw Conrad reply to Lakoda in sign language, while Thea ran off. "Can you teach me that " he asked both Conrad and Lakoda, as he attempted to mimic what Conrad signed moments ago.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Swordsman_John
    View attachment 48456
    He saw the cover of the random book, well that was interesting, he wondered what other books Conrad had in his stack of books. That was when Conrad said "Thanks Shawn, I'll give it a read. It looks useful to me. So what are you up to today, Shawn?" He thought for a moment, "Nothing in particular". That was when Lakota asked "So, did anyone see the mission board today?", and "Do any of the quests interest you?" While he didn't completely understand sign language, you had to get used to some of it quickly, thanks to to her charm, it made things easier. "Cake delivery" he stated simply with that his stomach made a sound loudly. He walked over grabbing a fruit and toast from a chef, on his way back glancing at the new post about the sick people, but he still wanted to deliver some cakes. "Sick people" he said to the un-asked question on the new post. Eating the toast as he sat down back by Conrad and Lakota.
    Post by: Swordsman_John, Jan 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena