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  1. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
  2. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    I think Luxlord is too hard, because on my second game, i'm losing to him all the time, due to my transformations to a card/dice
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    The true keyblade master, SORA!!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
  5. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Hmmmmm....... that would be cool, if they ever did something like that.
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2


    Hey roxas! follow the rules, post a lot, and have a fun time on!!!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Some really weird hard to pronounce name, i guess
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    uh........ the master of your body??
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    i want a sig!
    name: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    character: Riku!! (in KH2, fighting as an ally)
    Color: white
    Text: Oh yes, i am an emo child
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 26, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  10. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    i wonder why......... maybe because he didn't have a computer on the islands??
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    hi, Mariana!! post alot and and follow the rules!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Well, if Roxas still has a heart, why is he in Orginazation XIII??
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    How the heck can u catch rain?
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    A really big hello! I hope u like this web site. ps: view the videos!! they're Hilarious!!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    how is sora an idiot? i don't get it.............. and i think that Goofy was mre loyal in KH 1.
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    If there was a themed land at disneyland for KH 1 and 2, i'd scream, tell my mom, this is why i'm crazy about it, and i'd go on all the rides, take my picture with Riku over and over, and get tons of crap like that.
  17. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2

    Pixie Pop

    I hink pixie pop is one of the cutest manga's EVER!!!!:D for those peoples who don't know what Pixie Pop is, here's the story: this chick named Mayu asked this one guy, Shinya Amamiya, out, and got rejected. well, while she drinks this mysterious drink, a drink fairy pops up, gets mad, and explains that she was supposed to drink that drink to become an adult, but now that a human like her drank it, she now transforms when she drinks something. so now, example, if she drinks milk, she grows into a giant and so on. now, Mayu will need to use those drink powers to win the heart of Amamiya-kun, so that the drink fairy will become an adult from the ingridients that fall from a halo. verrrrrrry good story, right?
    Thread by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 21, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    me: this is a good story
    Roxas: yeah!!
    Barbossa: aye, but what is this imagination coming from?
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  19. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    WAIT!!!!!!! SEPHIROTH!!!!! Larxene said. i was looking for u! i just wanted to see u..........
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Wow! good job!! i'll never in my life time be able to draw Kairi like that!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics