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  1. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    I think, because of her dark skin, she could be related to Xehenort's heartless some how. that's just my theory, though. Nomura should tell us when these games come out.
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Someone who useally makes fun of you is trying to pull your leg by doing that. i maybe wrong.
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    If they don't have voice actors, except for the grunts and crap, like in CoM, i'm going to be soooo mad, because Super princess peach for ds doesn't have voice actors, as do in other portible games. it kinda stinks. but i'm getting off topic. Kingdom hearts 358/7 or whatever that number is better have voice actors.
    Thread by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 24, 2007, 28 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Well duh it's fake, cause it's for cell phones, not psp (i wish i had a psp)
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    EXCUSE ME?! there is a god up there and he's there to help us. maybe the evidance of evelution isn't true! i mean, how do we even evolve? do our features change over time and we then say POOF ur evolved? i believe that god put us down here! Christianity is my winner, although u people r thinking that you were once monkeys, all because we look/act like gorilla's and chimps!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    I think i was in 2nd grade when it happened. my mom thought it was new special f/x. and when were at school, everyone was all talking about it. now, six years later, i'm thinking, EGAD!!!! why in the world would anyone do such a thing. today, our school did nothing, exept a themed 9/11 K-JAG, which to me i thought was offencive, because of the title screen of the building dodging the plane, and it eas all animated and it kind of pissed me and a lot of other people off, because a lot of people died that day.
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    "Riku is a sexy guy" i was all like HA!!!!! TAKE THAT!! for some warped reason.
  8. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    if you are fighting opposite armor in KH, here's a tip: whenever you see a door, and you're fighting opposite armor and are low on supplies, go through the door. beilive it or not, you'll go through. i found that out on my second gameplay of this and i was like wow!!! try it sometime.
    Thread by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 8, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Ug, i hate those stupid shows. this is one reason i don't watch them. These are an example of Rich spoiled kids who don't know anything exept "i want". it makes me sick having to see a person on their 16th birthday and having everything they want, and then complain to their parents of every imperfection. to the people of the world who do that: IT'S JUST A MINOR IMPERFECTION!!! you don't know how much trouble your parents put into that! and you whine to them about a scratch on the door that can be easily be painted over. your parents feel guilty and think that they are bad parents because of that. i may be 13, but still, i just know that life isn't fair, and no one always get's what they want.
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Nice one!!!!!! :-D
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Wish granted, but it's got so many glitchs, that you have to start over everyday
    ok, i wish that i was Riku's girlfriend!!!!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    ok, here it goes:
    "Hannah montana and Zac Efron will be playing Sora and Kairi"
    "there will be a High School Musical world in KH3, and Sora will look like a gay person"
    BEAT THAT!!!!!!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    dude...... either u made it up, or you were hallucinating. that is not a real gitch. hell no. I WISH THAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME!!!!!!
  14. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Well, if they got the original nathan lane and matthew brodric _ did i spell that right? - it would cost a lot of moola. same goes for the pirates world. but i wish the replacements wouldn't sound like s***. it just kind of scars us for life, ya'know?
  15. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    omg! the voice acting sucked!!!! Elizabeth sound too girly, Barbossa sounded too rough, and Jack sounded like he had somthing in his nose that he couldn't get out. Will sounded like will (Great job, Crispen Freemen!) but the rest was crap. i understand tha the original actor couldn't make it, due to movie and hollywood stuff. but still, they've could of done a better job!
    Thread by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 1, 2007, 40 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2

    I am the

    uh... thats good to know....
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    don't blame youtube. it's those damn chain letters and porno S*** that no one reall gives a crap about unless you are a real pervert. ug, those make me sick!!!!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    Last year i didn't sell any. i was in 7th grade then and didn't realize that the munny was for an important cause like the annual beach blast and dances and other crap like that.
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  19. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    ah.... i've always missed the doug show and pepper ann and so weird... although i never got the point of So Weird...... but that would be nice to have those shows back and have ONE SATURDAY MORNING back. i've alway's liked the beginning of that...
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Aug 28, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  20. RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2
    seriously?! if there is a town it the world called riku, i am going to freak out!!!
    Post by: RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2, Aug 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone