[MARQUEE]Bare witness to the random dances of a drunken monkey [/MARQUEE] But no seriously guys monkeys and alcohol are a bad mix.
No thank-you toshi I like failing at life , i don't need any record under my belt to be content with my life. (no pun indented) But it was nice jabbering on and what not
Well yes, I know that but anyways. I'm off to find a different topic before i say something that might get my account frozen :locked2:
Oh yes that's why your here talking about how you bang women! please I can get more girls then you ever could and that my friends is coming from a girl :sigh:
No I'm still pretty Purky xD lol i just don't like rap. After all you cant spell the word crap with out it!
your mom = cardboard waffers lol j/k j/k
see heres the deal , im not into rap >>
yup yup I lub waffles and i do love don't trust me HOWEVER all their other songs are just ehhh
okay don't even this whole topic is one big mind F*ck
Never heard of harry the pot head? Terribbly sorry allow me to pay for the mind bleach.
zomg kaylee is lubbed! xD lol but yeah seriously guys. Stop, cause one day you'll talk about weather or not you like harry pussy and a girl like me will be there. And just to screw with your mind that girl will say something like. "I'm not a very picky eater" > : )
yes, I was going to be like. "Yeah their song Don't trust me is stuck in my head damnit!"(yes it's misspelled on purpose.) but I then started to think of waffles and I couldn't help but think to myself."Mmmmmm Waffles. I do lovers me some waffles. ":stupid:
lol don't feel bad, One of my friends in 6th grade asked me if orgasms taste like ranch dressing. It was awkward. I mean how the hell should I know!
^^ hay how do you get an avatar?
Hehehe As you can tell im obsessive over riku
Talking to you ^^ editing my profile ect. And You may call me Kaylee
Hi you. what up
lol Thank you famous. I am very bouncy flouncy fun fun fun fun fun!
[MARQUEE]~♪~Zomg it's Kaylee!~♪~[/MARQUEE] Okay So today im going to tell you a little about my self! Then you are going to tell me about yourself! But before I do let me justify why this is in the Spam/Playground zone! WE ARE PLAYING TAG!!. That's something you do on a playground! Well actually that isn't all that wise you see, you would fall and break your head open if you played tag on a playground, maybe around it though? But anyways, I'll tell you five interesting facts about me then you do the same! Please and thank you! 1. I like to sleep 8-12 hours a day. 2. my diet mainly contains chips and hot suace. 3. my favorite drink is orange soda. 4. I ♥ tapioca pudding 5. My name isn't really Kaylee Okay it's your turn now! Oh! Another pic for the fan girls! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥