Oh, thanks, works for me. I think I will have my friend work on those buttons if you want, I told him to come here if he wants some friends in graphic art.
Ok, well I need three different ones actually: A forum affliate button for my website- Halo Nation A forum affliate button for kh-vids, don't worry I already got permission. A forum Signature Forum signature specifications: Type: Signature Colors: Light and Darkness Just make it look cool. As for the affliate buttons, the one for kh-vids is up to you and just take a look at my site and make one that is kind of like our theme. Thanks!
Also our dumb hate towards other species, I mean look at the choices we give animals, if they are like a dog, it comes into anyones sight we take it and put it to sleep or we make it so it lives in our houses which is actually just a prison for them, not to mention we "fix" them, if they are like a cow we fatten then up THEN kill them, and if they are like a chicken we just shoot them, and no one gets concerned until they get endangered. I assure you the first thing that would happen if an alien were to come would be "OMG! Shoot it!." The sad sad truth though is prices of everything will keep going up until people begin to die, like any species, when overpopulation happens the resources begin to deplete and the only way for it to come back is for the species to die off. It is sad, but humanity is reaching its breaking point, and no "science" will be able to keep it from happening. And besides, though I don't talk about it much, I think we all have that feeling that something big is going to happen soon.
I didn't get Final Form until I beat the game, I dunno how to unlock it, it just popped up and I said "thats good enough for me!"
Affliation pic, got permission! That is from spdude and if you guys are bored or something you can make one, but I can just get one of my guys to do it too. Up to you guys, I'm taking the best one I see.
Hey Neku, if you are bored I need a script writer for my video portal and all fingers pointed to you, I sent you a couple of PMs but I understand your Inbox must be "Spamtacular" so please message me back on this.
It could only be posted like this, the original had well detailed graphics and wording, but it is only avalible for download on Gamesradar.com for Registered Users and only works on Adobe Acrobat, I would just provide a link if I could but I can't and so I thought it would be easier for everyone to just post it like this. I hope you can read it the way it is. Enjoy! PS2 words: Alicia Ashby Revisit old friends and discover whole new Disney worlds while unravelling a mysterious conspiracy II Hearts Kingdom u strategy guide www.gamesradar.com Kingdom Hearts II 02 contents strategy guide GETTING STARTED basic controls the main menu combat gummi ships 03 03 04 06 WALKTHROUGH using the walkthrough roxas hollow bastion the land of dragons beast’s castle olympus coliseum disney castle atlantica port royal atlantica agrabah halloween town pride lands twilight town 14 the world that never was 07 07 08 09 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 12 ITEM SYNTHESIS GUIDE 17 17 17 16 using this guide moogle levels save the queen + save the king + ultima weapon 16 www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 03 getting started Kingdom Hearts II GETTING STARTED BASIC CONTROLS L1 Opens and closes the shortcut menu. L2 Press to shift the right analog stick from camera control to cursor control. You can press R3 to confi rm selections in this control mode. R1 Activates and deactivates target lock. Hold down R2 and use the right analog stick to change targets when using target lock. Press R3 to center the camera on the target. R2 If pressed while Field Camera is in Auto Mode, the camera will freeze. If Field Camera is in Manual Mode, pressing R2 changes it to Auto Mode. R3 Press to center the camera behind your current main character. D-PAD Use to moves the cursor in menu screens. LEFT ANALOG STICK Move your active character, and moves the cursor in the main menu screen RIGHT ANALOG STICK Use to rotate the camera. START BUTTON Press to enter the main menu during normal gameplay. Press during battles or cutscenes to pause. During battle, pausing calls up a screen that explains your mission objectives. During cutscenes, pausing calls up a submenu that lets you choose to skip the cutscene if you wish. SELECT BUTTON Enters and exits from fi rst-person perspective mode. CROSS BUTTON Press to confi rm a menu selection. TRIANGLE BUTTON Press to execute a reaction command. SQUARE BUTTON Pressing it allows you to use certain special abilities after you’ve equipped them, like Guard. CIRCLE BUTTON Press to jump. Also cancels menu selections, uses certain abilities and lets Sora drop when hanging from a ledge. THE MAIN MENU Press start when not in combat to access this powerful menu. A “new†icon fl ashes near recently added menu items. ITEMS A sub-menu that lets you examine the items equipped to your party members, and the items you have in stock. Remember that you need to equip consumable items like Potions and Ethers to your characters if you want to be able to use them in battle. You also want to make sure that the party is using equipment that suits the battles they’re about to face. Don’t worry about equipping Guest characters that only join your party during specifi c worlds. They don’t get much benefi t from equipment, and can take these items with them when they leave the party. ABILITIES Lets you manage the selection of Abilities equipped to the characters in your party. Abilities alter a character’s properties in combat. Abilities have a cost you must pay to equip them, and each character has a limited pool of Ability Points to spend. You gain new Abilities by leveling up or completing in-game events. Some Abilities cost Magic Points (MPs) to use, and how much is always indicated in the Ability’s description. In the case of non-player character (NPC) allies like Donald, Goofy and Guest characters, you can also confi gure how frequently the AI uses Abilities that consume MP. CUSTOMIZE For allies like Donald, Goofy and Guest characters, going into the Customize menu will let you customize their AI’s behavior. You can also customize how frequently your allies use consumable Items and Abilities that consume MP. Toggle through the different available frequencies with the triangle button. For Sora, the Customize screen lets you confi gure the shortcut menu that maps magic spells or consumable item types to one of the four face buttons. Then you can use the magic or item instantly by tapping L1 to bring up the shortcut menu, and then pressing the appropriate face button. In very diffi cult battles, that time saved can mean the difference between life and death, so make sure you always keep your shortcut menu properly confi gured. In most cases, you’ll want Potions or Hi-Potions, and then three spells mapped to the shortcuts. When particular spells would be very useful in a given world or battle, the walkthrough will make note of it. Otherwise, you can just use whatever you feel best fi ts your personal fi ghting style. basic controls • the main menu www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 04 getting started Kingdom Hearts II PARTY Lets you select which three of your current party members will be active. For the most part, it doesn’t matter which of the characters available to you that you opt to use. In the rare case where it does, it’s usually because of a particular ability that character has, and the walkthrough will make note of it. Remember that characters not active in the party still get XP and will level up as quickly as the active members. Also, some characters have abilities that activate specifi cally when they’re not in the active party. These abilities let them do things like automatically regain HP or replace a fallen party character instantly. Keep these abilities in mind when you decide who will join the active party, and who will be waiting in the wings. STATUS Lets you examine the stats for the characters in your party. It’s particularly useful for examining the level-up requirements for your Drive Forms and Summons. JOURNAL The Journal command brings up Jiminy’s Journal, which keeps track of what your party’s current objective is in the Kingdom Hearts II storyline. It also keeps track of where you’ve been, what you’ve done and your scores in certain mini-games. Because of the presence of Jiminy’s Journal, the walkthrough section for this guide is going to be somewhat brief. Instead, the focus will be on describing diffi cult battles and boss fi ghts. Jiminy’s Journal also keeps track of what you’ve done in each world - how many treasure chests you’ve found, mini-games you’ve played, characters you’ve met. When you do everything that there is to be done in a given world, a little mouse-ears icon appears alongside that part of Jiminy’s Journal. This indicates that you’ve completely fi lled in that part of the Journal. Completely fi nishing Jiminy’s Journal is a requirement for unlocking the special game-ending bonus video when you play on Standard diffi culty. Just before entering the fi nal boss’s room, the complete journal is unlocked for you, so you can fi ll in whatever you’ve missed then. CONFIG Lets you customize your game experience by selecting from a range of camera control, video, audio and interface options. Each option is explained in the Confi g menu. Feel free to use whatever you like best. COMBAT You enter combat in Kingdom Hearts II when enemies appear in an area. This disables your ability to access the Main Menu. While the top option of the Combat Menu is always “Attack,†you can use the DPad to toggle between the other six options available to you. You can no longer customize Sora or the other character’s abilities once in Combat, but can use the Combat Menu and Reaction Commands to select special commands like Drives, Summons and Limits. There are also special events that can happen randomly in battle, and we’ll make a note of when. ATTACK This is the most basic Combat command. Tap the cross button, and Sora swings his keyblade. Tap it repeatedly, and he begins chaining moves together into a combo. Sora’s blows in a combo follow his targeted opponent, indicated by a yellow or blue (when locked-on) crosshairs. If Sora knocks an enemy into the air, for instance, he’ll automatically leap into the air after them to continue the combo. MAGIC Magic’s undergone a lot of changes since Kingdom Hearts. Sora has six spells: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Magnet, Cure and Refl ect. These spells upgrade in power as you complete events. Fire is a pair of fi reballs that blaze in a tight circle around Sora’s body. This makes Fire a magic most useful when used while you’re fi ghting enemies up close. Hits from Fire lengthen combos. Blizzard is a shotgun-like blast of ice that curves slightly after the targeted opponent. It’s excellent for picking off ground-bound enemies at a distance. Thunder is used for sniping distant enemies in the air; it is a thunderbolt that descends from above. Magnet is a spell new to Kingdom Hearts II. It does little damage, but also gathers enemies together into tight, easily-killed clumps. It’s especially useful in gimmick battles with groups of enemies and the Underdrome games. Cure automatically consumes all of Sora’s MP, in return for completely refi lling his HP. Any allies standing near Sora when he casts it also get refi lls. Refl ect is like a powered-up version of the Guard Ability. You must confi gure it to the shortcut menu if you want to use it effectively. When triggered, Refl ect causes an energy shield to fl are up around Sora for a fraction of a second. Any incoming magic or energy projectiles that would’ve hit Sora during that moment bounce off the shield. It requires practice to master the Refl ect timing, but doing so gives you an edge in many boss fi ghts. combat www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 05 getting started Kingdom Hearts II Each spell Sora casts consumes MP and depletes Sora’s blue MP meter in the lower-right portion of the screen. When you aren’t casting spells, the meter slowly refi lls. If you consume Sora’s MP completely, then the bar turns pink and you won’t be able to cast anything until it fully recharges. During this time, your Drive bar fi lls more quickly. ITEMS This command lets you use any consumable Items you’ve equipped your character with. DRIVE The Drive command lets Sora magically fuse with his friends to increase his own power. Once you highlight the Drive command on the Combat Menu, you’ll be allowed to select which Form Sora will Drive into. Each of the Drive Forms is unlocked by certain story events (with one exception). Sora’s Drive forms are as follows: Valor Form fuses Sora with Goofy to give him amazing combo power at the cost of all of his spells. This form wields two keyblades, one of which you can equip from the Items menu. Valor is easy to level up, since it gains experience simply from damaging enemies. Wisdom Form fuses Sora with Donald to make him into an incredibly agile, sniping spellcaster. While in Wisdom Form, Sora’s Attack command is replaced with the Shoot command, which lets him fi re homing bursts of magic from his keyblade. His spells get power boosts, and moves in a super-smooth glide across the ground instead of running. Wisdom Form is ideal for tackling Heartless swarms, since it gains experience for every Heartless it kills. Killing or damaging other enemies grants Wisdom Form no experience. Master Form calls for Sora to fuse with Donald and Goofy both, resulting in a warrior with Valor Form’s sword skills and Wisdom’s magical powers. While Master Form can be really effective when used against bosses, it only levels up by picking up Drive Orbs. Anti-Form is the price you pay for having Drive ability. Sometimes the fusion goes awry, forcing Sora to turn into Heartless-like creature until his Drive meter runs out. This Form has incredible speed and strength, but doesn’t level up and can’t use magic or Reaction Commands. A handy rule of thumb to remember is that your chances of going Anti-Form double when fi ghting Nobodies, and quadruple when fi ghting members of Organization XIII. Anti-Form is never freely selectable. Final Form becomes available to you after completing a particular event in the World That Never Was. It doesn’t become freely selectable until after the fi rst time it emerges, and it emerges randomly when Driving. Your chances of seeing Final Form are based on your chances of going Anti-Form, and increase with every Anti-Form Drive you perform after the story event that unlocks Final Form. It can be a bit of a headache to make sure you unlock it, but it’s completely worth the effort. Final Form has all of Master Form’s strengths, Wisdom Form’s speedy gliding walk and even more aerial combat ability thanks to its ability to glide through the air. It levels up by slaying Nobodies, unfortunately, which makes powering it up tedious. Sora’s ability to use his Drive forms depends on how much Drive Meter he’s built up, as displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. The Drive Meter increases whenever Sora deals or takes damage. It increases even more quickly when Sora’s MP gauge is charging, and defeated enemies drop Drive Orbs that boost meter. Sora can use Wisdom or Valor Form with three bars of Drive Meter, Master requires four, and Final requires fi ve. Once Sora has transformed, he’ll stay in his Drive Form until the meter runs down to zero. Leveling up Drive Forms gives them better base stats and unlocks valuable new Abilities for Sora. Each freely selectable Drive Form maxes out at seven experience levels. Using Drives is an essential part of gameplay, but make sure to pick Drive Forms carefully. Wisdom Form isn’t wellsuited to the same sorts of battles Master or Valor might be good at. When appropriate, the walkthrough will advise you which Drive Form is best for handling a particular situation or level. Make a point of going to the Status screen from the Main Menu and studying each Drive Form’s Abilities once you obtain it. Each of the Forms has unique moves you can’t exploit combat LEVEL UP DRIVE FORMS TO GIVE THEM BETTER BASE STATS AND TO UNLOCK NEW ABILITIES www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 06 getting started Kingdom Hearts II properly unless you’re aware of them ahead of time. SUMMONS Using a Summon consumes three bars of Drive Meter. Summoned characters fi ght as AI allies until the Summon meter runs out. Their ability to do signifi cant damage relies on carefully using their unique Reaction and Limit commands. Using Summons levels them up. At higher levels, Summons deal more damage per attack and deplete the Summon Meter more slowly. Using a Summon requires Sora to have two other characters in the party with him, and consumes your entire MP gauge. The Summons available in Kingdom Hearts II are: Chicken Little is a defensive Summon who uses baseballs and fi recrackers to stun enemies. He can also blow a whistle that lures enemies together into easily-defeated clumps. His Limit maneuver is called “FPS Mode,†which lets you begin playing as Chicken Little as if the game was a fi rst-person shooter. This mode uses traditional FPS controls, the right analog stick to aim and the left to control movement. Tapping the cross button lets him attack with his baseballs, while triangle tosses fi recrackers. Genie is very different from his Kingdom Hearts form. In Kingdom Hearts II, he’ll only heal Sora from time to time. To do damage, you need to use his Limit abilities, which are tricky. Genie likes to show up in a costume patterned after one of Sora’s Drive forms, and each of the four costumes has a different Limit ability. Genie only has access to whatever Drive Forms Sora does when Summoned. His initial Drive Form will be random, but you can select the “Drive?†command from the Combat Menu to change to a different one. Valor Genie and Master Genie specialize in melee-style attacks, while Wisdom Genie shoots magical projectiles similar to Sora. Final Genie has a whirling attack that gathers up enemies in one area to damage them all at once. Stitch crawls all over the game interface while zapping enemies, forcing them to drop Hit Point (HP) restoring orbs, and occasionally restoring all of Sora’s MP. Much like Chicken Little, he’s primarily defensive and can be extremely useful to a Sora build that focuses on magic. Stitch’s Limit, Ohana, lets Sora join Stitch for an impromptu ukulele jam session. You can either blast at enemies or force them to drop HP orbs, and then fi nish the Limit with a team-up move that uses both techniques at once. Stitch’s defensive properties make him one of the best Summons to use in the Underdrome missions. Peter Pan is probably the easiest Summon to master. Left on his own, Peter will fl y at enemies and swipe at them with his knife, while Tinkerbell occasionally restores a little bit of Sora’s HP. For Peter’s Limit, he and Sora fl y together to batter enemies with hits, then can fi nish them all off with a massive area-of-effect attack. PARTY This command lets you quickly switch an active member of the party with an inactive party member. LIMIT Limit commands are special moves you select from the Limit sub-menu. Each Summon has a unique Limit command of their own too. What Limit commands are available to you when you go to select one depends on which characters are in the party and which Abilities you have equipped. Donald and Goofy each have two Limit commands they can execute with Sora, as well as the Trinity attack that Sora can execute with them or by himself (in weaker form). Each of the Guest characters who join your party at different points in Kingdom Hearts II has a Limit maneuver they can execute with Sora. Limits tend to be very powerful moves that hit everywhere onscreen at once. While each Limit maneuver has its own sense of timing, there are some constants to be observed with all of them. The Limit Gauge appears in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen and begins slowly depleting. You progress from more basic strikes to more powerful ones, and eventually reach a fi nal Reaction Command that ends the Limit regardless of the gauge’s level. Using Limits well involves carefully maximizing the move’s damage and combo hits. REACTION COMMANDS Reactions are context-sensitive moves executed with the triangle button. Every enemy in the game has attack patterns that you can interrupt with Reactions. Some of these moves often do immense damage to bosses, while others only let you dodge or avoid damage. Always keep your eyes peeled for Reaction prompts during a combat. Hitting a Reaction when it’s available is almost always the best possible thing for you to do during a fi ght. Some of the game’s battles cannot be won except through proper use of Reaction Commands. You can equip Abilities that turn a particular skill of Sora’s, like Driving or using a Limit, into a Reaction. (Note: do not ever do this; these Ability-driven Reactions override context-sensitive Reactions that are more valuable, and nothing hurts more than Driving or starting a Limit during the wrong time in a boss fi ght.) combat • gummi ships www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 07 getting started Kingdom Hearts II KING MICKEY When you manage to get Sora and his friends killed in Kingdom Hearts II, you’ll fi nd one of two things happens. Most of the time, you get a screen that depicts a very annoyed-looking Sora tapping his foot and the menu option to Quit or Retry. If you get killed during certain boss battles, though, you’ll instead get a white screen that lists the “I won’t give up!†and “It’s all over...†options. If you select the latter option, you’ll have to resume from your last save. If you choose the former, then King Mickey himself appears to bail Sora and his friends out. Using King Mickey in Kingdom Hearts II is great fun, but don’t get into the habit of relying on him. King Mickey fi ghts with a keyblade and you’ll fi nd his moves do tremendous damage, especially his Pearl projectile that you can use by pressing the square button. He’s functionally invincible, but there’s one catch: you can’t use him to defeat a boss. When using King Mickey, your goal is simply to drive the boss off while charging up Mickey’s Drive Gauge by rapidly pressing the triangle button. When you’ve successfully fi lled it, then you gain access to the Healing Light Reaction Command. Using this resurrects Sora and his party, and gives them the chance to fi nish the boss off for good. GUMMI SHIPS Gummi ship sequences are full 3D rail shooters that require a lot of frantic dodging and blasting. You still only have to pass each Gummi Ship stage once before you can travel freely to the worlds locked behind it. Make sure you’re always using the strongest ship blueprints available to you. You want to use anything that gives you more attacking power. Surviving a level is a simple matter of being able to blow up enemies before their attacks can endanger you. When you pass a Gummi Ship level, you’ll be given a ranking based on how many enemies you shot down, and how many times you got hit. The higher your ranking is, the more treasures you’ll receive as rewards for beating it. The treasures you get for doing well in Gummi Ship levels are always just new blueprints or customization parts for gummi ships. If all you’re interested in is experiencing the main game storyline and unlocking bonus video, you never have to do any Gummi Ship level more than once. This walkthrough is primarily concerned with getting you through the main game, so we aren’t going to cover the Gummi Ship levels in detail. We can, however, offer some pointers for players who want to try getting themselves to Srank on every level just for its own sake. The big thing you need to get used to doing is using the Gummi Ship editor that lets you customize ships with the parts you’ve won. It is very diffi cult to have a ship capable of doing enough damage quickly enough to get S-rank, because few of the default blueprints take good advantage of optional weapons like the various Weapon Gummies. Learning how to use the editor can seem like a bit of a pain, but read the in-game Tutorial carefully and you should be fi ne. As your refl exes sharpen and you unlock increasingly more powerful gummi ship options, you’ll fi nd you can demolish levels more and more quickly. When you start Sranking early levels, then you can use the parts you win as rewards to help demolish other levels. By S-ranking each of the game’s gummi stages, you can unlock all of the available blueprints and parts, and then begin designing gummi ships just for fun. Remember that the game gives the highest bonuses for doing Gummi stages without getting hit, so it’s best to focus on offensive power and speed in your Gummi ships. Practice stages until you know where all of the enemies are located, and use the best weapons at your disposal to try and wipe out enemies before they can put up much of a fi ght. If you have strong shooter skills, you should be able to clear all of the Gummi levels at S-rank or better with no trouble. www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 08 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II WALKTHROUGH USING THIS WALKTHROUGH STAGE ORDER Jiminy’s Journal gives you detailed instructions for what to do in each world and where to go. This walkthrough compliments that by offering breakdowns of the boss battles waiting in each world, and notes about when you obtain certain easy-to-miss key items. Between this guide and Jiminy’s Journal, you should never be at a loss or confused about where to go. Once you’ve fi nished the introductory segment of the game, you can visit the various World stages in any order. Usually in games with selectable stages there is a “best†order to play them in, but since Kingdom Hearts II is more about effi cient Ability use than level boosting, that’s not really the case here. You can honestly play the game in whatever order you please. To refl ect this, the walkthrough lists game events by location rather than order. When you visit a world, simply go to the walkthrough section for that location and check the Event that corresponds to where you are in the plot. That segment of the walkthrough will tell you what you need to know about boss fi ghts and key items. You know there’s storyline waiting for you in a particular location when a cutscene announces it, or when you see a bright star circling above the world. DIFFICULTY When you begin a game of Kingdom Hearts II, you select one of three diffi culty levels: Beginner, Standard or Proud. You should be careful to pick the diffi culty that best fi ts your style (and refl exes) as a gamer. Beginner mode is best for players who are very young, have poor refl exes or are only playing the game to see the cutscenes and story. By playing the game on Beginner, the diffi culty level for the fi ghts becomes so low as to be negligible. You’ll be able to breeze through most of the game without ever healing. There are some distinct downsides, though. Chances are you’ll never see Final Form, and you can’t unlock the bonus ending movie. Standard is a bit easier than the original Kingdom Hearts, but offers far more actual challenge than the Beginner version. This is the mode to play through if you enjoy completing mini-games and optional challenges, but aren’t so interested in going through the game on its highest combat diffi culty. To unlock the bonus ending video in this mode, you have to complete Jiminy’s Journal. This is incredibly diffi cult and timeconsuming. You have to master all of the mini-games, fully complete the Underdrome events and defeat Sephiroth. Unlocking the video in Proud mode is actually easier. Proud mode is for players with fast, action-gamer refl exes and an appetite for grueling boss battles. Surviving Proud Mode calls for a player to rely on Reaction commands, along with Abilities that trigger with the square and circle buttons. Repeated use of the Refl ect spell makes your life a lot easier toward the end of the game. Driving is less useful in this mode than in Standard or Beginner, because of the sheer frequency that Anti-Form appears, but on the other hand, you’ll get Final Form quickly. The requirements for unlocking the fi nal bonus movie are very mild: you just have to gather all of Ansem’s Secret Report, which happens automatically as part of following the game’s plot, and fi nish every World in the game. STYLE You select from one of three leveling-up styles in Kingdom Hearts II: Sword (Offense), Shield (Defense), or Staff (Magic). What you pick determines when your Sora learns certain key Abilities. Otherwise, Sora’s stats always grow in the same way. The most effective Sora build overall is the Shield style, which gives you all of his key Abilities at level 73. The Sword and Staff styles are equally effective after that. The Sword gives you a lot of key combat abilities early in the game, then weaker abilities in the mid-game. Its major disadvantage is not giving the important MP Rage Ability until level 99. This cripples you in the Underdrome and against Sephiroth. The big disadvantage to the Staff is that it gives you relatively weak abilities early in the game and doesn’t give you Lucky Lucky until level 99, which cripples Item Synthesis. The counter-balance is that the Staff gives you Experience Boost at level 7. If you get adept at using this Ability, you can get your Sora to level 99 quicker than any other Style. ROXAS You begin the game playing as a blonde boy named Roxas that you’ll recognize if you played Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. If you didn’t, then who Roxas is and why you’re using him in the beginning of the game should become clear to you as you proceed through the storyline. Roxas’ moves are exactly like Sora’s, and all of the Abilities, experience and “munny†you acquire as Roxas will eventually transfer to Sora. Your time as Roxas is basically an extended tutorial sequence that slowly introduces the game mechanics to you. It is split into six “days,†but not using this walkthrough • roxas www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 09 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II all of those days feature combat or a boss fi ght. Boss: Twilight Thorn You face this battle on Day 3 in a location that will be very familiar to you if you played the original Kingdom Hearts. It’s a crash course in how you’ll be expected to use Reaction commands against bosses for the rest of the game. After fully countering Twilight Thorn’s main attack sequence with Reactions, you can wail away at his vulnerable head with combos to pile on extra damage. Twilight Thorn also has attacks that don’t trigger Reaction commands, mostly involving fl ailing with his arms. One of his attacks will summon small Nobodies called Creepers that you need to kill off quickly. Twilight Thorn lowers his head enough that you can hit it on occasion, and you can even use a Reaction command against him then. Take advantage of this opening to attack, but don’t press your luck. BOSS: AXEL Faced on Day 6, this is the grand fi nale of Roxas’ storyline. Remember that all of the fl ames that appear during this battle do damage, including the battlefi eld’s fl aming walls and the lava that Axel occasionally coats the fl oor with. Usually, after fi lling the area with lava, Axel dives outside of the fl aming walls. Lock-on to him and track his position to make sure you hit the Reaction that pops up when he dives back into the ring of fi re. If you hit it successfully, you can follow up with two more spectacular Reactions. This stuns Axel, giving you an opening for more combos. HOLLOW BASTION FIRST EVENT At the Bailey, you fi ght invading Nobodies with a solo Sora alongside Leon. This battle is a type we’ll refer to as a “gauge battle.†Gauge battles are defensive events where you have to keep a certain gauge as high as possible during the battle’s time limit. During the battle, enemies spawn infi nitely, so the challenge is to hold your ground. In this particular battle, the spawning Nobodies will deplete the gates gauge if they are able to attack it. As gauge battles go, this one is pretty easy. Position yourself with your back to the gate area and pick Nobodies off one at a time through the fi rst wave. When the second wave arrives, focus on taking out the Creepers and leave the more powerful Samurai for Leon to handle. If Samurai do close in on the gates, then don’t engage them at melee range until you have to. Blast away with Blizzard instead. Your reward is the Fire spell for Sora. SECOND EVENT: THE 100 ACRE WOOD After you clear the First Event for Beast’s Castle, the Gummi Ship automatically returns to Hollow Bastion to open this world up to you. When you return to Merlin’s House, you’ll fi nd Heartless have stolen pages from the book that contains the 100 Acre Wood, and this has affected Pooh’s memory. To make Pooh remember Sora, you need to gather Torn Pages up from the various worlds you visit. You always fi nd Torn Pages in the large, ornate treasure chests that you fi nd key items and Maps in. There are fi ve in all, and their locations are as follows. The Library in Disney Castle The Oasis in The Pride Lands The Crystal Fissure in Hollow Bastion The Throne Room in The Land of Dragons The Tower in Agrabah Each Torn Page opens up a new section of the 100 Acre Wood for you to explore, and a new minigame to play, by entering Pooh’s book at Merlin’s House. 100 Acre Wood is also loaded with valuable treasures, and you get some important power-ups for fi nishing the entire world. You don’t have to do this, but it is a requirement for getting the bonus ending video and setting Sora up to handle the tough challenges at the end of the game. THIRD EVENT: MERLIN’S DOOR Go to Merlin’s House after opening up the Hall of the Cornerstone at Disney Castle. Merlin automatically takes you back to Disney Castle during the ensuing cutscene, and opens up the “Disney Castle Second Event: Timeless River†sequence. FOURTH EVENT: SPACE PARANOIDS Make sure you’ve cleared the fi rst visit to all of the other worlds before you do this event. You can go back and do them later, but their storylines won’t make much sense then. Don’t enter the Postern until you’ve gotten the Castle Perimeter Map! It’s by Aerith’s location. BOSS: HOSTILE PROGRAM This battle incorporates the cluster gauge gimmick. Beat enough data orbs out of the Hostile Program to fi ll up the cluster gauge, and you can use the Freeze Reaction to stun him. Then use Sora and Tron’s Limit or a Drive Form to do massive damage. Stick to Valor for this battle, since Master’s higher Drive Gauge requirement slows it down too much to be useful. If you’ve leveled Wisdom Form up enough to have its Quick Run ability, you can use it to wonderful effect in this battle. Hostile Program relies on spamming weak projectiles to attack, which can drive you annoyingly far hollow bastion www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 010 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II away from it unless you’re an expert with Guard or Refl ect. Quick Run lets you close on Hostile Program quickly and interrupt its attacks with air combos. Hostile Program’s fi rst form is defeated once you’ve smashed off its individual body parts. This causes it to manifest its second form, where it attacks by fi ring lasers in a variety of patterns. When Hostile Program approaches the center of the room, it detaches its arms and begins using them to spam lasers in an annoyingly hard-to-damage pattern. If you’ve leveled up Quick Run and High Jump, they can save you a lot of grief here. You can also Drive or Refl ect through the lasers. Beating Hostile Program in this form puts him down for good. FIFTH EVENT: BATTLE FOR HOLLOW BASTION This event marks the halfway point of Kingdom Hearts II. BOSS FIGHT: DEMYX At fi rst this fi ght seems like a repeat of your fi rst run-in with Demyx, where you have to defeat 50 of his water forms in 40 seconds. Focus on using Reactions and you’ll be fi ne, especially if you go into the fi ght with Reaction Boost equipped. Then Demyx wades into the fray himself, and you’ll fi nd he can be a very tough opponent. He glides along the ground like Wisdom Form, kicking up huge shafts of water in his wake. He can also blast you with water and occasionally challenges you to defeat 10 of his water forms in 10 seconds. Hit and run tactics work best here - run him, hit him with a ground combo, then fall back to see what he does next. Wisdom Form can help out a lot here, but be cautious about Driving. Getting caught with the 10-second challenge in mid-transformation is enough to lose the battle. SIXTH EVENT: RETURN TO SPACE PARANOIDS / BOSS: SARK AND THE MCP This is essentially a two-part boss. First, focus on Sark and throw everything you’ve got into damaging him. Sark can teleport around and throw projectiles, but you can Refl ect them. MCP resurrects Sark after you beat him and turns him into a giant. You can’t beat giant Sark, but you can stun him by battering his shins and head. You can also retreat until Sark summons a wall, and then use a Reaction process to stun him. When giant Sark is stunned, turn your attention toward the MCP at the center of the room. Attack the wall spinning around it to create an opening, and then use the Delete Reaction to damage the MCP. Eventually MCP recovers and starts attacking you with lasers, but they’re easily avoided if you’ve leveled up High Jump. Once giant Sark revives, repeat the process until you fi nally delete the MCP. Finishing Space Paranoids restores Hollow Bastion to Radiant Garden, and opens up an optional but very satisfying event. SEVENTH EVENT: SEPHIROTH / BOSS: SEPHIROTH This is the single hardest battle in the game. It is much, much harder than simply beating the fi nal boss. Don’t try it until you’ve leveled all of Sora’s Drive Forms to seven and maximized all of his Growth abilities. It helps to be, at the very least, level 73. It is worth completing before attempting the Paradox Cups in the Underdrome, as the rewards for completion come in handy there. Sephiroth is waiting for you in the Dark Depths area of town. The fi rst part of this battle is about defense. Hit the Block Reaction whenever it’s available to you, and send Sora into battle with all of his square button defensive abilities equipped. You also want Retaliating Slash, Negative Combo, Aerial Spiral and any guard-crushing abilities you have. Since you fi ght solo, you can’t Drive and the only Limit you can use is a weak version of Trinity. Trinity still does some impressive damage to Sephiroth, and can work as part of a wicked combo with Berserk Charge. Avoid anything that lengthens your combo chains, since this gives Sephiroth more opportunities to punish you. The only spells worth taking into the battle are Cure and Refl ect, but you want to use Cure very sparingly. Spare your MP for hammering Sephiroth with Trinity when there’s an opening, or using Refl ect to counter Sephiroth the meteors he summons. Sephiroth leaves very few safe openings for you to attack. If you hollow bastion • the land of dragons SEPHIROTH IS THE HARDEST BATTLE IN THE GAME, MUCH HARDER THAN THE FINAL BOSS www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 011 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II attack at any other time, you’ll be punished severely. Your main opening is after using a successful Block Reaction to stave off Sephiroth’s run-past maneuver. The second main opening is when he rises into the air. Hit him to break his stance, and then punish him with Trinity or combo hits. If you don’t break Sephiroth’s stance in time, he’ll use a technique that leaves your HP at 1 and your MP at 0. Learn Sephiroth’s movement patterns as fast as possible if you want to beat him. Sephiroth has a whopping 15 life gauges, so a lot of your strategy here is going to boil down to patience. Wait for or create openings, stay on the defensive and don’t let yourself spam healing items any more than you have to. There are no automatic rewards for beating Sephiroth, but speak to Cloud after you do. Return to Sephiroth’s location in Dark Depths and speak to him. After the events unfold, speak to Tifa to get the amazing Fenrir keyblade. THE LAND OF DRAGONS FIRST EVENT / BOSS: SHAN-YU This is a gauge battle, with Heartless and Shan-Yu trying to storm the gates of the palace. Your fi rst priority should be defending the gates, and then damaging Shan-Yu. His Reaction does immense damage against him if you can hammer the triangle button quickly enough. The quickest way to end this battle is to have Sora focus on Shan-Yu, while you confi gure your party members to eliminate the Heartless. If anything breaks through to damage the gate, quickly drop what you’re doing and eliminate it. Don’t hesitate to use Mulan and Sora’s Limit to clear the area after a successful Reaction. SECOND EVENT / BOSS: MYSTERY MAN Sora fi ghts this boss solo, but he shouldn’t pose much of a threat to you. While he hits hard, he never chains attacks together. Stay just out of his range, wait for him to attack, then Quick Run in and hammer him with a ground combo. Dash back out of range, keep moving and wait for your next opportunity. BOSS: STORM RIDER Make sure Sora has his air combo abilities equipped before this fi ght. Overall this is a surprisingly simple pattern boss. Use the Reaction the tornados make available to you to send Sora soaring into the air, and try to land on the Storm Rider’s back. If you’re successful, lock-on to one of its horns and start pummeling it mercilessly. Storm Rider will try to shake you off, but there’s a Reaction you can use to keep ahold of his back. If you’re caught on the ground, your options are more limited. You can trigger a Reaction that does damage and stuns Storm Rider by standing in its path as it buzzes the center of the area, but this is pretty risky. You can Refl ect its projectile attacks. When Storm Rider lands in front of the palace, get in its face and use Sora and Mulan’s Limit if it’s available. If not, then just lock-on to its horns and start an air combo. BEAST’S CASTLE FIRST EVENT / BOSS: THRESHOLDER AND POSSESSOR To beat the Thresholder, you have to reduce its HP and then use a Reaction command to force out the Possessor that is controlling it. Valor Form is perfect for tearing through Thresholder’s HP, but make sure you get rid of the groups of Heartless that spawn to escort it before Driving. If you fi ght enemies alongside the rear wall opposite the Thresholder, its attacks can’t reach you. You can even snipe the boss with Blizzard from there. Once you’ve forced the Possessor out once, the Thresholder begins a second attack pattern that uses lots of projectiles. Now you want to get as close to the Thresholder as possible. Hammer it with combos and Drive into Valor Form immediately if you get the chance. When Thresholder’s HP is exhausted, the Possessor emerges again. Destroy it to end the battle. BOSS: THE BEAST The objective here is to awaken the Beast using Cogsworth’s Wake Up Reaction. This is a simple matter of getting near the Beast, using the Reaction and going mad with combos while he’s stunned. If Cogsworth runs out of energy, you’ll need to use the Charge Reaction to restore him before you can access the Wake Up Reaction again. Don’t worry too much about defense in this battle, but don’t let Beast corner you. BOSS: SHADOW STALKER AND DARK THORN Shadow Stalker is an annoying boss whose movements are hard to track. He’s most easily damaged with Sora and Beast’s Limit command. Use Lock-on to track Shadow Stalker’s movements, and if it disappears, you know a special attack is coming. If the Stalker moves upward, it’s going to drop the chandelier on you, so get to the edge of the room. If it disappears through the window, it’s going to fi re a wave of energy into the center of the room, so get behind the pillars. If it disappears into the pillars, it’s going to attack you with them, so clear out toward the rear window. If it disappears into the ground, then watch the land of dragons • beast’s castle www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 012 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II out for a glowing circle to form around Sora’s feet, and leap aside when the fl oor tries to swallow him up. You can only damage the Shadow Stalker when it possesses a physical object like the pillars or chandelier, so be ready to rush back and pile on the combo damage after Shadow Stalker has fi nished its attacks in these forms. When its HP is down to zero, you’ll be able to use a Release Reaction command to force the Shadow Stalker into the open. Then it transforms into its more powerful Dark Thorn form. This is a more straightforward fi ght, but a tough one. Focus on using Valor Form to dish out damage in this battle, as Reactions are of limited use. There’s a defensive Reaction you can use to grab a pillar when Dark Thorn is throwing Sora around, and a threestage offensive Reaction you can use when fi ghting Dark Thorn in the center of the room. The center of the room, unfortunately, is the most dangerous area to confront Dark Thorn in. SECOND EVENT BOSS: XALDIN This is the fi rst brutally diffi cult boss fi ght you encounter in Kingdom Hearts II. Surviving hinges on how quickly you can master Xaldin’s Reactions. Each time you use the Learn Reaction, you gain a Jump Reaction that Sora can use in place of a standard attack. You don’t have to use Jumps immediately, so don’t hesitate to hoard them. If you hit Xaldin with a Jump Reaction, you create an opening for Sora to land an air combo. Go into the battle with Sora’s air combo abilities fully equipped and Reaction Boost to do even more damage this way. You also want to have Quick Run equipped, so you can rapidly retreat when Xaldin glows and begins berserking, or when he uses his long-range wind attack. When you have suffi cient meter, it’s worth trying to Drive into Master Form so you can use its massive air combo power to hammer Xaldin down faster. OLYMPUS COLISEUM FIRST EVENT / BOSS: CERBERUS Keep a careful eye on your HP during this fi ght. Cerberus moves by leaping around the room, which results in a damaging shockwave you need to jump over. Besides that he shoots a lot of projectiles you need to block or evade, so stay close to Cerberus unless you’re trying to heal. If you take the risk of rushing Cerberus head-on, you can trigger his threephase Reaction command and score some big damage. After the Reaction, Cerberus will be stunned and wide open for taking damage from Sora and Auron’s Limit command. BOSS: DEMYX For this battle, you have to defeat 100 of Demyx’s water creations in 80 seconds. The most effi cient way to do this is with the “Wild Dance†Reaction and powerful ground combos. Use Fire to boost your combos, since Demyx is vulnerable to it. Don’t use Limits. Just hammer the Reaction command and beat on the nearest water creature between Reactions. BOSS: PETE On top of a boss fi ght, this is a gauge battle where you have to protect Megara from Pete and the Heartless that are escorting him. Megara’s damage gauge begins empty and slowly fi lls as enemies attack her. Your fi rst goal in the battle should be wiping out the Heartless as quickly as you can with Limits. Don’t Drive. Once the Heartless are gone, wail on Pete until Hercules shows up to begin the second phase of the battle. Sometimes Pete shields himself, so retreat when he does. Once Hercules arrives, the fi ght becomes a race against a two-minute time limit. You can use the Pinball Reaction command to break through Pete’s shield. Ignore the Heartless and just focus on heaping combo damage onto Pete. When he begins to dance in place, fall back and get ready to leap over a ground shockwave. When Pete drops rocks on you, make your way to Hercules and activate the Aura Guard Reaction. BOSS: HYDRA Use hit-and-run tactics to hit Hydra’s head whenever it’s low enough. Be ready to jump over its tail. Use the Vanquish Reaction at your fi rst opportunity. This cuts off its fi rst head, but three more grow up from the ground in its place. Listen to Phil’s advice when he begins shouting, and use the Reaction commands he sets up to knock the three heads out. Then rush them with air combos and Reactions. You have to defeat all three at once within a certain time limit to move to the next phase of the battle. After the three heads go down, Hydra revives with a whopping seven heads. Avoid its attacks and wait for a chance to initiate the Pegasus Run Reaction sequence. Hammer triangle during the attack to make it infl ict maximum damage. Between Pegasus Runs, just hit heads with air combos as they come into range. When the seven-headed body goes down, you can use a fi nal Vanquish command to fi nish Hydra off for good. SECOND EVENT / BOSS FIGHT: HADES Initially, Hades is invulnerable, but fl ail at him with ground combos for a bit to activate the battle prompt that lets you start damaging him. Basically, when Hades is fi ery red, you can’t damage him until the disney casstle • atlantica www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 013 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II fl ames are doused. Hercules wades into the fray as an ally, and you can do an Aura Sphere Reaction with him that changes Hades from red to blue. This is the best time to attack him, so wade in and hit him with a Limit. Eventually Hades summons fl ames around himself and turns red again, so fall back when you see this happening. Hades can also summon a giant fi reball that spreads wildfi res all over the battlefi eld, which can be a headache for getting back to Hercules. Have Quick Run equipped, or Drive into Wisdom Form. DISNEY CASTLE FIRST EVENT Seek out Queen Minnie to get the Disney Castle Map, and then escort her to the Audience Chamber. This battle continues until you’ve gotten her to the throne of Disney Castle. This is a damage gauge battle where you have to protect Minnie from the Heartless. Clear the way, and then let her know when it’s safe to head to Sora’s position by using the Call Over Reaction. When standing near Minnie, you can use the Faith Reaction to do heavy damage to all nearby Heartless. Winning this battle is best accomplished by slowly using Sora to trigger the spawn points in the hallway, then calling Minnie over when the coast is clear. When you’re inside the Audience Chamber, stay close to Minnie and lure the enemies toward you so you can blast them with Faith. Finish off any stragglers with combos or magic, and then repeat the process until they’re all dead. The battle ends once you’ve gotten Minnie to the throne and used the Finish Reaction command. SECOND EVENT: TIMELESS RIVWER / BOSS: PETE Captain Pete joins you for this battle, which is helpful (if existentially problematical). First you fi ght Evil Pete at the Wharf, where his moves are pretty similar to his moves in the Olympus Coliseum battle. Avoid them the same way, and keep an eye on Captain Pete. Sometimes he gets overexcited and interrupts your moves, but you can calm him down with the About Face Reaction. Once Evil Pete takes so much damage, he’ll start changing the location of the battle to other parts of Timeless River. Fight him as normal through Scene of the Fire. In Mickey’s House, you’ll have to compensate for the pull of the giant vacuum. Lilliput is more standard battling, and then Building Site gives you a useful Reaction to use against Evil Pete. In these last two rooms, Evil Pete starts summoning his shield again, so fall back while it’s up. ATLANTICA Somewhat similar to the 100 Acre Wood, Atlantica is another level that’s all about playing minigames. In this case, though, it’s a very specifi c kind of minigame: a rhythm game where you have to tap or repeatedly press buttons when prompted. Each prompt features a gauge that slowly counts down, and if you hit the button when the gauge is in the right area, you’ll receive a particularly good score. You don’t have to complete this world, but it’s a bonus video requirement and yields up some important items. Atlantica is broken up into a series of fi ve musicals, each with its own completion requirements. Some musicals can’t be completed until you’ve acquired certain abilities elsewhere in the game. The musicals are: Swim This Way - You need to get one Excellent ranking during the performance. Part of Your World: You can’t attempt this song until Sora can cast Magnet. Clearing requires you to get fi ve Excellent rankings in a row. Getting a Good or Bad breaks the combo! Under the Sea - You can’t attempt this song until Sora has fi ve meters of Drive Gauge. Succeed in improving Ariel’s mood to clear it. Ursula’s Revenge - You can’t attempt this song until Sora’s Magnet has received one power-up and become Magnera. Defeat Ursula by getting Excellent and hammering the cross button when prompted. A New Day is Dawning - You can’t attempt this song until Sora’s Thunder has received two power-ups and become Thundaga. Acquire 30,000 points or more to pass the song. PORT ROYAL FIRST EVENT / BOSS: BARBOSSA During this battle, Pete summons an Illuminator Heartless that darkens the area, which makes damaging Barbossa impossible. Try to fi nd Illuminators and kill them as quickly as you can. They attach to the walls, so search the outer perimeter of the cave for them. With the Illuminator gone, you can fi ght Barbossa using the tactics that worked against the other cursed pirates. Lure him into the moonlight, and then pelt him with magic spells port royal • atlantica agrabah • halloween town www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 014 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II and Sora’s combos. Drive into the Wisdom Form as frequently as you can. Close on Barbossa when you can, as there are some Reactions you can use to damage him severely if your timing is right. SECOND EVENT / BOSS: GRIM REAPER You want as many people with as many levels of Draw in the active party as possible, and Sora needs to have Quick Run. Jack and his multiple Draw levels are a must-use. This boss battle functions as sort of an orb battle: the Grim Reaper can grab the cursed gold coins out of the chest to make itself impervious to damage. The only way to knock coins away from the Reaper is to cast magic at it, which makes Donald your other must-use character. Thunder should be your spell of choice here, as it can always hit the Grim Reaper. Gather up all the coins and then quickly deposit them in the chest with the Replace Reaction. Once you’ve gotten all the coins away from the Grim Reaper, you can start damaging it. Master Form’s blend of air combo and magic power is ideal for this fi ght, so Drive whenever you can. Otherwise, hammer Grim Reaper with air combos for as long as you can. Avoid using Limits in this battle, since you need to conserve your MP for knocking coins out of the Reaper. Sometimes when the Reaper tries to draw coins out of the chest, Sora can execute a Reaction that interrupts the Grim Reaper and then knocks an impressive chunk of coinage out of him. ATLANTICA AGRABAH FIRST EVENT / BOSS: VOLCANIC LORD AND BLIZZARD LORD The most effi cient way to beat them is to pick one or the other, focus on it until it’s beaten, then mop up the other one. Set both Fire and Blizzard to your magic shortcuts beforehand, since both are extremely useful in this battle. Likewise, both of your Drive forms are extremely useful, but avoid using Limits. Volcanic Lord has a Firegun Reaction, and a second that damages both bosses you can trigger by running underneath Volcanic Lord when he’s bouncing around the stage. If you do enough damage to Volcanic Lord, he’ll burst into Fiery Globe enemies you can defeat for HP Balls. Sometimes he tries to attack Sora with a wave of ground fi reballs, which you can cancel by casting Blizzard. Blizzard Lord is a slower boss with more annoying abilities. When he starts inhaling, rush toward him to initiate the Blizzagun Reaction. Sometimes Blizzard Lord freezes your party members, which makes Driving impossible. Thaw them out by standing nearby and casting Fire. Blizzard Lord also tries to freeze Sora, so quickly cast Fire when you see the ice crystals forming. SECOND EVENT / BOSS: JAFAR Sora fi ghts Jafar solo on the Magic Carpet, so hope you’ve gotten used to the controls by now. The easiest way to beat Jafar is to attack his stomach until he’s stunned, then soar up to his head and beat him until the effect wears off. You can Refl ect his projectile attacks if you want. When he uses his spell that throws buildings at you, focus completely on dodging as you fl y toward Jafar in the distance. HALLOWEEN TOWN FIRST EVENT / BOSS: PRISON KEEPER Prison Keeper has a ton of HP. Even with all of your air combo boost skills equipped you’ll have a hard time damaging him. You want to be able to rely on Guard, Refl ect magic and other defensive abilities to block Prison Keeper’s spells and projectiles. Your Drive of choice should be Wisdom Form, whose boosted Thunder spell and Shoot attack make it a bit easier to keep heaping on the damage. Don’t bother with your Limits, as they don’t have the aerial reach to damage Prison Keeper. Watch Prison Keeper carefully and don’t let up on it for a minute longer than you have to. When it tilts its head back, pause your combos and try to hit the Inside Combo Reaction command. When it blasts the area with white energy, get underneath it and start an air combo. If it’s too high in the air to be reached and you can’t Drive, then run to the top of Curly Hill and you should be able to air combo. Scaling Curly Hill’s increasingly narrow summit can be a giant pain, so try not to get frustrated. When you’re healing, try to keep Curly Hill between yourself and the Prison Keeper so its attacks don’t interrupt you. BOSS: OOGIE BOOGIE Oogie’s taken over the conveyor belts in Santa’s wrapping room. The result is a gimmick boss battle that can be rather tough depending on how your luck goes. You need to move from belt to belt using Donald’s advice until you’re on the one that’s spawning the boxes that will damage Oogie. Use Reaction commands to lob the boxes up at the control tower, and otherwise constantly move forward. The conveyor can and will drag you back onto a wall of spikes. Once you’ve hit Oogie roughly a dozen boxes, he topples out of the control tower. Hammer him with all of your most powerful moves, but don’t Drive. Instead, use your most powerful ground combos and Limits. If you don’t kill him while he’s out of the tower, he’ll pride lands • twilight town www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 015 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II eventually hop back in and you’ll have to start the whole process over again. Expect to have to attack him two or three times like this to win the fi ght. After he’s taken some damage, Oogie gets a bit more aggressive. He starts summoning smashing fi sts, purple lasers and bags full of Heartless. You can dodge the fi sts pretty easily, and dodging the lasers is feasible if you stop paying attention to the boxes while they’re out. The Heartless are a total pain, because the time it takes to fi ght them drives you back onto the spikes. Soup up your air combos as much as you can, so you can defeat them more quickly. Be patient and keep your HP high, and eventually you’ll wear Oogie Boogie out. SECOND EVENT / BOSS: LACK, SHOCK AND BARREL This fi ght is surprisingly tricky. You need to beat each of the kids senseless, and trap them in boxes with Reactions. If you leave a kid in a box for too long without winning the fi ght, they’ll break out and you have to trap them all over again. Using Magnet to herd them all together for mass beatings helps. BOSS FIGHT: EXPERIMENT Body parts fall off the Experiment as you damage it. Sometimes they’ll regenerate, and sometimes they’ll start attacking you on their own. The left arm jerks around the battlefi eld, and its head fl ies through the sky and fi res beams at you from above. When attached, the arm attacks with a wind blast and the head summons death lasers from above. Evading should be easy by now. When the torso fl ies off, you can approach it to trigger a useful Reaction that connects the torso back to the other parts. You can only damage the Experiment when it has a torso. When the body is together, Limits and any Drive form can infl ict massive damage. PRIDE LANDS FIRST EVENT / BOSS: BANZAI, SHENZI AND ED This is a damage gauge battle where you must protect Timon and Pumbaa from the three hyenas as you fi ght them. Try to keep your back to a wall and Timon and Pumbaa behind you. Use the Call Over Reaction to get Pumbaa to follow you. Map Magnet to your shortcut command and use it to gather the hyenas into an easilymanaged group. BOSS: SCAR Use Sora and Simba’s Limit whenever Scar’s within attack range and you have the MP. When Scar’s body is surrounded by dark energy or fi re, get ready to hammer Dash to dodge his attacks. If Scar pins you, use the Counter Reaction. SECOND EVENT / BOSS: BANZAI, SHENZI AND ED Magnet makes it easy to demolish this trio. Gather them up and pummel them with Limits. BOSS: GROUNDSHAKER Sora and Simba take on this fi ght alone, which makes things harder by restricting your ability to heal. Basically, you want to dash toward its legs and use the Reaction to get up on its back. Then lock on to it and use your Limit with Simba to damage it. Keep attacking until you get thrown off, then dodge the waves of projectile and beam attacks that follow. Circle around to the Groundshaker’s head and damage it to summon the Fend Reaction. Once you Fend, then you can get back up on Groundshaker’s back again. Hang in there and repeat this until the giant goes down. TWILIGHT TOWN FIRST EVENT After Sora wakes up, head toward the train station. There you’ll fi ght a battle against 10 Dusks and an infi nite amount of Creeper Nobodies. It’ll end either when Sora takes so much damage, or after 90 seconds. When the story events wrap up, you’ll have the Munny Pouch, Crystal Orb and Secret Ansem’s Report 2 items. Don’t worry about getting Report 2 fi rst; you don’t receive the Secret Ansem Reports in numerical order. Other Secret Ansem’s Report items come to you as you beat bosses and complete story events. It isn’t possible to beat the game without getting them all. SECOND EVENT Head to the Sandlot and defend Seifer and his gang from Nobodies. This nets you Seifer’s Trophy. Go to the Station to acquire the Oathkeeper keyblade. YOU MUST PROTECT TIMON AND PUMBAA FROM THREE VICIOUS HYENAS IN PRIDE LANDS the world that never was www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 016 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II THIRD EVENT Before you let the plot take you into Roxas’ Twilight Town, make absolutely sure that you get the Ultima Recipe from the chest in the area just outside the computer room. When you move from the other Twilight Town to the intermediary world, there is a plot event with Axel. You receive the Bond of Flame keyblade for completing it. THE WORLD THAT NEVER WAS This is the game’s fi nal world. Before entering it, make sure you’ve completed Atlantica and the 100 Acre Wood. The rewards for doing so come in handy here. BOSS: XIGBAR All of the battles in this world are pretty tough, but this is one of the worst. Be sure to equip Reaction Boost. Initially, Xigbar snipes at you, and the only way to force him down is to hit the Break and Warp Snipe Reactions. He’ll begin teleporting around and taking potshots at you. Refl ect is the best way to handle this. Getting hit by his own shots dazes him and leaves him open for attacks and Limits. Sometimes he attacks with blue lasers that give you a chance to use a Reaction to counter them. As the battle progresses, Xigbar will change the shape of the area you’re fi ghting in. Once it shrinks to a tiny square, Xigbar begins attacking more rapidly. Spam Refl ect to send the shots back at him, and then dodge the giant beams that rain from the ceiling. BOSS: LUXORD This is a rather strange gimmick battle that Sora goes through solo. You can’t damage Luxord in terms of HP. Instead, both Sora and Luxord have a time gauge. The goal of the battle is to deplete Luxord’s time gauge with successful attacks before he can do the same to you. Luxord can still damage you, of course, so don’t forget to keep an eye on Sora’s HP in this battle. Leaf Bracer and Cure do the trick nicely. Luxord primarily likes to transform Sora into either a card or a die, which cuts off magic and items. Sora can attack Luxord in these forms, though, and don’t hesitate to do so. Luxord can also turn himself into a card, which sets up the Flip Reaction. There’s also a Begin Game reaction that lets you gamble against Luxord with Reactions. Your Attack command turns into a series of Xs and Os; tap it when an O appears to do damage. Tapping an X turns Sora into a die or card. Obviously, Reaction Boost is an ability you really want to equip before this battle. When Luxord gets more serious about fi ghting, he begins to teleport and spam the area with cards. Use Sora’s Growth abilities to evade the attacks. When you have an opening, rush Luxord and hammer him with ground combos. As long as you don’t let Luxord damage Sora too much, he should run out of time before you do. BOSS: SAI’X Another gimmick boss fi ght, but this is way more brutal than Luxord. Sai’x has a berserk gauge in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. When it fi lls, Sai’x enters a terrifying berserker fury until the gauge fully depletes. You can force Sai’x out of his berserker fury by running to one of the weapons buried in the ground and using the Berserk Reaction to counter-attack him. Reaction Boost can help the Berserk Reaction deal more damage and save you a lot of grief. Most of Sai’x’s attacks are groundwaves. As he takes more damage and his berserker fury gets more intense, the ground-waves get harder to leap over and start multihitting. Glide or Final Form is best for evading them, but you can make do with leveled-up High Jump if you have to. When he’s not in berserker fury is the best time to attack, pummeling him with ground combos and Limits, but the damage you do fi lls up his berserk gauge more quickly. BOSS: XEMNAS Once again, Sora enters this battle solo. This fi ght has a tricky beginning, where Xemnas cloaks himself in darkness to make himself invincible. Then he surrounds Sora with an aura that slowly leeches his MP. Run up the front steps of the building to break this effect with the Face Down Reaction sequence. Once the battle-proper picks up, you’ll fi nd Xemnas doesn’t have much in his bag of tricks. He can cloak himself in darkness for short periods of time and teleport; just avoid him until the darkness clears. He rushes Sora with a pair of swords, which you should also retreat from. Wait until he summons a shield of light in front of himself to prepare your offense. Circle around and rush him from the side with ground combos until he recovers. This hit-and-run game is slow but effective. At this point, you have the option to enter the door to Kingdom Hearts, and the full contents of Jiminy’s Journal will be unlocked for you. If there’s anything you need to complete to see the bonus ending video, now is the time to go leave and fi nish up before moving on to complete the game. Be sure to enter with enough resources to see the immense fi ve-stage fi nal boss battle through. BOSS: FINAL XEMNAS This time Xemnas is serious. Be sure to have Reaction Boost equipped. the world that never was www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 017 walkthrough Kingdom Hearts II In the battle’s fi rst phase, use the Reaction commands to get Sora through the fl urry of buildings Xemnas throws at him. In the battle’s second phase, you’re trying to navigate your way around a pair of giant cannons. Use Reactions to throw enemies into the cylinders until the fi rst engine explodes, then do it again. Magnet helps speed the process up a lot, since you can throw in whole clumps of enemies. Be sure to use the spectacular Stunt Dodge Reaction to avoid taking damage from the reactor explosions. The third phase pits you against the energy core of the monstrosity Xemnas has summoned. This sequence is straightforward: hammer the core until it puts up a defensive barrier, then go defeat the Nobodies that spawn. This drops the barrier, and you can go back to hammering the core. The Proceed Reaction lets you know when you can fi nish off the core and move on. The fourth phase brings you into a battle with a huge, armored fi gure sitting on a throne. Feel free to charge him and start unloading your offensive arsenal at him. Since he’s stationary, Limits are particularly effective. Occasionally, the boss shields himself, and then you need to fall back. Otherwise, just administer a hefty beating to him. The fi fth phase features Riku and Sora on a fl ying bike, and plays essentially like a Gummi sequence. The trick here is fi guring out the hitbox for your attacks, and properly using the Drain ability. You can use Drain to absorb the energy of the beams the dragon enemy shoots at Sora, which charges up the Megalaser Reaction. For dealing with lesser enemies, there’s the Laser option for range and Attack for taking care of whatever gets close. Once the Megalaser is charged, score a dead-on hit with it to move on to the next part of the dragon. You must take out fi ve different areas of the dragon to beat it for good. The sixth phase returns you to another battle with the armored fi gure on the throne. Even if you don’t have the Glide ability yet, you’ll have the power to use it here, so rely on it. You can also jump infi nitely by repeatedly hitting the circle button. Basically, your challenge here is to get close enough to the armored fi gure that you can unload on him with Limits and combos. After you’ve done some damage, the fi gure throws Sora and Riku into deep space. He follows up fl inging beams and buildings at them. Glide toward one of the stationary buildings and send it back at your attacker with a Reaction. Then just dodge around the laser-shooting crystal formations to get back to the armored fi gure and resume the fi ght. The seventh and fi nal phase of the battle fi nally pits you directly against Xemnas. Survive the opening chain of Reactions, then the fi ght begins in earnest. Xemnas’ favorite attack is bombarding you with waves of darkness you can evade by using the same Reversal Reaction you’ve been using through the whole game to deal with Dusks. When he launches projectiles, use Riku’s Dark Shield Reaction or Refl ect to block them. Use Reactions with Riku frequently for both defense and offense. Xemnas has the annoying habit of splitting himself in two, and if you attack the clone, your attacks are wasted. Generally the real Xemnas looks a little more solid than his clone, so fall back and try to get a good look at both of them before attacking. Xemnas can teleport, though, so this is far from easy. Use Riku’s Limit as frequently as you can, as its hit area ensures you’ll be able to hammer Xemnas with it no matter what. Keep Sora’s HP high and you’ll be fi ne for most of the battle, but the critical point is when Xemnas uses a move where he captures Sora and tries to draw his Heart out. When this happens, the game automatically has you play as Riku, and you have to execute a particular Reaction very quickly to free Sora and begin dealing damage again. You know Xemnas is almost dead when he summons a ludicrous barrage of beam projectiles, and Sora and Riku go back to back to defend themselves. You automatically get access to a Refl ect Reaction, and your standard attack becomes a Reaction. Hammer the two buttons simultaneously as fast as you can to fi nish the battle, and the game, in style. WHEN XEMNAS DRAINS SORA’S MP, RUN UP THE STEPS OF THE BUILDING TO BREAK THE EFFECT www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 018 item synthesis guide Kingdom Hearts II ITEM SYNTHESIS GUIDE The fi rst time you visit Hollow Bastion, speak to one of the Moogles to open up the Item Synthesis system. Moogles can use certain items you fi nd in chests or acquire by beating enemies to create newer, better items for you. Some of these items can’t be acquired any other way in the game. Many are items you can’t purchase in stores. There’s a Moogle in every world you visit, so visit him whenever you see one. The Moogle holds on to any Synthesis materials you’ve picked up for you, and sometimes gives you valuable rewards like AP Boosts and Elixirs in return for them. USING THIS GUIDE This section of the guide is written on the assumption that you want to fashion the game’s three ultimate weapons through item synthesis: Donald’s Save the Queen, Goofy’s Save the King and Sora’s Ultima Weapon. The guide provides specifi c advice for how to meet the requirements for Synthesizing these three weapons. Synthesizing lesser items doesn’t really require specifi c advice, but you may want to check the Synthesis Materials list in the next section if you’re short something and don’t know how to fi nd it. Remember that Item Synthesis in Kingdom Hearts II is a timeconsuming process that requires lots of patience. If you ever feel the need to level Sora up, such as before getting ready to fi ght Sephiroth, then taking a break from the main quest to synthesize items is a good excuse. Farming Synthesis Materials effi ciently requires patience and the right combination of skills and equipment. For optimal drop rates, fi rst equip each member of your party with the Lucky Lucky skill that increases the drop rate of rare items. Its effect intensifi es for every level of it that’s affecting a party member. Sora learns it either level 41 (Sword), level 53 (Shield) or level 99 (Staff). Donald learns it after beating the Old Mansion Heartless in Twilight Town, and Goofy learns after you beat Banzai, Shenzi and Ed at the King’s Den in the Pridelands. Next, equip Sora with the Sweet Memories keyblade you obtain for completing the Spooky Cave minigame in the 100 Acre Wood. Equip Donald with the Meteor Staff you fi nd in the Seadrift Keep area of Port Royal. Equip Goofy with the Genji Shield you obtain for completing the Titan Cup at the Underdrome in Olympus Coliseum. Finally, equip someone in the party with the Lucky Ring you’re awarded for completing the Pain & Panic Cup at the Underdrome in Olympus Coliseum. This gives your party a whopping seven levels of Lucky Lucky. You should rack up rare Synthesis Materials in no time, although winning battles with this equipment may be a little rough at fi rst. It’s good for sharpening your battle skills, though. MOOGLE LEVELS Even after you’ve found the recipes for the three ultimate weapons, your Moogle won’t be able to manufacture them if you haven’t been synthesizing items regularly throughout the game. Your Moogle gains experience with each item he synthesizes for you. As he levels up, he’ll automatically unlock some new Item Synthesis recipes and let you use a wider range of materials to affect synthesis. When leveling your Moogle, be sure to always use a Bright material when making items. This doubles the EXP your Moogle gains from the item, and can get him ready to manufacture the ultimate recipes more quickly. To speed up the leveling process for your Moogle, what follows is a list of all the common synthesis items in the game, what enemy drops them most frequently, and where that enemy spawns. Remember that after fi nding 35 Shards, 25 Stones or 20 Gems of a given type, you can start simply buying that ingredient from the Moogle instead of having to farm it or fi nd it in treasure chests. Materials not found on this list can only be acquired from treasure chests or item synthesis. Blazing Shard: Hammer Frame: Timeless River Blazing Stone: Tornado Step, Port Royal Blazing Gem: Fat Bandit, Agrabah Blazing Crystal: Crimson Jazz, Hollow Bastion Frost Shard: Lance Soldier, Beast's Castle Frost Stone: Hot Rod, Timeless River Frost Gem: Fortuneteller, Agrabah OUR LIST OF ITEMS WILL HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR SYNTHESIS SKILLS AND LOCATE MATERIALS using this guide • moogle levels www.gamesradar.com strategy guide 019 item synthesis guide Kingdom Hearts II Frost Crystal: Living Bone, The Pridelands Lightning Shard: Bolt Tower, The Land of Dragons Lightning Stone: Emerald Blues, Halloween Town Lightning Gem: Armored Knight, Hollow Bastion Lightning Crystal: Strafer, Space Paranoids Lucid Shard: Trick Ghost, Olympus Coliseum Lucid Stone: Toy Soldier, Halloween Town Lucid Gem: Bookmaster, Hollow Bastion Lucid Crystal: Neoshadow, Hollow Bastion Power Shard: Large Body, Beast's Castle Power Stone: Luna Bandit, Agrabah Power Gem: Shaman, The Pridelands Power Crystal: Morning Star, Hollow Bastion Dark Shard: Soldier, Twilight Town Dark Stone: Assault Rider, The Land of Dragons Dark Gem: Gargoyle Knight and Warrior, Beast's Castle Dark Crystal: Air Pirate, Port Royal Dense Shard: Dragoon, Beast's Castle Dense Stone: Sniper, The Land of Dragons Dense Gem: Samurai, Hollow Bastion Dense Crystal: Berserker, Twilight Town Twilight Shard: Gambler, Port Royal Twilight Stone: Dancer, Hollow Bastion Twilight Gem: Assassin, Twilight Town Twilight Crystal: Sorceror, World That Never Was Bright Shard: Soldier, Twilight Bright Stone: Tornado Step, Port Royal Bright Gem: Aerial Knocker, Magnum Loader Bright Crystal: Strafer, Space Paranoids Energy Shard: Bolt Tower, The Land of Dragons Energy Stone: Trick Ghost, Olympus Coliseum Energy Gem: Fortuneteller, Agrabah Energy Crystal: Bookmaster, . . . . . . . . Hollow Bastion Serenity Shard: Fat Bandit, Agrabah Serenity Stone: Crimson Jazz, Hollow Bastion Serenity Gem: Dragoon, Beast's Castle Serenity Crystal: Samurai, Hollow Bastion Orichalcum: Bulky Vendor, The Land of Dragons SAVE THE QUEEN+ Obtain this item by following the Queen Recipe and adding a Serenity Crystal to the synthesis. The boosted version grants Donald MP Hastega, while the standard recipe only grants Hyper Healing. The recipe requires: Dense Shard x9 Dense Stone x7 Dense Gem x5 Dense Crystal x3 Orichalcum x1 Serenity Crystal x1 You fi nd the recipe in a treasure chest in the Imperial Throne Room in The Land of Dragons. SAVE THE KING+ Obtain this item by following the King Recipe and adding a Serenity Crystal to the synthesis. The boosted version grants Goofy MP Rage, while the standard recipe only grants Item Boost. The recipe requires: Twilight Shard x9 Twilight Stone x7 Twilight Gem x5 Twilight Crystal x3 Orichalcum x1 Serenity Crystal x1 You fi nd the recipe in a treasure chest in the Ship's Graveyard in Port Royal. ULTIMA WEAPON There’s an amusing trick to making this weapon. Take a look at the recipe’s ingredients listed below. Orichalcum+ x13 Orichalcum x1 Mythril Crystal x1 Dense Crystal x1 Twilight Crystal x1 Serenity Crystal x1 It calls for more Orichalcum+ than is in the game. If you add an Energy Crystal to the recipe, though, it halves the requirement to Orichalcum+ x7. That just happens to be the exact number of Orichalcum+ you can get in Kingdom Hearts II! You obtain all of the Orichalcum+ you need by: • Completing 100 Acre Wood • Completing Atlantica • Beating Goddess of Fate Cup at the Underdrome in Olympus Coliseum • Finding the treasure chest at Central Computer Mesa in Space Paranoids • Finding the treasure chest at Sunset Terrace in Twilight Town • Finding the treasure chest at The Brink of Despair in TheWorld That Never Was • Obtaining one specimen of every Item Synthesis material in the game You also need a Mythril Crystal, which you can obtain via treasure chests or item synthesis. save the queen + • save the king + • ultima weapon
My best of KH Music Videos and Openers got 73 views in 27 hours! Click here to view it! Also check out my other vids: My music playlist Funny KH Videos I have many other posts in the User Portal, my posts usually have a moving thumbnail icon for it, except my post about the random dude.
Thanks! I will make one especially for this site soon, I find this one a bit misleading for it was made to go with my site, sorry about that.
Yeah... I kinda just found the description of this forum, and now I am a bit embarassed, especially since I just had a problem with getting the right topic. And umm, where is the help forum for the site here? Is there one? If not you can open one and I can make a good guide made especially for this site. I am horrible with finding just the right place to put things! Especially when the Forum has so many forums that you can narrow down to the last detail, but I don't think this site has that many, I have just been overlooking things more than I should today. But I also good with Advise about the games, I DID get lvl.99 with all charachters, get all Ultimate Weapons, get all the Cosmics, and used so many AP boosts that I got all Abilities Equipped on Sora (167AP), got lvl.7 (highest level) in all Forms and Summons, beat all worlds 100% (All treasures, subquests, and etc. finished), Compleated all gummi ship missions 100%, and got Jimmenys Journal 100%, and all in Advanced Mode. I may make a video for proof if I get a good camera. I also got almost all that in KH1. I am not sure if I should be proud or not though, because it is actually shooting past cool and just hitting plain nerdy.
This is a slightly edited Copy/Paste of a guide I wrote myself on my site, the setup here will most likely differ a bit, but usually it is quite simallar in most ways, but not all just to point that out. If this is against anything, any Mods/Admins please Edit/Close/Delete this as you please. I may make one especially for this site later to help the staff a bit, but I am sure they already have their own guide. Understanding what a Forum is: Ok, I'm going to run the basics first. The big headers on top of a bunch of links that say things like Help on them is called a Category, the links below them go into Forums, inside Forums are posts or threads, whatever you like to call it, and inside that is the message and all the Replies it got. How to post links: Ok, when you go to post there is a button with a chain link on it, click it and type the site adress in the box next to the chain link, if you want it to come up like "Click here" and here being the link, you will need to type "here" in the box next to the chain link and the letter A behind it, the box means link text. Another, and more efficiant way to me, is typing HTML code, here is how. Link- (Sandwitch the url imbetween those two codes. Named Link (Like click here, here being the link.) Example using here- (url goes after = and linking text between ]and[ How to post pictures: When you go to post, there is a button with a photo behind a floppy disc, that is where you upload an image to servimg, to upload, click browse and find the picture on your computer, and double click the picture or select "open" and it should be in the text box after that, you can resize the image but that usually doesn't work for me anyways, then press "host it" and when it is done uploading press the copy button next to Image and if a warning message comes up and says "allow this site to acess your clipboard?" press yes or allow whatever it says. Once you have done that, press the button with just a picture alone on it and paste the image URL in the text box that comes up and press ok. Usually a big bunch of text will come up, it is HTML code, and the image will be wherever that text is, and this is where a bug comes in where it posts the code at the beginning of the post instead of the end, if this happens to you just highlight it, right click it and select copy, delete the HTML text, and paste the code where it needs to be, I am working on that bug. Another way of posting instead of using servimg you can use the image URL if you know how to do that. You can usually get the Image URL of an image by right clicking the image and selecting Properties and highlight and copy the text next to "Adress (URL)" and then pasting the URL in the text box that comes up after you click on the button with a picture on it and pressing ok. Another way is to wright HTML code in the way shown below, I personally think it is better than using servimg. How to post Screenshots: Go to your Bungie.net account and find your hi-res Screenshots, then click on the Screenshot (not the link to the right of it but the picture) and when the pop-up window shows up press the button and click "Save As" and save it then follow the "how to upload pictures" rules above. (Note, for good Screenshot quality, resize the image to "1024px width wallpapers") How to post maps and variants: Ok, you will need a Bungie.Net account to do this. Go to your own profile and go to your own Fileshare, then click on the link to the map or variant you want to post, then copy the URL on the top of the page, then post the link however you want, then people can go to your map or variant. You can also post pictures of your map by taking Screenshots of your map in Halo3 and then going to your Bungie.Net account, going to your Hi res screenshots clicking on the picture (not the link next to it) and when the new window pops up, press the button and download the screenshot and then Uploading it on servimg by pressing that button and make sure it says Resize to "1024px wallpapers" for best quality. More on how images work is in the "How to post pictures" part of this guide, you will need to read that to fully understand this if you haven't already. You may also want to see "how to post links" to see how to post a good link. How to post videos: Ok, usually if you post the raw Embed Code of a video it will work, however if this does not work, use the button with a film strip on it to post the video. Do this by copying the Embed from the site and pasting it in the text box on the window that pops up. Oh, and when posting videos, no matter what kind, you need to make sure the button with a/A is not shining red and has the close tags link next to it. This button will need to be toggled many times if you post videos, it basically activates/deactivates HTML, Embed, and BBcode. How to post Flash: To post things like Flash Animations and Flash Games, use the button with an f in front of a piece of paper, copy the Embed, HTML, or BBcode from the site and paste it into the text box that comes up rhen pressing the button. Take note that sometimes it may be better to post the code alone than using the flash button, this is most commonly true with Embed code, so if it dosn't work with the button try posting the bare code. How to make Polls: A poll is like a computer multiple choice question. To make one, when you post, look below the place where it says "Preiveiw" and "Send" there is "Options" and "Add a Poll", if the or - sign to the far right of it is click on the to bring out the Poll Options. Now enter the Poll Question where it says to and type in a poll question. Now before you make options, if you want this to be multiple choice you need to go to where it says "Multiple Choice?" and select Yes. To make poll options, type an option in the text box and to make more options press enter once to skip down a line and type the next option (It says seperate with a line break, a line break is doing what I just said). Sticky and Announcement Options: Well first of all, these options are usually only for the site Staff, but in an ocassion where you can, when you are posting go under "Preview" and "Send" there should be a box that says Options, like the polls, if it has a on the far right of the box that says Options click it to pop-out the Options. Then you simply select what kind of post you want it to be. How to change text color: This is actually quite easy, just highlight the text you want to change the color of and go up to the button with a bunch of colored sqares and select what color you want the text you just highlinghted to be, if you want to have the color be something as you type, just click the button and select the color you want to type, to go back to White simply select "White" after you click the button again. How to use Bold, Italic, and Underline: To type in Bold, Italic, and Underline text, press the B button for bold text, the I button for Italic, and the U button for Underline. How to use Emoticons (smiles and such) When you go to post, click on any of the viriaty of Emoticons on the left of the text box to add them. :D The rest of the buttons I usually don't use so if you know how to use them do so but I can't explain any more options. Profile Options: These are your personal profile options, you can edit these to your hearts desire, but there are three options I would like to point out. The first one is Forum Signatures, many people seem to wonder how we make it so it puts our Gamertag/Halo3 Stats after our posts, the signature is what that is, you can use html code to make these work. Recommended Sites to get Forum Signatures from: Battle Record HaloTech MyGamercard.net Editing your Profile: To edit your Profile, go up to Profile at the top of the screen under the banner. Your Avatar is your picture for your account and your signature is for forum posts. Make sure the option "Always attatch my signature" in the Preferences is set to "yes" when using a Signature. HTML Codes: Link- (Sandwitch the url imbetween those two codes. Named Link (Like click here, here being the link.) Example using here- (url goes after = and linking text between ]and[ Image: Flash: [flash]flash code here[/flash] Embed: [embed]embed code here[/embed] Youtube Videos: [youtube]Video embed code from Youtube here[/youtube] Also, the a/A button activates/deativates HTML, so if it is glowing red, press it to Activate HTML, if you want to just post the Embed code for peope to use, use the Code Display button (Buton with a Piece of paper with <> in front of it) to display the code. As a final note, please set your Screen Resolution so that you can fully view the Portal page without having to use the left and right scrollers for the best expierience on the site. You can do this by right-clicking your Desktop Wallpaper, selecting "Properties", going to the "Settings" tab when the new screen comes up, and using the Slider. Note: Higher Numbers = Smaller. If you have any additional questions please let me know! Thanks for coming to the Forum! Hope this helps! :D
I know, usually copy/paste works on Avatars too somehow, but it didn't work here. Sorry for that and thank you for putting this in the correct place.
People keep asking me where I get them, so I made a post on my site, A few may not work here on kh-vids because the maximum file size for Avatars here is smaller. I cannot post the pics without doing all I did there over again, so use the link below, instructions are on the post. NO ADVERTISING [This is a Copy/Paste of the post I made in the General Chat, if the Mods haven't deleted it yet feel free to now, my apologiies on that.]
Yeah, I was thinking of posting it in the help forum but I was't sure if that was made for members to post in unless they need help and I am giving it, I think I will put it in the free-chat so Mods you can delete this if you want.
People keep asking me where I get them, so I made a post on my site, A few may not work here on kh-vids because the maximum file size for Avatars here is smaller. I cannot post the pics without doing all I did there over again, so use the link below, instructions are on the post. [NO ADVERTISING] Make your .gifs here
Pie! No Cake! No Ice Cream! Pudding!? Cheese!? Lalalalaalalalalala I Want A Cookie, No Idemand It! I Am An All Caps Noob, Woohoo!
I know someone will, here are mine: Player#1 Player#2 Player#3
It was uploaded to the Video Portal sucessfully, click here. Oh, and I will look into the song the guy with the Death Note Avatar mentioned. SCREW YOU MADIYASHA! THAT IS NOT GOING IN MY PLAYLIST! (oww, my ears still bleed)
This was made for my site. The order runs like this: Featued Song comes first, then we run through some Rock Music, then Techno Music (Most are by Basshunter for he is the king of Techno Songs) then a bit more Rock. There are random funny tracks thrown in too, such as Numa Numa, Cotton Eyed Joe, and the PP you love it. Hope you like it! <div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;"> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="435" height="270" data="http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/mp3player-othersite.swf?config=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/config/config_black_noautostart.xml&mywidth=435&myheight=270&playlist_url=http://www.musicplaylist.net/loadplaylist.php?playlist=32438571"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#e8e8e8"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/mp3player-othersite.swf?config=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/config/config_black_noautostart.xml&mywidth=435&myheight=270&playlist_url=http://www.musicplaylist.net/loadplaylist.php?playlist=32438571"> </object> <BR><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.net><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/images/create_black.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.net/standalone/32438571 target=_blank><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/images/launch_black.jpg border=0></a><a href=http://www.musicplaylist.net/download/32438571><img src=http://www.musicplaylist.net/mc/images/get_black.jpg border=0></a> </div> Ok... that was an Epic Fail for me guys, gues that code won't work here, weird all codes work anywhere on my site... anyways, I will try this again in the user portal but I'm not sure if it will allow .mp3 format, I may need to convert it to .flv format first.
Ok, I'm sure he will give me an Ok, and I see you like Megaman-Zero I beat them all, except the ones on the DS.