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  1. Nowaki
    Haha, well I wouldn't mind playing DDD HD Remix :'D Since DDD is the only game left which is not included in one of the two HD remixes, there could be the possibility of getting an own, single hd remix of it.
    But I don't know... I want KH 3 to be perfect and well developed but I wouldn't stand it if SE would take another Five thousand years of developing (like FF15)...
    Post by: Nowaki, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Nowaki
    Nomura once said, that his goal is to release one Kingdom Hearts game each year.
    So we got KH 1.5 HD Remix in 2013
    KH 2.5 HD Remix in 2014
    and well this would mean we'll get KH 3 in 2015.

    I'm also fine when it comes out only in 2016, because I want a good developed game rather than a game coming out fast, but I still believe we'll get KH 3 in 2015.
    Post by: Nowaki, Feb 2, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Nowaki
    I hope there will be an explanation soon, because I really want to know how they're made of, too.
    Post by: Nowaki, Feb 1, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Nowaki
    Aaah I don't know.. don't make me choose.
    I love both of them and their personalities are so different compared to each other that I just can't choose.
    Riku is more mature, what I like about him a lot. But in Sora's case, everyone's connected to him and he always cheers me up.
    I go for both of them.
    Post by: Nowaki, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Nowaki
    Oh, first I was so annoyed by Kairi. In my opinion, she was just this little-weak-Princess every boy wants to rescue because she can't take care of herself.
    But in the further games, I tried to accept her role and I did. I got to know more about her and it's kind of a shame that it needed so many games to finally sympathize with her.
    I think, most people only see her as the girl at Soras side who is weak and can't do anything by herself. If Nomura only gave her a more important role, or if he had shown more of her strength, I'm sure people would see her in a much better way and as a more important role in the whole series.
    She is important at all. We just don't recognize it because she's barely there in the games.

    Edit(26th January):
    I think I read an interview once, where Nomura stated that it's the intention of SE to create a lot of relationships where fans can interpret whether it's a romantic relationship or not. So we got Roxas and Axel, you can say they're best friends and Axel is like an older brother. But some interpret a much deeper relationship between both of them. Nomura said he don't want to clarify whose relationship is romantical and whose not because he wants fans to think about it and make up their own minds.
    Post by: Nowaki, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Nowaki
    I think it's to late for SE to put Frozen into Kingdom Hearts 3. But maybe we will find this world in further games, who knows
    Post by: Nowaki, Jan 15, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Nowaki
    1. Lea's and Isa's reunion.
    I want to know all about Isa's and Lea's past and how Isa ended up being one of Xehanorts vessels.

    2. More mature and realistic content, and more darkness!
    KDH has a lot of darkness in it, but I want more, I want a serious and thrilling final for the series with an ending that makes me cry.

    3. Showing "passed-away" Characters in memories, thoughts or even bringing them back (as for Roxas, Xion maybe...) but please, with a logical solution.

    4. Seeing all the characters doing their very best until the very end.
    I want to see more hope, more drama more power.

    5. A clear and realistic relationship between Kairi and Sora.
    I think you all know what I mean.

    6. More playable characters!
    I don't think it will happen, but choosing a party where you can decide who your leader is, this would be awesome.

    7. A touching story with a sensible ending without any questions being left.

    8. More powerful Keyblades with much detail and a beautiful design.

    9. Lots of treasures and other things to find in the game, maybe some quests as well.

    10. An amazing soundtrack, beautiful locations and disney worlds and a lot to explore!
    Post by: Nowaki, Oct 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Nowaki
    Made my day :D

    I look forward to her new song, it will surely bring all the magic back she put in her songs before :)
    Post by: Nowaki, Oct 18, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Nowaki
    I am as well a bit confused about the sense of this thread..
    but anyway, I on't know who will be the better wielder.

    Personally I go for Lea, because he has much more experience in combat than Kairi but I somehow think that Kairi will end up as the stronger one of both because she got all that "Princess of Heart" thing and so on.
    Post by: Nowaki, Aug 22, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Nowaki
    So I just finished the game yesterday and I really like how it ended.
    The final boss was a very sad battle,
    Maybe because it was Roxas...

    But the whole game was a waste when it comes to the story except of the last part
    where Naminé explains the whole connection-thing in Soras Heart and the part with Micky and so on

    But in the end, I could explain the whole important storyline of re:coded within 2 minutes without letting anything out.
    I think that's why people hate this game, it's kinda useless for the whole storyline of KH.
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Nowaki

    Browser Game? Did I miss something out? oo
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 18, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Nowaki
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Nowaki, Jun 17, 2013
  13. Nowaki
    I started watching shingeki no kyojin about a month ago. The first episode was kinda... irritating for me. I didn't know what to think about the anime because it is very different than any other anime I've watched before (and I've watched many). But after 'accepting' how different and unique the idea behind SNK was, I started loving it! I'm totaly addicted and I can't wait for saturday/sunday every week to watch the latest episode!
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Nowaki
    Name: Nichijou
    Genre: Comedy, Nonesense, Slice-of-life
    Episodes: 26 (+ Episode '0' - OVA)
    Additional Comments: If you need great comedy without any sense, this anime is so much made for you!
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. Nowaki
    I was never that much intressted into xbox and since I was a child, I use to play on my playstation 1, 2 and now 3.
    As much as I love KH, I don't know if I would buy a xbox just for KH3. Well, KH IS my favourite game series, there's no deny, but I just dislike xbox one since I got all the information about it in the last days, so... GLAD I don't have to decide! I'll buy ps4 !
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Nowaki
    Ah, I definetly don't know.
    I think it's my third time trying to post something in this thread but I still didn't got any conclusion...

    I'm worried and always there for the people I care (and I can be very selflessly in that case) but on the other hand, I don't give a silly **** when it comes to people, well, I don't care about.
    I'm a very ambivalent person, I guess.. very conflicted. Each side of my characters has an equally valuable opposite side. So maybe I'm a bit like Riku?
    I think I also have much of Axels Character in me. I don't care about rules and stuff when it comes to my friends or, well, people who are closest to me.
    I can be as serious as him, but I'm also as silly and lazy as Demyx in some cases.

    So hmm... a mixture of Axel, Riku and Demyx could maybe describe my personality. But.. I really don't know.
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Nowaki
    I did it for completing the journal. for nothing else.
    Honestly, as much as I love KH2, Atlantica was just such a waste.
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Nowaki
    thanks :D
    Well, I think I know what I have to buy at the end of the year.. :D

    @Jadentheman: No, I think both HD remakes are only for ps3
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Nowaki
    Sorry, but maybe I got it wrong. Is KH 3 supposed to only come out on PS4? I thought I heard him saying for both, ps3 and ps4 or was it only versus?
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Nowaki
    I've just seen it.
    Gosh, I thought I was about to cry. My heart stopped when I realized it wasn't about KH 1.5
    Post by: Nowaki, Jun 10, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts