thats very good news
im thinking eather what do you like most and or is there something that you can use all your things at once or at least half of them?
hey long time no see im doing good how about you?
you dont have any ideas?
hehehe fishys man that seems so long a go now (sorry i havnt been on)
yea thats for sure im all ready almost done with my first have of my Jr. year
ahh the life of a gammer it feels good but i cant pick up my controller now in days the books keep calling me over and over again till i pass out :T high school sucks
and i failed to get any downlodes this week end
cool i look forword to seeing what you come up with
yea i know what you mean but in the long run its worth it i'll have to do it this week end if i find some time till then im out of commision and its suckkkkssss (that and i procrastinat as well so lets hope i get it done :))
ahhh thats sucks big time hate when they do that
yea i know how you feel the other day i was cleaning some stuff and deleted every last kh video i made and use for making them and i had every vid that was avable from this site
yea i started off looking at what you gave me then one thing led to another and i ended up here some how im going to use ven terra and aqua as the protectors and little as well as khI sora kiria and riku as the protected
older or younger sister?
dont be sorry its fine no real harm done but that still leaves the point of hoping they dont scrow over the remake
blah that sounds suckish did you deserve it?
thats intersting i watched a few eps of buffy it was pretty good i hope the remake is not sucky
never heard of eather of them but it does interest me
i've been doing alot of school work, what abour you?
school mainly, u?