So I take it that i have to read the rules? again xD
[MARQUEE]~♥~Hello Everyone I'm Kaylee! ~♥~ [/MARQUEE]My name is Alex Kaylee lol I'm really hyper today D: I just got dome with finals so I have a whole summer to be lazy. xD Well the reason im here is so I can make friends and hopefully find some roleplaying buddy (I know your out there! im not the only person in this world with no life) I am in love with riku! XD he's my favorite character in all of kingdom hearts. (but he does piss me off some times >> oh well ) Anyways, just post away on this little thread of mine so I can become friends with joo! Thankies! P.S. Here's a pic for all the fangirls xD ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ haha moogle assistant thats great xD