Drosselmayer's Mansion Jack's pov: He had a plan, because if the mouse king turns them to stone things could go badly. They had to stop it. If more then one of them got hit at a time with the stone this mission will get a lot harder. But sense no one seems to want to listen to jack he desided to say nothing. (I said his idea on skype, I will call it out if someone steels it) jack used cure on thea.
Astedia Amanda's pov: "ok, I'll leave you to your thoughts then." She didn't really have much else to say. She walked away. She desided to stay alert. Maybe something strange would happen. Maybe someone would talk to her. Maybe the ring would be done soon and they get to leave. She had the thought of why they just didn't just look for the last part like they did the others, but then again Annika did say they didn't have much time left. How long have they been look for theses parts? (I really don't know what to do right now, I don't think I should just talk to one character)
Drosselmayer's Mansion Jack's pov: He used aero. Astedia Amanda's pov: "Do you want to talk more about it? How about the friend, maybe they could join the guild. Also how do you feel about the people that are with us?"
Astedia View attachment 41880 Amanda's pov: She grabbed her neckless for a second, "no... can't give up on..." she stopped. She saw Lucia offered her throwing knifes. They must have been important for her to think they work. What did she really know about anyone here. She knew Thomas wanted girls and Scarlett was well meen. She didn't know them she was to shy for that. "Lucia if you don't mind me asking. Why the knifes". Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41881 Jack's pov: No. The prince could not die. He knew somehow it be his fult. Stupid, the group should have listened to him when he suggested they find the prince first. He thought about offering a trade for the nutcracker. (won't work ik) The mouse king would die even if had to beat the mouse himself. He almost said something but knew it would either backfire or be pointless as they were about to battle. He was also suprised with Silvia. She was normally there healer and now she might want to take a sword to the mouse king's face. Either that or she had another plan for the sword. He was ready to fight.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41874 Jack's pov: Because of plot things happen and everyone is saved, nothing the rper could do about the plot that makes jack look stupid. "We should go save the nutcracker next". With nothing else to do he waited for them to leave. Astedia View attachment 41873 Amanda's pov: "How do suggest we do that? I don't think either of you know how to put a wand together. Does it magicaly put it's self together?"
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41872 Jack's pov: "Of course the fire will hurt. I'm not stupid, he is a person. Although I assume that we need to beat the mouse king to have him turn back to normal. Magic can do almost anything. Also I wouldn't be surprised if these rooms work in a magical way. They could be traps for people trying to bust out or someone trying to get it in. Like the door could magicaly close." He said to Clara. "Alessia if your looking for something try a book shelf or under a rug." Edit: Stupid irl john forgot the nutcracker got set on fire from Thea. So this is not jacks fult, it mine for, forgetting :'(
Astedia View attachment 41866 Amanda's pov: There was no way Aidan wasn't gredy. As soon as they left something would happen to him. If anything he said was true way bring it up now. He either lieing or fooling himself to get rich or maybe he wanted to trick Annika. Either way she knew they would find out before the mission ended. Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41867 Jack's pov: As badly as he wanted to kick the mouse kings butt it be stupid to attack alone. "Wait" he then fallowed Alessia and Clara to the door. "Clara do you even know were we should look or do you suggest we split up and look for them. As there is not a lot of us it might not be a good idea to spilt up, but we need to do something. And what about the prin..." he stopped himself not sure he should reviled he knew the nutcracker was the prince. "Um the nutcracker." He knew he wouldn't be able to hide that he knew. "Will the fire hurt him or can it set him free of being wood? I suggest someone saves him as we need the prince or nutcracker, whatever you want to call him. He needs to take back his kingdom and we should help him."
Astedia View attachment 41860 Amanda's pov: They were not to be greedy. She knew she was not, shy yes but not greedy. "I hope that's the one we need, lets go" she said shyly. Drosselmayer's Mansion: View attachment 41861 Jack's pov: You got to be kidding me, our friends got in a cage and now we are going to randomly fallowed something that could take us to the mouse king. Well its better then doing nothing. He then grabbed a vine tightly. Please be something good. He finshed thinking hopefully.
Astedia Amanda's pov: She used blitz.
Astedia View attachment 41845 Amanda's pov: "we will win". Being hopefull was the key to this part of the wand. She used blitz. Drosselmayer's Mansion: View attachment 41846 Jack's pov: He wanted to talk to someone in the group badly, but because they were not sopost to at this time he could not. They arived at a castle. He would open the door but something told him it was a really bad idea or he would somehow mess this up just like the other things in the mission. Somehow this wound go wrong. When all he wanted to do was try to make friends, have fun, or do something that should work, but it would ended up not working. He didn't know how he would mess up opening a door but he knew it would be possible if he could. Also he knew he might get yelled at for not opening the door, and would get blamed one way or another.
Drosselmayer's Mansion Jack's pov: he used cure on thea.
Astedia Amanda's pov: she used blitz.
Drosselmayer's Mansion Jack's pov: He used aero.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41790 Jack's pov: "Stop, don't hurt the tree. Er.. tree could we please have some wood?" Astedia View attachment 41789 Amanda's pov: She used aero. (When it is her turn)
Astedia View attachment 41788 Amanda's pov: So she climbed on her pegasus. To find this they had to be hopeful. She began to think of hopeful things. The group will find this jewel. I will find it. The group can be nice. There will be a good ending to this mission. The town will be unfrozen and everyone will be happy. That was a lot of hope in one thought. "We will help everyone"...
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41787 Jack's pov: "Ok, you can go alone" he called after Silvia. "No one wants me around or everyone is mad at me for some reason or another." He didn't know if Silvia could here the last part he said. (Or anyone else who is around) He walked up to the sap/tree area ready to help were he was needed.
Astedia View attachment 41782 Amanda's pov: "Thomas and Annika don't know what there talking about we were looking for something else. I think the weather is going to there heads. Unless you think this gem of ice is important. If you think is important maybe you know were it is. I don't think it is important at all. But maybe you could convince me." She finshed shyly. Maybe her lie and trick would work.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41781 Jack's pov: Silvia didn't seem ok. After it was morning he found her again. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" It seemed no one wanted him around. They hated him for things that were not his fult. He seemed sad when he asked her. He thought of saying something else but decided against it. Astedia View attachment 41780 Amanda's pov: Way to go Thomas if he knows we need it and has it, it will be expensive. If he didn't he might want money for information. Why couldn't they just see what he had. Well sence Thomas runed her plan she desided she didn't really need to say anything.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41776 Jack's pov: He returned to Silvia. "Everyone else seems to be busy. Something wrong?" He asked Silvia.
Drosselmayer's Mansion View attachment 41773 Jack's pov: "I was refering to books that tell you what to put into stuff. The amount of things that can go in. A step by step. Is that what your looking for? I will find something to help you. Maybe a book. I will think about what could help you. I also don't have anything else to say. I am going to see what the others are doing. You also seem fine with normal confersations just don't stress yourself out and try not to get nervous." He replied to Silvia. He then walked away and herd voices of Clara, the nutcracker, and Alessia. He Clara say prince. Ha, he knew he was the prince. (But since no other people can talk to the nutcracker jack designed to leave) Astedia View attachment 41772 Amanda's pov: "Is the ice part of the wand somewere here" She asked shyly. It seemed it would be here but then again you never know.