well, the death blow one's are joker codes press the L1 or L2 button to instantly kill someone. correct me if im wrong, try 'em out!
no, cant change moveset for this game,(even though they did it for kingdom hearts 1 & 2) even if it's possible it would take alot of time. anyone else know any codes?
here it is: CODEBREAKER infinite form 806AA9BA F26E66D1 RAW infinite form 201A03B0 46000306
LOL they all work too. I'll try to find some more gonna try to find infinite blast gauge, took me along time to find those.
heres two more you might wanna have: Max Ryo (use with infinite ryo) 5X5G-69V3-VKTYT 7PJR-J91P-W1FB8 Infinite Time EWBC-UHYF-PCDTT WF8Z-5WZ3-FDVRV
heres some i found P1 Press L1+Select For Death Blow P2 DHW0-638N-VUDCQ PFT9-FWB2-2152A M1XM-EM1D-V4Z93 YUA2-R8DJ-CPMP6 ZUXF-Q4MY-DNA4R 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 T473-JUUM-KA2J2 NTW6-B7V9-ZCRDG P1 Press L2+Select For Death Blow P1 A47Z-63VW-MVT83 6PKJ-VCP9-DBM5P BM2D-UFF5-QWY2Y 2XXV-D5V1-W4YEQ 1VBD-0XUE-CRCC8 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 T473-JUUM-KA2J2 F27W-GHG3-4EQGC Infinite Health P1 9NCR-JDEF-1A67P 8TBR-0N27-3F83Z 2XXV-D5V1-W4YEQ 1VBD-0XUE-CRCC8 No Health P1 PH1E-JTW9-3P81A BM2D-UFF5-QWY2Y 2XXV-D5V1-W4YEQ 1VBD-0XUE-CRCC8 1-Hit Death P1 0BYZ-130M-V6M9W 9QG5-CGD4-VUJTM 2XXV-D5V1-W4YEQ 1VBD-0XUE-CRCC8 Infinite Ki P1 B3A1-RT2B-7ZZQ6 BZ9Z-7F8D-THKQX 4ETP-6CDE-YCDEM PABN-33E0-QXHCQ No Ki P1 PM4M-X0Z2-ZC5BV RWE7-Y4U6-DYDPQ 4ETP-6CDE-YCDEM PABN-33E0-QXHCQ Max Energy P1 Z1NJ-45Y2-HAK2U PP1V-FYPZ-E6HUZ 8EMY-FHPT-00JJH F75F-YDV2-0D4UQ No Energy P1 R0BP-8RJ9-XEUGV FDFF-J826-G3XQF 8EMY-FHPT-00JJH F75F-YDV2-0D4UQ Infinite Health P2 GTZR-DTF1-GE0XH JQBC-GFV5-JM8V2 YUA2-R8DJ-CPMP6 ZUXF-Q4MY-DNA4R No Health P2 3J6E-HYE1-35Q6U M1XM-EM1D-V4Z93 YUA2-R8DJ-CPMP6 ZUXF-Q4MY-DNA4R 1-Hit Death P2 2PF6-DN4Q-75ZJ7 JPN0-GVZG-YBCP1 YUA2-R8DJ-CPMP6 ZUXF-Q4MY-DNA4R Infinite Ki P2 6V5H-TH6J-3V8BZ QH47-P204-FNF0X XA1M-4E20-UUC4N 98QH-F1QQ-PN82V No Ki P2 BE79-2URG-DPMEZ BDB2-6QTR-M2EZR XA1M-4E20-UUC4N 98QH-F1QQ-PN82V Max Energy P2 XRB2-770A-ZYHDV C53U-49YB-Y4AQY XF93-T4FM-MQCQM 51H2-KQ8Q-CCZ0N No Energy P2 XTGV-AAYA-0NKE1 RA5U-K2MC-3Z854 XF93-T4FM-MQCQM 51H2-KQ8Q-CCZ0N Infinite Ki Usage (Both Players) YYQT-UEX9-BDV7J WHXR-EBDD-KM6YF Unlock All Ultimate Battle Z Courses T9NJ-6QPV-3EGWR D5QG-F2AH-CG7UV 3T27-20DC-JXYZR Infinite Zeni 0R6J-TKX0-JY577 HHZR-QJJ7-VMMRF Max Zeni NTTM-YP7P-8JC62 K561-B4R3-ATX6W All Secret Type Z Items (all characters) 7WNV-GXKU-6TJR8 KZ5W-0ZBC-PPKWW DWC7-BZ32-D04ZT
question i'm new with this emulator stuff so why does the emulator always have better codes that are compatible why cant we use the ones erkansilk posted? pm me with the answer if you like
i don't think thats possible, well for a emulator its possible (i think)
no prob. dude here 2 help
yeah i know their not codebreaker i converted them.
Infinite Time 76038080 00000000 204ED754 00000063 Infinite Health P1 760F4C60 00000000 204B5F24 43700000 75% Health P1 760C0B90 00000000 D04B5F26 00004370 204B5F24 43340000 50% Health P1 7604C3A0 00000000 D04B5F26 00004370 204B5F24 42F00000 25% Health P1 76077600 00000000 D04B5F26 00004370 204B5F24 42700000 No Health P1 760D98E0 00000000 204B5F24 00000000 1-Hit Death P1 760EFC10 00000000 D04B5F26 00004370 204B5F24 3F800000 Infinite Health P2 76060C90 00000000 204D36A4 43700000 75% Health P2 76011070 00000000 D04D36A6 00004370 204D36A4 43340000 50% Health P2 7609D840 00000000 D04D36A6 00004370 204D36A4 42F00000 25% Health P2 760A6DE0 00000000 D04D36A6 00004370 204D36A4 42700000 No Health P2 7604D810 00000000 204D36A4 00000000 1-Hit Death P2 7603E7F0 00000000 D04D36A6 00004370 204D36A4 3F800000 P1 Starts With 1 Match Win 76061390 00000000 D04B5EFC 00000000 104B5EFC 00000001 P1 Starts With 2 Match Wins 760515A0 00000000 D04B5EFC 00000000 104B5EFC 00000002 P1 Never Wins 760EF3D0 00000000 104B5EFC 00000000 P2 Starts With 1 Match Win 7608E460 00000000 D04D367C 00000000 104D367C 00000001 P2 Starts With 2 Match Wins 760BE250 00000000 D04D367C 00000000 104D367C 00000002 P2 Never Wins 7603E920 00000000 104D367C 00000000 Hit Anywhere P1/P2 Cant Hit P1 760506B0 00000000 201D89E4 32250080 201D89E8 10A00064 Hit Anywhere P2/P1 Cant Hit P2 7609A9A0 00000000 201D89E4 32250080 201D89E8 14A00064 Hit Anywhere 76003FA0 00000000 201D89E8 00000000 Unlock All Characters 760207D0 00000000 40504118 00050001 667CF6E0 00000000 114DE032 0CA56646 Unlock All Modes 76018310 00000000 0050413D 00000066 1050413E 00006666 20504140 66666666 20504144 66666666 10504148 00006666 Unlock All Weapons 760EDA30 00000000 0050414D 00000066 1050414E 00006666 40504150 00260001 667CF6E0 00000000 Unlock All Art Gallery 76060900 00000000 594DE017 0CA57A46 405041E8 00240001 667CF6E0 00000000 114D0829 0CA56646 Unlock All Movies 760ED530 00000000 1050427A 00006666 1050427C 00006666 Unlock All Exhibition Theater 7604B690 00000000 1050427E 00006666 20504280 66666666 20504284 66666666 10504288 00006666 0050428A 00000066 Unlock All Character Profiles 76099750 00000000 40504290 00030001 667CF6E0 00000000 114D0846 0CA56646 Unlock All Single Player-Soul Arena Missions 76006090 00000000 10504386 00006666 40504388 00060001 667CF6E0 00000000 Unlock All Armor 760A2EC0 00000000 FC4DA6EB 0C0B7A56 667CF6E0 00000000 Unlock Everything 76035AB0 00000000 FC4DE02D 026C7A56 667CF6E0 00000000 Infinite Gold 760A9180 00000000 112C8B39 0CA5883E Max Gold 7607EDB0 00000000 204ED894 0098967F Buying Items Doesnt Decrease Gold 76093360 00000000 2038E698 00000000 Buying Items Increases Gold 7606DA70 00000000 2038E68C 00431021 All Items Cost $0 760CEDF0 00000000 200C0220 24060001 200C0224 03E00008 200C0228 ACE60010 2038F2B0 0C030088 here these were at cmgsccc.com
soul Calibur III nstc plz
Cheat Planet Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not asking 4 any but what does the gray mean and what does the green bar mean, when u go to your user cp?
codes i found these for naruto ultimate ninja 2: these aren't my codes btw Master Code game id:0123 JZ8Q-QYCA-DZRX0 6JKF-T681-FDVJ2 Gain Max Money from Winning Handstand race with Guy X2V9-94ZQ-QAG82 N4X7-55NX-W21Q2 6UZJ-KJ6P-V2T0M Buying items doesn't decrease money (still need correct amount but it won't go down) DME3-1X8R-KM9K6 Z2YN-W506-9ZB5A Buying Items= Gaining Money P4Z3-PC3E-MTN0P WH3F-UR4D-VMTZV Infinite Item Usage P1NH-YBF5-M6JEB KPAC-Y21B-340GT Max Infinite Item Usage ZZTC-BZ4K-825FW K3UP-YMVW-K442X Extra Items 763Q-WJWG-E9TUT 2VEU-UWQ4-YQ9BU Infinite Chakra P1 P2RM-9B8Q-RJTC1 7CGN-H6ND-2N7EQ HAP9-U90Q-3ECDJ 0GUX-TCYM-Y68H0 72V2-3HG2-JXACT 15PM-MFX8-FPQWK Infinite Health P1 YMNP-V71M-B2MCY KWGU-6PQ0-XWQ4D PEVD-QN9Y-A6HMY E5Y1-NUQU-9T5CC Y2N9-EUCT-R5DKU 2BXE-AAP1-U8NQ0 Infinite Special P1 CNU9-62KQ-8HGKZ 7CGN-H6MD-2N7EQ HAP9-U90Q-3ECDJ 0GUX-TCYM-Y68H0 72V2-3HG2-JXACT 15PM-MFX8-FPQWK Infinite Ryo 86AU-B0VZ-XTU2U FK30-H09A-QWY96
I've got it: Press R2 While Walking Into Mickey's throne Room Station Of Serenity D035B55C 0000FDFF 1033E830 00001512 2019089C 00000000 Destiny Island: The Main Road D035B55C 0000FDFF 1033E830 00000103 2019089C 00000000 Destiny Island: Main Island: Shore D035B55C 0000FDFF 1033E830 00000203 2019089C 00000000 Where Nothing Gathers D035B55C 0000FDFF 1033E830 00000012 2019089C 00000000
"oh i have been searching for that code forever does anyone have it, or can someone make it" -razor234 do you have a codebreaker cuz i can attempt to make some codes. if you do, you can make a game dump 4 me and i can look into it. (i guess)lol
thanks but those r from code junkies, i get those automatically when i upload a new code list but I'll give u rep 4 helping! I'm looking 4 the code to play as god okami, the one with weird white tentacles looking thingys...lol
OK thank you do you think you can share the game dump with me?
could you change the colors of forms? like a dark purple wisdom form!that would be awesome. or a black aura on the final form! that would be cool too.