can u convert it 2 ar max? electricity mod
can u please take off the spoiler 4 the electricity mod, i use my ps3 4 internet.
2037eb1c 3f000000 - Electricity mod somebody convert this to ar max if its possible could you put alot of electricity to the model? thnx
hey hackers!!!!! i've got a question. would you beable to make kingdom hearts into a two player game? like the 3/4 sora fix for example, you control one and your buddy controls the other.
is their a code to regenerate any character, possibly reverse jokered. like if you were fighting sephy and he was almost dead is their a code to regenerate his health so you can fight him still?
would it be possible to make a short-cut modifier work for any enemy? maybe a different code.
i ment more than one keyblade like 3-4 or more. it sounds impossible though. he could hold 2 in his hands and 2 floating probably, right? that would be awesome.
is their a code that allow's sora to have 2 or more keyblades? probably have to have the floating keyblade code too.
hey, where do i open the dump file? i'm new to this hacking stuff so how do i open it, it says: open from address: load from:
whats a "DMA"?
well i used some other ones and they either froze or didn't work. so which one's do you guys use that work
are u hacking any other games? and can you send me a link of that through this website: just upload it there and i'll recieve it.
sorry it took so long, here they are Shortcut Modifier (For L1 shortcut menu) O 10340E60 00000022 - Cyclone /\ 10340E62 0000012C - Rising Sun would these work alright, just push L1 and o and it should do cyclone right? cause i tried doing master hearts as a shortcut mod and it froze on me instantly!
does anyone know which shortcut modifier works best and how to use them? sorry to interupt but would someone be kind enough to answer my question?
do have any dumps for kh2? i'm learning to hack too. :)
does anyone know which shortcut modifier works best and how to use them?
sry my bad it looked like it t-stances in the air though, you have to admit it. EDIT: he t-stances when he does aerial recovery because he's not programed to execute that particular ability.
??? no, t-stance look on 0:50 in the video. someone who knows about hacking answer, please.
to sora101 when does auron T-Stance? when you jump???