The music is a big part for the whole saddness in KH, But it's no the "saddest thing" about KH. In my opinion, It just helps to get the story, or the scene, a very deep and tragical touch.
I really hated atlantica in the second game. It was such a waste of time.
I dont care actually, but I prefer his long hair in KH 2. It fits to his personality a lot better.
okay. I can't stop jumping. the news is so awesome Q__Q Edit: Ok.. KHinsider says it's only a prank.. maaan I was so happy about this.. you totaly got me :(
Maybe Sora will die. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that he will die for real, but maybe just 'fade away'. Remember this part of one poem: All worlds share the same sky. One sky, one destiny. I don't think SE chose those lines by accident. So if some of you may know, sora is the japanese word for 'sky' . And the meaning for world could be 'story'. If we replace the words like this; you'll see pretty clear how I got to this conclusion about Sora dying: All stories share the same Sora. One Sora. One destiny. I know this sounds pretty weird but if you think about it it's pretty logicaly I think. Ever Story/Game has someone Sora-related in it. (Roxas, Xion, Ventus, Vanitas) And they all share the same fate. They all die (Xion) or disapear(Vanitas) or fade away (Roxas, Ven). So if Sora shares the same destiny as all his related ones, it means that he will fade away or die as well. What do you mean about that? I was wondering about this a while ago.. but I don't know if this topic really deserves an own thread :D
Demyx was the hardes boss I've ever beaten in the whole KH series :D
Ooooh I love quotes !! So here're my favourites: "The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes." "Darkness falls into Light, Light falls into Darkness." “Although my heart may be weak, it’s not alone. It’s grown with each new experience. And it’s found a home with all the friends I’ve made. I’ve become a part of their heart, just as they’ve become a part of mine… I don’t need a weapon. My friends are my power!” "I wanted to see [him]. He was the only one I liked. He made me feel like I had a heart." "We've got something in common, [...]. We both miss someone we care about." "The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down there's a light that never goes out. I know, without a doubt, Kingdom light!" "This world is perfect for me. If this is what the world really is, just this, then maybe I should fade back into the darkness." "You've poured so many memories into me that I feel like I'm about to overflow." "One who knows nothing, can understand nothing." “If you have a dream, don't wait. Act.“ „You’re the biggest of Roxas‘ memories.“ (from the KH Novel Axel: Seven days) "The worlds are made of light and darkness. You can't have one without the other" "We may never see each other again... but we'll always remember each other..." "Even at a place, that sunlight can't reach, and where one can't be sure, if time is actually moving, there's a morning." (from the KH novel as well)
Haha thank you :D I guess I am.
Terra, Aqua and Ven. But only because they all use and fight with a keyblade constantly. The other 2... well I don't know. I don't like Kairi to be called a Keyblade owner 'cause she rarely use one... The same is for Axel. He only uses a Keyblade in DDD and not when he's with Roxas or Xion. If you had asked,which of these 3 trios I do prefer... I would say Axel Roxas and Xion because they're my favourite characters in KH all the way.
We had an exchange student in my class for about 3 months and he has been from chile. When he recognized my notebook for school (which is full of KH and FF images) we had a nice chat about those games. I was really fascinated, and I still am, that I got to know a person of the other side of the world who shares the same interests like me. But well.. in my class, at least half of the people do play games. Not everyone is interested into KH nor FF but they sure know about it. :)
thanks for all of your answers ! I'm happy to hear about this news, I hope the game will come out soon, so no game's left until KH 3 .. of course, I want it to come out soon because of the game itself, too. (KH2 in HD for ps3, a true-coming dream >.< <3)
Ok. Lots of answers made me laugh so hard :D first of all, Love is Love. Gender doesn't matter, really. when I read some posts which say that SE would use male love for earning more money because of the huge yaoi fandom, I'm really just about to leave the KH fandom. I can't understand yaoi or yuri fangirls/boys as well as yaoi or yuri haters. I do like a pairing because of their story they share and their romantical connection. So, and If you think about that for a while, you'll come to the same opinion as me. It's totally fine if Sora loves Riku. or if Sora loves Kairi. all that matters is, if they share romantical feelings or not. This was something I had wanted to say for such a long time. really. And with this knowledge in mind, back to the actual topic: As SE said, they won't tell any further information about pairings because they want the fandom to create their own pairings, or to think about who loves whom, by theirselves. That's why there is so much potential and intimations for kinda every pairing in the series. It's logical that Sora doesn't have any romantical feelings for Roxas, in fact that Roxas and Sora are the same person. I don't think that Sora has any romantical feelings for Naminé as well. They just don't know each other that good and they don't share any special moments with each other. But I do think, well it's pretty cannon, that Kairi and Sora are having romantical feelings for each other. I think I don't have to explain why, you can just see it in the games that they're both feeling closer than friends. But also, I think it's a bit difficult with Riku. They're friends. Best friends. But would you, as Riku did, travel around the world, set darkness free in you, risk your life, and so on and so on just to rescue your friend? It might sound hard to tell, (but yes, I would risk nearly everything for my best friend), but all the trouble Riku went through is much more than an ordinary human could handle. And you can't tell me that Riku is just a very kind person and that's the only reason he got through all of this, voluntarily. But I really don't know.. if Riku just has a very close friendship to Sora, or has any closer feelings. But for Sora instead, I think he only sees Riku as a kind of older brother or simmilar. Why you ask? Well.. I don't know. Maybe because I think that Sora truly loves Kairi and also, because Sora is just that type of person... It's only speculating what I do now.. and I want to end this monologue now.. haha :D I think speculating is the only thing we can do as long as SE doesn't spread any official information about the pairings in KH. But I think we could all agree with the fact that Sora doesn't have any romantical interesst in Naminé nor Roxas.
In fact that I didn't find any thread about it, I decided to post a new one. (I'm sorry if any simmilar thread exists and I created this one though ><) So, I don't know if there is any official information about this game out there by now, that's why I wanted to ask you about it. Whenever I'm visiting some KH related websites, I often read something about a game called "KH 2.5 HD Remix" which shall be a HD remake of KH 2 Final mix + (and maybe bbs, or well I dunno actually) Is that only simple rumours in our fandom or are there any official information about it? I kinda think such a HD remake is pretty conclusive, because of KH 1.5 hd remix and of KH 3... but well as I already mentioned I really don't know. I hope we can share some information here.
I'm also interested in this project.. I'll definitely watch it when it comes out.
Who did you feel worse for at the end, Roxas or Axel? - I think I felt worse for Axel, but I felt bad for Roxas as well. It was just like uhm,... Roxas somehow had a motivation to go on, a new goal when he left the organization, but Axel didn't. He just lost everything he had gained so far and everything just got back to normal as it was before Roxas and Xion joined the organization. Maybe even worse. Did Xion bug the hell out of you (because she did me)? - Of course not! Xion is one of my favourite characters and I appreciate her very much. I felt somehow really sorry for her actually. It's sad how fate was that much against Xion(, Roxas and Axel). Are there any other worlds you wish were in KH 358/2 Days? - Travers Town maybe! But actually my favourite worlds where in ! Who is your least favorite Organization member (not from the C.O. crew, a lot of people hate them)? - I don't know... maybe Xaldin? xD.. Was Xion an easy or hard boss? - I think she was kinda normal, not that hard but not that easy. Did you want the game to continue after Roxas was inside the other Twilight Town? - No. I don't think that would have made sense any longer. The game was most of the time built up on the friendship of Axel, Roxas and Xion and it ended when the whole friendship was broken down. The end is very well chosen I think. Did you want the game to start sooner in the story? - In fact that I read the novels, there's no need for me to wish an earlier start in the story. Why do you think they only have one flavor of ice cream? - Axel introduced Roxas to seasaltice, didn't he? Maybe he introduced him to his one and only favourite flavor and Roxas and Xion hadn't ever known it otherwise? Why did Hayner, Pence, and Olette have bigger parts than King Mickey? - I think those 3 are much more important to Roxas and his feelings as King Mickey is. When Roxas is caged in that false twilight town, he also sees himself as a child hanging out with other children. Hayner, Pence and Olette could stand for a normal life outside the organization.
358/2 is definetely the saddest game. I never played BBs, so don't judge me if I'm wrong, but all endings of each Kingdom Hearts were like uhm.. somehow hopeful and kinda happy. But 358/2 was just sad and it made me really depressed for about a week after finishing it..
I prefer Xion a thousand times over Naminé. Xion has a more interesting and tragic story and I like her personality.
thank you :) so you're also german?
I can't understand how Xion X Roxas got the third place. I adore both Xion and Roxas as characters of the series, and they're both one of my favourite characters. But I've never seen a kind of romantical relationship between those two. Even so, they're actually the same person. You don't love yourself this way, do you? All the other pairings are more or less comprehensible to me. :) Hmm.. my favourite couple of the whole KH series is Axel X Roxas. Not in fact because I would be a crazy fangirl or something like that, so save your words haters.., it's just the way they treat each other.. how their shared past is like and so on. I think Axel and Roxas are the best and most authentic couple in the series, ( and not just because they're both male /./ ). ^^