Thanks for your suggestions :D Hmm,.... well I think I go with Kaowinx.. maybe .. well I don't know. There sould be an online generator for that.
Can't wait to play that game. XIII was my first FF and will always be one of my favourite games (close behind Kingdom Hearts as my favourite one)
BBS was kinda dark. Terras whole story was very sad and also how Aqua ended up in the final episode and the pain that occoured to Ven. Of course Days was also very sad, but not that "dark" I think. There's a difference between sadness and darkness in my opinion. Though, Xions Death was the saddest thing in the whole series. There are everywhere dark plots in KH, I can't choose a favourite one, but I like it that way. I like the whole sadness and darkness within Kingdom Hearts
Ah, I don't know where to put X in@@ Whether in my real name (Stefanie), nor in my Nickname (Nowaki).
No game is a waste at least. (Except of recoded maybe). Every sidegame is important for the whole story of KH and I'm interessted in all the plots and different characters. That's why I love KH.
I think people are pissed of all the sequels and so on.. and everyone just wants to get KH 3 already. (For myself, I love all the sidegames and also the HD remakes which are coming soon..) But I must pretend, when I'm at a convention, visiting all the stores and stuff, Kingdom Hearts merchandise is really really rar and I also barely see any KH cosplayer. At my last con, there were only about 5 KH cosplayer at the whole convention and that's pretty nothing. I think, just the hype is over and only "true" KH fans still stuck to the series. Well, that's all I can say about my country I live in, yet I still know lots of people who love KH the same way as I do.
I don't dislike Kairi, I just think she doesn't have a that important role in the series but tries to act as she would be important. I can't really take her seriously, 'cause she tends to appear only in dreams, memories or whenever she needs to be rescued. Also, I think SoKai is a pairing with much potential, which isn't that good developed in the series. Kairis relationship to Sora sometimes even annoys me. I think I would love this pairing if SE would take Soras and Kairis relationship for real, but in my opinion they just wanted "a girl for the hero", so there's Kairi. But I think romantical relationships aren't that important in KH actually. Where do we have any other couple? Nowhere, I think KH wants to show us how important friendship is and how important it is to fight for the people you love. That's all. And that's also a reason why I think, SoKai is kinda unrealistic.
Both bbs and Days are sad in some ways. There's no need to first "make them sad".
1. Travers Town 2. End of the World 3. Never land 4. Agrabah 5. Hollow Bastion 6. Olympus Coliseum 7. Atlantis 8. Halloween Town 9. Wonderland 10. Monstro 11. Deep Jungle
Since BBS was the only game I played on proud mode, it has been the hardest game for me to beat.
I can't decide. Really, I love them all. Sora, Riku, Roxas, Xion and Axel are my favourite of the whole series, but I can't and would never do a ranking list between those characters. They're all very dear to me and no matter how long and how hard I think about it, I just can't make a decision.
DDD. I've still didn't play it, but I watched the Opening and I was so touched, I really cried. It sums up all the previous games and it was a just an amazing feeling watching it.
A friend tried to get me into playing KH for about 2 years. I was just too busy to start playing and I wasn't that interessted actually. She only told me, Kingdom Hearts was her favourite game, and this game will turn you "magical" and stuff. So I was first a bit ... welll.. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to get "enchanted" by a game.. you know. (I still don't know why she chose those words to introduce me to KH). So after those 2 years, I visited a local game shop and found KH 1 for a very low price because it was second hand. On the spur of the moment I bought it because I wanted to play anything and didn't know what. I still was very suspicious if it was worth buying. All I can say is.. I didn't thought about KH that much. I was just to annoyed by my friend. But after playing it, I understood her soooooo much. xD KH got my favourite game ever. And I played all the games (except of DDD, but I'm about to start). :)
I have several KH wallscrolls in my bedroom and I use pretty often KH related images as a background for my smartphone or laptop. I was about to buy a necklade with a keyblade at a convention once, but I didn't 'cause it was quite expensive. Besides of the merchandise, I drew a painting of Axel, Roxas and Xion a while ago and I also own the KH Mangas. Oh, and my rington is also Hikari. Yeah, that's about it
I thought it's Axel. I read about it in an interview once where Nomura stated that when it comes to the personal story, it would be Axel who goes as his favourite character.
I 'd have 2 favourite keyblades of all time. First, the Keyblade Ventus got in radiant garden when he met Lea and Isa. And second, Roxas second Keyblade when he fought against Riku. These two have an awesome design and, except of the original Keyblade, they do stuck in my mind the best.
THIS so much ! I couldn't imagine anyone other in the whole world replacing Mickey in KH! I gained so much respect for him since I've played KH and whenever I see Mickey appearing in TV or so all I can think of is: "oh, the King." His role in KH really got stuck in my head.
Well... I think the game would be less childish but more mature. Maybe with a few more character-deaths or something. But KH without any disney characters is ways beyond my imaginary... The game's magic depends on everyone and everything, including the wonderful disney worlds and its characters. It just wouldn't be the same.
Ah... I can't decide between twilight town and travers town. Both are quite nice places to live in I think. Both cities seem a bit ordinary but still very unique and special and I like that somehow. But I think I would choose Twilight Town because of the beautiful sunset and the kinda nostalgic touch which seems to appear in the whole town.
I'm a huge fan of all the deep stories of all kingdom hearts games. I think I would rather be very disappointed about a game which doesn't focus on the story as much as the other do.